6 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa Dan Kompetensi Dosen Terhadap Prestasi Belajar

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    The high or low students\u27 achievement in teaching and learning activities is mainly influenced by factors which are inside the students themselves (internal factors) and factors which are outside the students (external factors). In this study, there was one element of each factors above which would be studied; the internal factor was students\u27 motivation and the external factor was the teacher competence that influenced the learning outcomes. Students\u27 motivation is important because the students themselves who determine the success of learning. Lecturer competence is also important in learning, because lecturer is someone who is dealing with students directly in teaching and learning activities, so we need lecturers whose high competence to improve the learning achievement. The method used in this research was descriptive method, i.e. the researcher collected and compiled the data, and then it was described and analyzed by using statistical calculations, regression analysis, while the technique of data collection was questionnaire. The result of this study was students\u27 learning motivation and lecturer\u27s competence have a positive and significant influence either partially or simultaneously to students\u27 learning achievemen

    Critical Study the Application of the Principle of Profit Sharing in Syirkah Mudharabah and Musyarakah in Islamic Banking

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    The existence of a syari’ah bank in accordance with shari’ah principles has answered some of the problems of the banking system in accordance with the wishes of the Muslims. In practice, there arose suspicion and dissatisfaction from customers of the Syari’ah Bank which had not fully implemented the Shari’ah principles. The application of accounting to Syari’ah banking institutions currently still faces obstacles caused by internal and external factors. This study aims to find out whether the principle of profit sharing has been applied in the preparation of financial statements as the basis for profit sharing in syirkah mudharabah and musyarakah. The research methods used in this study are qualitative methods with critical theory. The study was conducted on the application of the profit sharing system applied to financing with the Mudharabah and Musyarakah contract in Islamic financial institutions. The results of the research show that the concept of profit sharing that is applied is revenue sharing, the use of revenue sharing method is based on the existence of the principle of conservatism applied in Islamic financial institutions     Keywords: Syari’ah Bank, profit sharing, Quality of Financial Statements, Musyarakah, Mudharabah

    Members’ Behavior Towards Baitul Mal Wa Tamwil

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    This study aims to analyze the criteria considered by individual members in choosing Baitul Mal Wa Tamwil (BMT) and analyzing the attitudes of members towards BMT. Research subjects are individual members who use BMT services. Data analysis method is descriptive statistics. The results of the analysis concluded that there were 5 factors that were considered by the members in choosing BMT, among others: ease of obtaining business capital financing, usury-free, security, satisfying service and close to home. Religious factors are not the main reason for individual members in choosing BMT. Members consider more economic factors, namely the ease of obtaining business capital.     Keywords: behavior, members, BMT, financing, usur

    Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia (KDM)

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    Kebutuhan dasar pada manusia merupakan unsur-unsur yang dibutuhskan oleh manusia dalam menjaga keseimbangan baik secara fisiologis maupun psikologis. Hal ini tentunya, bertujuan untuk mempertahankan kehidupan dan kesehatan. Abraham Maslow mengemukakan Teori Hierarki Kebutuhan yang menyatakan bahwa manusia memiliki lima kebutuhan dasar, yaitu kebutuhan fisiologis, kebutuhan harga diri, serta kebutuhan diri. Modul Praktikum Kebutuhan Dasar Manusia ini terdiri 14 bab, yaitu : Bab 1 : Praktikum pencegahan infeksi dalam praktik kebidanan Bab 2 : Praktikum fungsi berbagai alat instrumen kebidanan Bab 3 : Praktikum asuhan pada klien yang menghadapi kehilangan, berduka dan menjelang ajal / kematian Bab 4 : Pemanfa’atan teknologi dalam praktek kebidanan Bab 5 : Praktikum pemeriksaan fisik pada klien bayi, balita dan dewasa Bab 6 : Praktikum pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar manusia personal hygiene Bab 7 : Praktikum pemenuhan kebutuhan psikososial, istirahat dan tidur Bab 8 : Praktikum pemenuhan kebutuhan nutrisi Bab 9 : Praktikum pemenuhan kebutuhan eliminasi pasien dan melakukan pemasangan kateter Bab 10 : Praktikum pemenuhan kebutuhan oksigen pasien Bab 11 : Praktikum pemenuhan kebutuhan cairan dan elektrolit Bab 12 : Praktikum penjahitan dan pengangkatan luka serta perawatan luka dalam praktik kebidanan Bab 13 : Persiapan pemeriksaan diagnostik dan pengambilan spesimen Bab 14 : Praktikum pemberian obat dalam praktik kebidanan (enteral dan parenteral

    Members' Behavior Towards Baitul Mal Wa Tamwil

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    This study aims to analyze the criteria considered by individual members in choosing Baitul Mal Wa Tamwil (BMT) and analyzing the attitudes of members towards BMT. Research subjects are individual members who use BMT services. Data analysis method is descriptive statistics. The results of the analysis concluded that there were 5 factors that were considered by the members in choosing BMT, among others: ease of obtaining business capital financing, usury-free, security, satisfying service and close to home. Religious factors are not the main reason for individual members in choosing BMT. Members consider more economic factors, namely the ease of obtaining business capital.     Keywords: behavior, members, BMT, financing, usur