17 research outputs found

    Relativistic Laser-Matter Interaction and Relativistic Laboratory Astrophysics

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    The paper is devoted to the prospects of using the laser radiation interaction with plasmas in the laboratory relativistic astrophysics context. We discuss the dimensionless parameters characterizing the processes in the laser and astrophysical plasmas and emphasize a similarity between the laser and astrophysical plasmas in the ultrarelativistic energy limit. In particular, we address basic mechanisms of the charged particle acceleration, the collisionless shock wave and magnetic reconnection and vortex dynamics properties relevant to the problem of ultrarelativistic particle acceleration.Comment: 58 pages, 19 figure

    ATLAS detector and physics performance: Technical Design Report, 1

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    Against the background of world economy globalization, the international trade, being the oldest form of international economic relations (IER), is the major decisive factor for the development and market environment of food and agricultural commodity. The hypothesis is suggested and proved in this study that the international trade may and should be considered not only as the driver for global and national economy, but also as the new effective tool to address numerous global problems as follow: sustainable development, environmental and comestibles problems. The results of the study to evaluate the impact of the current international trade on the growth of food product market of global and national level proved the crucial function of the international trade and its two-fold character to mitigate challenges of today as above. On the one hand, it was proved in terms of food and agricultural product market that the international trade is the reliable factor of global resource enhancement with regard to minimizing carbon dioxide emissions and cost-effective use of scarce water resources available. On the other hand, the negative impact of international trade results in the export growth that contributes to national resource depletion, flow of pollution-related industries to countries with milder environmental control and prevention to address environmental issues. When considered in view of national economy development and operation of national commodity markets, current trends in the movement of the Russian export of food products in the post-crisis period, established its role to support the import substitution policy and commodity self-sustainment in the Russian Federation have been highlighted. The practical value of identified consequences of the current international trade is the opportunity to minimize the negative global challenge consequences and to improve the strength of the import substitution policy in Russia


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    In contemporary economic conditions, when enterprises function in the environment of uncertainty, the search of new approaches to strategic management of enterprises becomes the objective of the management level. The formation of the mechanism of enterprise management improvement, which allows adapting management system to the changes of external environment, providing their high performance and competitiveness, is a very topical objective. The article substantiates the advisability of applying the balanced scorecard (BSC) for strategic enterprise management. The paper determines the sequence of using the balanced scorecard to assess the effectiveness of the strategies implementation of agribusiness enterprises. The authors have designed the economic-mathematical model of activity of manufacturing enterprise in the form of a multi-parameter problem of linear optimum management. It allows evaluating the strategy of its development considering the peculiarities of the agribusiness enterprise and the concept of BSC. The specified model has been approved by the example of an operating enterprise. With the help of automated software product numeric experiments have been conducted, describing various scenarios of the development of the agribusiness enterprise on the basis of the multi-parameter analysis of a number of key components of BSC, with the aim to reveal their mutual connection in the optimum regime. The authors draw conclusions about the advisability of accounting revealed parameter correlations and regularities while making a strategic map of BSC. It is stated that the application of BSC may be the basis for methodology of development and administrative decision making both at the present moment, and in the strategy of agribusiness enterprises management taking into account the specificity of their development

    The research of the functional model of commanders activity in the management cycle with using complex automation equipment

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    У статті пропонується дослідження функціональної моделі діяльності посадових осіб (ПО) , в циклі управління з використанням комплексу засобів автоматизації (КЗА). Це дозволяє визначити особливості роботи системи військового управління та місце ПО у взаємозв'язку з внутрішніми і зовнішніми елементами. Для цього в роботі було проведено дослідження функціональної моделі існуючої організації роботи ПО в системі військового управління, так званої моделі AS-IS. Дослідження наведеної моделі AS-IS дозволило зрозуміти, де знаходяться слабкі місця, і наскільки глибоким змінам підлягає існуюча організація системи військового управління. Знайдені в моделі AS-IS недоліки виправляються при створенні моделі TO-BE - моделі нової організації роботи ПО, яка передбачає використання КЗА, для аналізу альтернативних шляхів вирішення поставлених задач. Модель TO-BE враховує не тільки ідеальний варіант підготовки ПО, але і дозволяє враховувати недоліки їх роботи, тобто диференційовано підходити до вирішення задач. Застосування наведених функціональних моделей для військової системи управління можливо в процесі проведення бойової підготовки ПО.В статье предлагается исследования функциональной модели деятельности должностных лиц (ДЛ) в цикле управления с использованием комплекса средств автоматизации (КСА) . Это позволяет определить особенности работы системы военного управления и место ДЛ во взаимосвязи с внутренними и внешними элементами . Для этого в работе было проведено исследование функциональной модели существующей организации работы ДЛ в системе военного управления, так называемой модели AS-IS . Исследование модели AS -IS позволило понять, где находятся слабые места, и насколько глубоким изменениям подлежит существующая организация системы военного управления. Найденные в модели AS -IS недостатки исправляются при создании модели TO - BE - модели новой организации работы ПО, которая предусматривает использование КСА, для анализа альтернативных путей решения поставленных задач. Модель TO - BE учитывает не только идеальный вариант подготовки ДЛ, но и позволяет учитывать недостатки их работы, то есть дифференцированно подходить к решению задач. Применение приведенных функциональных моделей для военной системы управления возможно в процессе проведения боевой подготовки ДЛ.In article the functional model of activity commanders is investigated. In a cycle management the complex an automation equipment is used. It defines features work of commanders. In work research model of the organization work in military system management is conducted well known as AS-IS model. By the research of the AS-IS model was defined weak places of the system of military management. Faults which was found by the AS-IS model was corrected by the TO-BE model. TO-BE model is the model of the new organization of commanders work with use a complex an automation equipment. By the model was found an alternative solutions of the discused task. The TO-BE model considers shortcomings work commanders. Problems solves differentially. Application functional models possibly in the course carrying out combat training

    Stroke Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic: International Expert Panel Review

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    Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has placed a tremendous strain on healthcare services. This study, prepared by a large international panel of stroke experts, assesses the rapidly growing research and personal experience with COVID-19 stroke and offers recommendations for stroke management in this challenging new setting: modifications needed for prehospital emergency rescue and hyperacute care; inpatient intensive or stroke units; posthospitalization rehabilitation; follow-up including at-risk family and community; and multispecialty departmental developments in the allied professions. Summary: The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 uses spike proteins binding to tissue angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-2 receptors, most often through the respiratory system by virus inhalation and thence to other susceptible organ systems, leading to COVID-19. Clinicians facing the many etiologies for stroke have been sobered by the unusual incidence of combined etiologies and presentations, prominent among them are vasculitis, cardiomyopathy, hypercoagulable state, and endothelial dysfunction. International standards of acute stroke management remain in force, but COVID-19 adds the burdens of personal protections for the patient, rescue, and hospital staff and for some even into the postdischarge phase. For pending COVID-19 determination and also for those shown to be COVID-19 affected, strict infection control is needed at all times to reduce spread of infection and to protect healthcare staff, using the wealth of well-described methods. For COVID-19 patients with stroke, thrombolysis and thrombectomy should be continued, and the usual early management of hypertension applies, save that recent work suggests continuing ACE inhibitors and ARBs. Prothrombotic states, some acute and severe, encourage prophylactic LMWH unless bleeding risk is high. COVID-19-related cardiomyopathy adds risk of cardioembolic stroke, where heparin or warfarin may be preferable, with experience accumulating with DOACs. As ever, arteritis can prove a difficult diagnosis, especially if not obvious on the acute angiogram done for clot extraction. This field is under rapid development and may generate management recommendations which are as yet unsettled, even undiscovered. Beyond the acute management phase, COVID-19-related stroke also forces rehabilitation services to use protective precautions. As with all stroke patients, health workers should be aware of symptoms of depression, anxiety, insomnia, and/or distress developing in their patients and caregivers. Postdischarge outpatient care currently includes continued secondary prevention measures. Although hoping a COVID-19 stroke patient can be considered cured of the virus, those concerned for contact safety can take comfort in the increasing use of telemedicine, which is itself a growing source of patient-physician contacts. Many online resources are available to patients and physicians. Like prior challenges, stroke care teams will also overcome this one. Key Messages: Evidence-based stroke management should continue to be provided throughout the patient care journey, while strict infection control measures are enforced. © 2021 S. Karger AG, Basel. Copyright: All rights reserved