116 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Organic Pig Production and risk analysis concerning Toxoplasma infection

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    A short written questionnaire was used to study certain characteristics of the organic pig production chain in The Netherlands and the circumstances on the farm that might play a role in the transmission of Toxoplasma infection to the pigs. Of the 81 certified organic slaughter pig farmers present in the Netherlands in 2006, 52 responded to the questionnaire (64 % response). The farms could be divided into two populations. One population was represented by small organic pig farms with a mean number of 55 slaughtered pigs per year. These farms covered 40% of the total number of investigated farms, but only represented 2.5 % of the total number of slaughtered pigs. The second population had a mean annual production of 1460 animals. Almost 95% of these animals are currently slaughtered and further distributed by the Vion Food Group (de Groene Weg). A small part of the pigs (4%) is directly delivered to a slaughter company in Germany (Thönes) and 1% is sold via farm home sales. For each farm an arbitrary Toxoplasma risk factor analysis was performed. Factors included the type of outdoor run (concrete or soil), feeding goat or sheep whey, number of cats, access of cats to outdoor run, stables and feed, rodent control and covering roughage fed to the animals. Calculation of the total risk score (summation of chance times severity scores for several factors) showed that many farmers already used management factors that decreased the risk for Toxoplasma infection. Analysis of a possible relation between risk score and farm size showed that a poor score was often seen on small farms. Because these farms mainly sell their meat in a frozen condition via home sales, this is not considered to represent a problem for food safety. Further research is needed to investigate whether the risk for Toxoplasma can be maintained via on farm prevention or whether a Toxoplasma monitoring program should be implemented at slaughter, possibly with post slaughter decontamination. The fact that a recent report by the RIVM on food related infections has concluded that Toxoplasmosis has a markedly higher disease burden than Campylobacter or Salmonella, emphasizes the priority this subject should be given on the research agenda

    Functionele agrobiodiversiteit : gebruik natuurlijke vijanden om plagen de baas te worden

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    In 2004 ging in de Hoeksche Waard het LTO-project Functionele Agrobiodiversiteit (FAB) van start. Het doel van dit project was om in een grootschalig agrarisch cultuurlandschap meer gebruik te maken van een hoge biologische diversiteit. Door deze diversiteit te realiseren, zouden ziekten en plagen op een natuurlijker wijze onderdrukt kunnen worden. Er moet dan wel een aanpassing in landschap plaatsvinden: in de ideale situatie zorgen in de winter houtige begroeiingen en middelhoge grasachtige vegetaties voor schuilplaatsen voor natuurlijke vijanden en in het groeiseizoen helpen kruidenrijke vegetaties met voldoende bloemen bij het voorzien in nectar en stuifmeel (voedsel voor o.a. zweefvliegen en sluipwespen). Het belangrijkste voordeel van FAB is dat boeren minder gewasbeschermingsmiddelen hoeven toe te passen op hun akkers. Dit komt ten goede aan hun portemonnee, maar levert ook een belangrijke bijdrage aan de verbetering van de kwaliteit van het oppervlaktewater. Dat het bevorderen van FAB daadwerkelijk leidt tot een vermindering van het bestrijdingsmiddelengebruik in het gebied staat nog niet onomstotelijk vas

    Kloof agrarische sector en groot publiek: feit of fictie?

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    Onze maatschappij is de afgelopen eeuw sterk veranderd. Waren vroeger boeren meer regel dan uitzondering, tegenwoordig is dat anders. Daardoor komen burgers steeds minder in contact met boeren en hebben zij niet of nauwelijks meer weet van wat op het boerenbedrijf precies speelt. Deze kloof van onwetendheid leidt tot een discrepantie tussen wat burgers denken dat zich afspeelt op het boerenbedrijf en wat daadwerkelijk daar gebeurt. Het debat over de veehouderij wordt nu dan ook grotendeels op basis van emotie gevoerd, en niet op basis van onderliggende feiten of waarden. In dit essay pleiten wij ervoor om deze kloof te dichten, zodat de kwaliteit van de discussie over de toekomst van de veehouderij kan verbeteren

    Waterberging De Run en knaagdieren: een risico?

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    Waterschap De Dommel heeft voor het milieueffect-rapport van waterberging De Run advies gevraagd omtrent de mogelijke effecten van ongedierte (ratten en muizen) in relatie tot de agrarische bedrijven. Het betreft het beekherstel- en waterbergingsgebied De Run in de buurt van Veldhoven

    The Changing role of agriculture in Dutch society

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    Dutch agriculture has undergone significant changes in the past century, similar to many countries in the European Union. Due to economies of scale and in order to remain economically profitable, it became necessary for farmers to increase farm size, efficiency and external inputs, while minimizing labour use per hectare. The latter has resulted in fewer people working in the agricultural sector. Consequently, Dutch society gradually lost its connection to agricultural production. This divergence resulted in a poor image for the agricultural sector, because of environmental pollution, homogenization of the landscape, outbreaks of contagious animal diseases and reduced animal welfare. Although the general attitude towards agriculture seems to have improved slightly in recent years, there is still a long way to go in regaining this trust. In order to keep the Dutch countryside viable, farmers are considered indispensable. However, their methods of production should match the demands of society in terms of sustainability. This applies both to farming systems that are used in a monofunctional way (production only) and to multifunctional farming systems. For researchers involved in development of these farming systems, this requires new capabilities; contrary to the situation in the past, citizens and stakeholder groups now demand involvement in the design of farming systems. In the current paper, it is suggested that, besides traditional mainstream agriculture, other alternative farming systems should be developed and implemented. Hence, Dutch agricultural research should remain focused on the cutting edge of economy and society. Despite all efforts, not all of these newly developed systems will acquire a position within the agricultural spectrum. However, some of the successful ones may prove extremely valuable

    Cats and Goat Whey Associated with Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Pigs

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    In organic livestock production systems, farm-management factors are thought to play an important role in the on-farm prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii. Serological results and the results of an HACCP analysis were combined to determine important risk factors for the prevalence of this protozoan parasite. Mathematical analysis demonstrated that feeding goat whey to pigs and the presence of a high number of cats were positively correlated to T. gondii seroprevalence in pigs. Not covering roughage and the farmers' assumption that pigs can come into contact with cat feces also showed a positive relationship. In order to decrease the risk of T. gondii infecting their pigs, farmers should limit the access and number of cats on their farms and refrain from feeding goat whey to their pigs


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    Surface water sanitation and biomass production in a large constructed wetland in the Netherlands

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    In Western-Europe, agricultural practices have contributed to environmental problems such as eutrophication of surface and ground water, flooding, drought and desiccation of surrounding natural habitats. Solutions that reduce the impact of these problems are urgently needed. Common reed (Phragmites australis) is capable of sanitizing surface water and may function as green energy source because of its high productivity. Here, the results of an experiment in a constructed wetland in the Netherlands are presented where two different sanitation treatments were compared. Depending on the residence time and volume per unit area, reed is capable to reduce the total amount of nitrogen in the water with average efficiencies from 32 to 47% and the total amount of phosphorous with 27–45%. Although biomass production still varies largely between different parts of the constructed wetland, a rapid increase in biomass was observed since planting. Constructed wetlands with reed provide opportunities to improve water quality and reed produces enough biomass to serve as green energy source. Moreover, these wetlands also function as a flood water reservoir and are possibly advantageous for biodiversity. The optimal moment of reed harvesting depends on the goal of the owner. This moment should be chosen wisely, as it may have consequences for reed filter regeneration, biomass production, biodiversity, methane emission and water sanitation efficiency
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