2 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Expedience of Modification of the Carbohydrate Composition of Rice Flour in the Technology of Gluten-free Bread

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    The research considers a possibility of using modification of the carbohydrate composition of rice flour in the technology of bread of the special destination for celiachia.There has been conducted an analysis of the condition of the carbohydrate-amylase complex of rice flour. Revealed regularities have demonstrated that this flour has an unessential amylolytic activity that negatively influences the course of microbiological processes in gluten-free dough and quality parameters of ready products.The aim of the research was to develop arrangements as to accumulation of sugars in dough at the expanse of own reserves of rice bread for providing the necessary intensity of rice dough fermentation by using enzymes of the amylolytic effect. It is a precondition for improving structural-mechanical and organoleptic properties of gluten-free rice bread. At the same time accumulation of products of incomplete hydrolysis of flour starch in the process of its fermentative modification – dextrins will favor deceleration of ready products staling.There has been established the influence of α-amylase of the fungal origin and glucoamylase on accumulation of sugars at hydrolysis of rice flour starch. It has been studied, that dosage of α-amylase in amount 0,005 % and glucoamylase – 0,03 % of a flour mass results in creating sugars in amount 5,5–6 %. There has been proved the effectiveness of using α-amylase by accumulation of dextrins, in which composition the essential raise of the content of low-molecular ones – archo- and maltodextrins has been determined.Based on the conducted studies, it has been determined, that hydrolysis products of rice flour starch are created as a result of its fermentative modification by α-amylase and glycoamylase that is testified by the increase of gas-creation and acid-accumulation.There has been observed the positive influence of using modification of the carbohydrate composition of flour in the technology of rice bread on the specific volume, porosity structure and flexible-elastic properties of crumb of ready products.It has been established, that realization of hydrolysis of flour starch at producing rice bread favors prolongation of its fresh storage term as a result of raising the amount of dextrins, created under the effect of α-amylase