249 research outputs found

    Electroencephalogram Signalling diagnosis using Softcomputing

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    The two most frightening things for the researchers in clinical signal processing and computer aided diagnosis are noise and relativity of human judgment. The researchers made effort to overcome these two challenges by using various soft computing approaches. In this article the present benefits of these approaches in the accomplishment of the analysis of electroencephalogram (EEG) is acknowledge. There is also the presentation of the significance of several trend and prospects of further softcomputing methods that can produce better results in signal processing of EEG. Medical experts apply the different softcomputing techniques for disease diagnoses and decision making systems performed on brain actions and modeling of neural impulses of the human encephalon

    Study of Free Vibrations Of Visco-Elastic Square Plate Of Variable Thickness With Thermal Effect

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    Visco-elastic Square plates are widely used in various mechanical structures, aircrafts and industries. For a proper design of plate structures and efficient use of material, the behavior and strength characteristics of plates should be accurately determined. A mathematical model is presented for the use of engineers, technocrats and research workers in space technology, mechanical Sciences have to operate under elevated temperatures. Two dimensional thermal effects on frequency of free vibrations of a visco-elastic square plate of variable thickness are considered. In this paper, the thickness varies parabolically in both direction and thermal effect is varying linearly in one direction and parabolic in another direction. Rayleigh Ritz method is used to evaluate the fundamental frequencies. Both the modes of the frequency are calculated by the latest computational technique, MATLAB, for the various values of taper parameters and temperature gradient

    Study of Free Vibration of Visco-Elastic Square Plate of Variable Thickness with Thermal Effect

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    Visco-elastic Square plates are widely used in various mechanical structures, aircrafts and industries. For a proper design of plate structures and efficient use of material, the behavior and strength characteristics of plates should be accurately determined. A mathematical model is presented for the use of engineers, technocrats and research workers in space technology, mechanical Sciences have to operate under elevated temperatures. Two dimensional thermal effects on frequency of free vibrations of a visco-elastic square plate of variable thickness are considered. In this paper, the thickness varies parabolically in both direction and thermal effect is varying linearly in one direction and parabolic in another direction. Rayleigh Ritz method is used to evaluate the fundamental frequencies. Both the modes of the frequency are calculated by the latest computational technique, MATLAB, for the various values of taper parameters and temperature gradient

    Effect of blood culture reports on antibiotics use by physicians in septic patients of intensive care unit

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    Background: To limit the emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance, adjustments in the antibiotic regimen should be done according to the results of blood cultures as soon as they are available. This study was planned to determine the effect of blood culture and sensitivity tests on the antibiotics use in ICU patients of a tertiary care teaching hospital.Methods: This chart review retrospective study was carried out in ICU patients of a tertiary care teaching hospital. The data was collected from patients’ medical record file in a case record form which included patient’s demographic details, provisional diagnosis/or diagnosis, blood culture reports, and antimicrobial treatment (both the empiric treatment as well as the change made after the release of the blood culture results). The effect of blood culture results on antibiotic treatment was analysed.Results: A total of 245 patients were subjected to blood culture during the period of 6 months with an average of 40.8/month. 86 (35.1%) patients showed positive blood culture results, while 159 (64.9%) patients showed negative blood culture results. 55 patients discharged after the release of blood culture and sensitivity results. Antibiotic regimens were modified or changed in 26 (47.27%), and in 29 (52.72%) there was no modification. Most commonly used antibiotic after blood culture reports were meropenem (34.62%) followed by 11.54% of each teicoplanin, piperacillin+ tazobactum and tigecyclin.Conclusions: Blood culture reports help in management of critically ill patients if bacteria are resistant to previously used antibiotic, but do not help in narrowing the therapy in ICU patients.

    Role of saline infusion sonography in abnormal uterine bleeding

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    Background: To describe the diagnostic efficacy of Saline Infusion Sonography(SIS) in Abnormal Uterine Bleeding(AUB). Methods: This is a hospital based observational descriptive study conducted in 121 women visiting the OPD with complain of AUB in any form, between September 2011-August 2012. SIS was done using Crooke’s cannula followed by Diagnostic Hysteroscopy(DH) the following day. Results obtained were analysed.Results: 61% of the cases of AUB were diagnosed to have some abnormality by hysteroscopy as compared to 51 % by SIS. The sensitivity of SIS was greatest(100%) for Mullerian anomalies, 75% for endometrial hyperplasia, 69% for endometrial polyps, 68.75% for submucous myomas and 66.67% for endometritis. The specificity was greatestfor endometrial hyperplasia and adhesions(100%), 99% for submucous myomas, 98.3% for endometritis, 95.7% for endometrial polyps and mullerian anomalies. It had a 100% positive predictive value for endometrial hyperplasia, 92% and 83% for submucous myomas and endometrial polyps respectively. The overall sensitivity and specificity of SIS in our setting was67.56% and 93.6% respectively. The diagnostic efficacy of SIS for Endometrial hyperplasia, Endometritis, Endometrial Polyps, Mullerian abnormalities, Submucus fibroid and Adhesions was 96.69%, 97.53%,89.25%,95.86%,95.04% and 98.34% respectively.Conclusions: We found Saline Infusion Sonography to be an easy and safe procedure, though being less sensitive, it cannot replace hysteroscopy as a whole. Though hysteroscopy is a gold standard, saline infusion sonography is an easy, safe procedure for diagnosing intracavitary pathologies in low resource setting and despite being less sensitive, it can still reduce the number of hysteroscopies

    Effect of plant growth hormones and abiotic stresses on germination, growth and phosphatase activities in Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench seeds

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    Phosphatases are widely found in plants having intracellular and extracellular activities. Phosphatases are believed to be important for phosphorous scavenging and remobilization in plants, but its role in adaptation to abiotic stresses and growth hormones at germination level has not been critically evaluated. To address this issue, the effect of ABA, GA3, NaCl and drought on germination, growth, acid and alkaline phosphatases in sorghum embryos and endosperm was investigated. Germination decreased markedly under ABA, NaCl and drought treatments. Subsequently, a remarkable decrease in fresh weight and dry weight was observed in embryos under ABA and NaCl treatments, whereas a significant decrease in endosperm fresh weight was observed only under drought stress. However, no significant change in endosperm dry weight was observed under other any treatment. Furthermore, a considerable increase in acid phosphatse activity was observed in embryos under GA3 and NaCl treatments, however, alkaline phosphatase activity was substantially higher under all treatments. In endosperm, a significant increase in acid phosphatase activity was observed under ABA and NaCl treatments. Alkaline phosphatse activity was apparently higher under GA3. However, no substantial changes in acid or alkaline phosphatase activities were observed after drought treatments. These findings suggest that changes in the phosphatase enzymes might play important roles in adaptation of germinating seeds, to changing environmental conditions. Based upon these results, a possible physiological role of phosphatases in germinating sorghum seeds is discussed. Key words: Growth, sorghum, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol.3(6) 2004: 308-31

    Impact of health education on unmet needs of contraception in urban slums of Chandigarh, India

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    Background: Unmet need points to gap between some women reproductive intention and their contraceptive behavior. Unmet need for contraception is mainly attributed to lack of information, negative attitude, fear of adverse effects and social influences. The objective of this study was to investigate awareness and practice of contraceptive usage. And to estimate unmet need of contraception in the studied population and to identify the factors associated with it, and to evaluate impact of health education on unmet needs of contraception.Methods: A community-based longitudinal study was conducted in four randomly selected urban slum areas (colonies) of Chandigarh, India. A systematic two-stage random sample design was adopted.Results: Overall contraceptive awareness rates among women and men were increased from 84.1% to 96.3% and from 82.2% to 95.5% in post-interventional survey as compared to baseline survey. Contraceptive prevalence rates were found to be 57.3% and 65.5% respectively in pre interventional and post interventional surveys, against contraceptive awareness rates of 81.7% and 95.5% respectively, resulting in gaps between knowledge and practice to be unmet needs of contraception to the extents of 24.4% and 30.0% respectively in the two surveys.Conclusions: There is an urgent need of adopting some population specific integral strategies for changing social norms and attitudes of couples regarding reproductive issues, increase in contraceptives awareness as well as practice for reductions in unmet needs of contraception and unwanted/unplanned pregnancies

    Disseminated invasive aspergillosis in a prolonged stay in the intensive care unit

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    Aspergillus is a common cause of invasive mycosis, especially in immunocompromised individuals. We report the case of a 62-year-old male who was hospitalized after suffering severe physical injuries and died after few weeks of hospitalization. A medicolegal autopsy was conducted, and various organs were sent for histopathological examination of which heart, lungs, and kidneys showed extensive involvement by aspergillus. Thus, a diagnosis of disseminated invasive aspergillosis was made on autopsy, which itself is a rare entity. This case report illustrates a prolonged stay in the intensive care unit as a possible risk factor for the development of disseminated aspergillosi

    Orthodontic repositioning of traumatically intruded permanent incisors - A report of three cases

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    Intrusive luxation of permanent teeth is one of the most serious traumatic dental injuries involving damage to the gingival tissue, periodontal ligament, cementum, bone and to the neurovascular supply of the pulp. In addition to disruption of normal tooth development and eruption, it can also lead to pulpal necrosis, root resorption and marginal bone loss. Based on the extent/severity, intrusion maybe classified into mild (<3 mm), moderate (3-6mm) and severe (>6mm). Available techniques for managing intrusive luxation include a wait-and-watch approach to allow for spontaneous re-eruption, orthodontic traction and surgical repositioning. The type of treatment approach employed depends upon the stage of root development, severity of intrusive luxation and the presence or absence of alveolar fractures. It is difficult to predict reliable outcomes with these approaches, since the presence of variables such as the severity of intrusion, associated crown/root fracture, stage of root development and presence of alveolar fractures may alter the prognosis. The present article presents a series of three cases with intrusive luxation of permanent incisors successfully treated using an interdisciplinary approach involving orthodontic traction along with endodontic rehabilitation

    Posterior segment manifestations in human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients in rural population of central india

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    Background: Ocular manifestations of HIV infections are common in the developing countries with lacking data in rural areas. The aim of study was to assess the prevalence of ophthalmic manifestations among HIV infected individuals in rural population and to find the relationship between CD4 count and ocular manifestations among these individuals.Methods: Authors have included 400 HIV patients of age more than 15 years that were registered in ART center of our institute. Ocular examination was done with slit lamp biomicroscope and indirect ophthalmoscope. Blood sample was sent for CD4 count analysis.Results: The mean age of patients ware 31.9±9.3 years, the ocular manifestations were more commonly found in the age group 25-35 years. 51 % were males and 49% were females. Most common mode of transmission was heterosexual contact (51%).55 % patients had CD4 count >150 cell/cumm. Cotton wool spots (36%) and intra-retinal haemorrhages (32%) was most common posterior segment findings followed by ocular toxoplasmosis (13%), CMV retinitis (10%), acute retinal necrosis (3 %).Conclusions: The prevalence of ocular manifestations in HIV patients is high and is a burden for our society, authors recommend screening of all the HIV patients to detect any vision threatening ocular lesions at the earliest
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