61 research outputs found

    Mechanical And Physical Properties Of Steel Fiber Secure Self-Compacting Bituminous Concrete Mix With Structural Elements.

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    The progression of Self Compac-ting Con-crete is dynamic accomplishment all through the entire nearness of progress industry acknowledging unprecedented usage of SCC all things considered these days. It has different focal concentrations over regular Con-crete the degree that improvement in item ivity, decrease in labor and generally cost, impressive completed thing with unprecedented mechanical reaction and quality. Mix of strands further updates its pro-perties strikingly identified with post split direct of SCC. Along these lines the reason for a near assessment solid, re-in-constrained with various sorts of filaments. The components join into the evaluation are type and contrasting degree of strands. The fundamen-tal properties of new SCC and mech-anical properties, quality, break importance and sorptivity were investigate ed. Micro_structure assessment of different blends is done through checking electron enhancing instrument to take a gander at the hydrated structure and security progress among fiber and blend

    Impact of integrated nutrient management on vegetative growth and flowering quality of gladiolus (Gladiolus hybridus Hort.) cv. American Beauty

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    A field study on ‘effects of integrated nutrient management on vegetative growth and flowering quality of gladiolus (Gladiolus hybridus Hort.) cv. American Beauty’ was carried out at College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar during 2016-17. It was found that cv. American Beauty with treatment the tallest plants (121.50 cm), maximum number of leaves per plant (9.03), the maximum  leaf length (38.20 cm), earliest spike emergence (59.22 days), minimum number of days to floret opening (12.50 days), maximum number of florets per spike (17.53), maximum spike length (108.50 cm), maximum floret diameter (9.01 cm), maximum rachis length (39.03 cm) was found in T12 (RDF 75% + Azotobacter + PSB + Mycorrhiza). The maximum stem diameter (1.52 cm) and maximum spike girth (0.97 cm) was recorded in T10 (RDF 75% + PSB + Mycorrhiza). On the basis of foregoing summary, the results may be concluded as follow: The different bio-fertilizer treatments had significant influence on the vegetative growth, flowering and post-harvest of gladiolus in the present study. Application of bio fertilizer singly and in different combinations has significant effect on all the vegetative, floral and corms parameters. Therefore, among various bio fertilizers and their combinations, Azotobacter, PSB and Myccorhiza were found the best, followed by un-inoculated treatment show least value for these parameters during the seasons of experiment

    Assessing the factors that influence a recurrence of congenital talipes equinovarus in children treated with the Ponseti method

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    Background: Congenital talipes equinovarus, also known as clubfoot, is one of the most common congenital malformations in pediatric orthopedics. With a checkered treatment history extending from Hippocrates' bandages to Kite's serial plaster cast application to surgical treatment, no single modality can claim to be a complete treatment. Methods: In a combined prospective and retrospective study at the Department of Orthopaedics of St. Stephen's Hospital, 192 patients with 292 clubfeet who met the inclusion criteria and received ethics committee approval were included. The purpose of the research was to identify early recurrence characteristics, undertake the Pirani scoring, and identify additional clinical characteristics to evaluate recurrence predictors. Results: In our study, out of 192 patients, 188 were successfully treated with the Ponseti casting technique combined with tendoachilles tenotomy; tenotomy was required in 177 patients (93%). Four patients were lost to follow-up. Nine out of sixty-one children in the six-month-to-one-year age group showed the maximum rate of recurrence (15%). The mean number of cast applications was 7.23. In all, 90% of children required casts ranging from four to eight in number. The syndromic association was seen in 10.4% of cases with club feet. Most common among them were neural tube defects (4.2%) and arthrogryposis (3% of cases). Fourteen out of 154 (or 9%) of the non-operated idiopathic patients had lateral border recurrence during an average follow-up of two years. According to the Pirani score, recurrence was seen in eight out of twenty (or 40% of) syndromic patients and five out of fourteen (or 35% of) operated cases. In 37% of recurrences, dynamic supination was observed. Conclusions: Even though Ponseti's approach to treating idiopathic clubfoot is widely regarded as the gold standard, recurrences are known to occur even in the best of circumstances. The most common cause of recurrence was poor brace compliance, with families citing a variety of reasons

    Wave Effects in Double-Plane Lensing

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    We discuss the wave optical effects in gravitational lens systems with two point mass lenses in two different lens planes. We identify and vary parameters (i.e., lens masses, related distances, and their alignments) related to the lens system to investigate their effects on the amplification factor. We find that due to a large number of parameters, it is not possible to make generalized statements regarding the amplification factor. We conclude by noting that the best approach to study two-plane and multi-plane lensing is to study various possible lens systems case by case in order to explore the possibilities in the parameter space instead of hoping to generalize the results of a few test cases. We present a preliminary analysis of the parameter space for a two-lens system here.Comment: 13 pages, 8 Figures. Comments Welcom

    Numerical Study of Wind Loads on Y Plan-Shaped Tall Building Using CFD

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    The increase in the population is at an exponential rate, and the available land is in the form of irregular shapes. That is why irregular shapes are very commonly built. Wind load increases with respect to height, so wind load evolution is necessary for such high-rise structures. Wind forces majorly depend on the plan's cross-sectional shape. Therefore, for an irregular shape, an investigation is needed for tall buildings. This paper demonstrates a detailed study on velocity stream line, external pressure coefficients, pressure distribution on the surfaces of the building and the turbulence kinetic energy for the Y-shaped plan for tall buildings under wind excitation for wind incidence angles of 0o to 180o. k-  turbulence model is utilized to solve the problem using computational fluid dynamics techniques in ANSYS for terrain category II as per IS: 875 (Part3), 2015. Wind ward faces in all building models show positive pressure distribution, while the leeward faces are under the effect of negative pressure distribution. Wind load can be reduced on building models by modifying the corners, such as chamfering, rounding, and double recessed. The variation of pressure distribution on different faces of a "Y" plan shaped tall building for 0° and 180° is investigated using ANSYS CFX, and the pressure contours are plotted for all the faces of different "Y" shaped buildings to compute the effect of corner modification on pressure distribution. In this research, it was found that building models with rounded corners are highly efficient in resisting the wind load. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-02-06 Full Text: PD

    Evaluation of osteoporotic trochanteric fractures treated with cement-augmented dynamic hip screw

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    Background: Dynamic hip screw (DHS) has been the standard treatment for stable trochanteric fracture patterns. However, primary stabilization with dynamic/sliding hip screw is not always successful, especially in osteoporotic fractures. Internal fixation in such a situation may achieve a satisfactory initial fracture site reduction, but late fracture collapse into varus during weight bearing, can lead to a high failure rate. Since 1975, polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cement-augmented DHS have been used as a solution in unstable ITFs by adding an anchoring ability to the lag screw.Methods: A series of 33 osteoporotic intertrochanteric fractures were operated with cement augmented dynamic hip screw. One patient lost to follow up. All patients were then allowed partial weight bearing walker aided ambulation under the guidance of physiotherapist on the second or third postoperative day. The patients were followed radio logically and clinically at regular intervals (1st month, than at 3rd month and then at 6th month interval after surgery). Results were graded as excellent (score >31), good (score 24-31), fair (score 16-23), and poor (score <16). Clinical result was given according to Salvati and Wilson scoring.Results: Total 33 patients were taken for the study they were followed for minimum 6 months and at 6 months the clinical outcome was rated as per the Salvati and Wilson scoring system. One patient lost to follow-up. Final clinical results as evaluated by Salvati and Wilson scoring were; excellent in 24 cases (75%), good in 7 cases (21.88%), fair in 1 case (3.12%) and poor in 0 cases (0%). There were no non-union, AVN, implant failure and screw cut-out in our study.Conclusions: The surgical management of intertrochanteric fractures with PMMA augmented DHS provide a stable fixation with moderate pain free early mobilisation and better outcome in osteoporotic patients without the complications of superior screw cut-out, sliding collapse, and with the appropriate placement of bone cement along with proper amount (4-5 ml) of cement we can also reduce the cement related complications such as delayed healing, nonunion, heat necrosis and avascular necrosis


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    Objective: Plantar fasciitis is characterized by heel pain that worsens when you bear weight after a long period of rest. Injections of steroids are one of the numerous therapeutic techniques that are frequently used to control plantar fasciitis. Numerous studies demonstrate that short-term pain alleviation with steroid injections is not long-lasting. According to recent studies, autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections encourage healing, which improves both short- and long-term pain alleviation. To compare the effects of local PRP injection and corticosteroid in the management of chronic plantar fasciitis, the current study was conducted. Methods: Sixty patients who met the criteria for this prospective double-blind trial were randomly assigned to one of two groups. Patients in Group I received an injection of steroid, whereas those in Group II received an injection of PRPs. The PNS numerical pain score (NPS) and a visual analog scale (VAS) were used to evaluate the patients. An evaluation was conducted before the injection as well as at 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months after the injection. Results: The mean VAS in Group I reduced from 7.00 before injection to 2.31 and that in Group II decreased from 7.81 before injection to 1.12. At the 6-month follow-up, the mean NPS score in Group I increased from 7.05 to 1.41 and in Group II from 7.86 to 1.02. The VAS and NPS improvements were statistically significant. In both groups, the plantar fascia thickness had decreased at the conclusion of the 6-month follow-up period (5.88 mm in Group I to 4.03 mm and 5.96 mm to 3.27mm in Group II), and the difference was statistically significant. Conclusion: When compared to steroid injection, local PRP injection is an excellent therapeutic option for persistent plantar fasciitis with long-lasting positive effects

    Phenotyping, microsatellite marker analysis and linkage mapping of QTL for agronomic and root traits using IB370 × MAS-ARB25 F2 rice (Oryza sativa L.) population grown under aerobic conditions

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    91-100Expanding water shortage, environmental change and decline water table level are the major hindrance for lowland basmati rice variety development in northern parts of India including Haryana. Rice is the absolute most client of fresh irrigated water as it devours 70% of the complete water accessible. More rice is needed to generate to take care of the expanding populace. The promising way to deal with battle the water shortage can be aerobic rice. Aerobic rice is a budding cultivation system that requires no puddling, no transplanting and without need of frequent irrigation than conventional flooded rice. The worth of basmati rice breeding can significantly improve through marker assisted selection (MAS). In the present study, experiments were conducted to assess F2 generation obtained from IB370 × MAS-ARB25 for various agronomic qualities. Grain yield/plant indicated impressive positive relationship (r = 0.25) with root thickness in F2 population. Fifty eight polymorphic SSR markers dispersed on the entire genome of rice were utilized for planning DNA fingerprint data set of the isolating IB370 × MAS-ARB25 F2 population. Composite interval mapping analysis by WinQTL cartographer version 2.5 revealed a sum of 7 quantitative trait loci (QTLs) (three QTL for agronomic traits and four for root traits). The selected promising F2 plants were additionally checked for these putative QTLs recognized in the F2 populace, which were available in homozygous/heterozygous state in high frequencies

    Comparative study of titanium elastic nailing versus hip spica in treatment of femoral shaft fractures in children

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    Background: There is no consensus on treatment of closed femoral-shaft fractures in children. We compared hip spica cast with titanium elastic nailing (TEN) in the treatment of femoral-shaft fractures in children.Methods: Study was conducted at SMS Medical College, Jaipur (Rajasthan). Out of 90 Patients of diaphyseal fracture femur, 45were treated conservatively by spica cast and 45 were treated with TEN. Follow up done regularly up to twelve months of injury with taking into account, various parameters.Results: All diaphyseal fractures of femur healed, whether treated conservatively by spica cast or treated operatively with TEN. The time of union and weight bearing was less in operative group as comparative to spica cast group. Ten patients (22.22%) in spica group compared to three patients (6.66%) in operative group had malunion and two patients (4.4%) in spica group compared none in operative group had delayed union.Conclusions: Results of TEN turned out to be far superior to traction and spica cast treatment in paediatric femoral fractures. Rate of complications was far low with operative than conservative Treatment