46 research outputs found

    Effect of Apple Dregs Mass and Processing Time on Pectin Extraction from Apple Dregs

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    Apples have the opportunity to develop their potential to the fullest. In the process of taking apple cider, apple dregs will be obtained. The dregs can be further processed or extracted to obtain pectin. This research was conducted to determine the optimum extraction time and mass to produce pectin from apple dregs. The experimental procedure includes raw material preparation, extraction, distillation, drying, and yield analysis. The method used is solid-liquid extraction using ethanol solvent. Time and mass of apple dregs and temperature according to the changing variables that have been determined, namely for the variable extraction time 120 minutes, 150 minutes, and 180 minutes, while the mass of dry apple dregs was 65 grams, 70 grams, and 75 grams while the operating temperature remained 70°C and the precipitating agent used is alcohol or 95% ethanol with 50% acetic acid as a solvent, as well as analysis of pectin content by spectrophotometry (UV-VIS). The study results showed the lowest concentration of 0.002 ppm and the lowest absorbance of 0.006 nm. Where the highest concentration is 2.5 ppm, and the highest absorbance is 0.241 nm, a calibration curve is formed linearly where y = 0.0936x + 0.0111 and R2 = 0.9931. From the results of the graphical analysis of the relationship between the effect of concentration and mass on time in the apple dregs pectin extraction process, the highest concentration was 1.9 ppm at mass 70 with a time of 180 minutes, and the lowest concentration was 0.7 ppm at mass 65 with a time of 120 minutes

    Influence of Physicochemical Aspects of Substratum Nanosurface on Bacterial Attachment for Bone Implant Applications

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    Biofilm formation on implant materials is responsible for periprosthetic infections. Bacterial attachment is important as the first stage in biofilm formation. It is meaningful to understand the influence of nanostructured surface on bacterial attachment. This review discusses the influence of physicochemical aspects of substratum nanosurface on bacterial attachment


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    Metallic biomaterials (titanium and titanium alloys) have been widely employed in many load-bearing orthopaedic applications, as they have excellent mechanical properties and corrosion stability. However, soaring problems such as a lack of direct chemical bonding between the implant and host tissues leading to implant loosening still persist. To prevent this problem, surface modifications such as applying hydroxyapatite onto titanium is necessary. The aim of this study is to investigate and to compare the bond strength and apatite induction ability of the hydroxyapatite coated titanium

    Influence of Physicochemical Aspects of Substratum Nanosurface on Bacterial Attachment for Bone Implant Applications

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    Biofilm formation on implant materials is responsible for periprosthetic infections. Bacterial attachment is important as the first stage in biofilm formation. It is meaningful to understand the influence of nanostructured surface on bacterial attachment. This review discusses the influence of physicochemical aspects of substratum nanosurface on bacterial attachment


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    Metallic biomaterials (titanium and titanium alloys) have been widely employed in many load-bearing orthopaedic applications, as they have excellent mechanical properties and corrosion stability. However, soaring problems such as a lack of direct chemical bonding between the implant and host tissues leading to implant loosening still persist. To prevent this problem, surface modifications such as applying hydroxyapatite onto titanium is necessary. The aim of this study is to investigate and to compare the bond strength and apatite induction ability of the hydroxyapatite coated titanium

    Effect of Apple Dregs Mass and Processing Time on Pectin Extraction from Apple Dregs

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    Apples have the opportunity to develop their potential to the fullest. In the process of taking apple cider, apple dregs will be obtained. The dregs can be further processed or extracted to obtain pectin. This research was conducted to determine the optimum extraction time and mass to produce pectin from apple dregs. The experimental procedure includes raw material preparation, extraction, distillation, drying, and yield analysis. The method used is solid-liquid extraction using ethanol solvent. Time and mass of apple dregs and temperature according to the changing variables that have been determined, namely for the variable extraction time 120 minutes, 150 minutes, and 180 minutes, while the mass of dry apple dregs was 65 grams, 70 grams, and 75 grams while the operating temperature remained 70°C and the precipitating agent used is alcohol or 95% ethanol with 50% acetic acid as a solvent, as well as analysis of pectin content by spectrophotometry (UV-VIS). The study results showed the lowest concentration of 0.002 ppm and the lowest absorbance of 0.006 nm. Where the highest concentration is 2.5 ppm, and the highest absorbance is 0.241 nm, a calibration curve is formed linearly where y = 0.0936x + 0.0111 and R2 = 0.9931. From the results of the graphical analysis of the relationship between the effect of concentration and mass on time in the apple dregs pectin extraction process, the highest concentration was 1.9 ppm at mass 70 with a time of 180 minutes, and the lowest concentration was 0.7 ppm at mass 65 with a time of 120 minutes

    Sputtered Hydroxyapatite Nanocoatings on Novel Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Applications

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    Titanium and titanium alloys have been extensively studied for many applications in the area of bone tissue engineering. It was believed that the excellent properties of titanium alloys, e.g. lightweight, excellent corrosion resistance, high mechanical strength and low elastic modulus compared to other metallic biomaterials such as stainless steels and Cr-Co alloys, would provide enhanced stability for load-bearing implants. However, they usually lack sufficient osseointegration for implant longevity, and their biocompatibility is also an important concern in these applications due to the potential adverse reactions of metallic ions with the surrounding tissues once these metallic ions are released from the implant surfaces. One approach for consideration to improve the healing process is the application of a hydroxyapatite nanocoating onto the surface of biomedical devices and implants. Hydroxyapatite, with its excellent biocompatibility, and similar chemistry and structure to the mineral component of bone, provides a bioactive surface for direct bone formation and apposition with adjacent hard tissues. The deposition of a SiO2 interlayer between the implant surface and the hydroxyapatite nanocoating is necessary to further improve the biocompatibility of metal implants, as SiO2 has its own excellent compatibility with living tissues, and high chemical inertness, which lead to enhanced osteointegrative and functional properties of the system as a whole. Therefore, SiO2 and hydroxyapatite nanocoatings were deposited onto titanium alloys using electron beam evaporation and magnetron sputtering techniques, respectively, with different process parameters to optimize the deposition conditions and so achieve desired properties. Surface characteristics are essential due to their role in enhancing osseointegration. Surface morphology and microstructure were observed using a scanning electron micro-scope (SEM) and elemental analysis was performed by the energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy method (EDS). The crystal structure was examined using X-ray diffractometer (XRD) to identify the phase components, while nanocoating thickness was measured using profilometer. This chapter is divided into five major parts. First is an overview of bone and bone implants, including their structure and mechanical properties. The second part highlights the importance of nanocoatings for bone implants longevity. Various coatings and surface modification techniques of titanium and its alloys are also elucidated. The advantages and drawbacks of each technique are reviewed. The last part focuses on the study of sputtered hydroxyapatite and SiO2 nanocoatings on titanium. A thorough discussion of the results is presented

    Strategi Pengembangan dan Tata Kelola Manajemen Usaha Mandiri “Bakso Wilujeng” di Kelurahan Ketawanggede - Kota Malang

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    Bakso adalah salah satu usaha kuliner khas Malang yang banyak diminati oleh konsumen dan mempunyai potensi banyak pembeli. Akan tetapi pemilik mengalami masalah dalam produksi bakso karena masih menggunakan cara cetak manual menggunakan tangan. Oleh karena itu, tujuan kegiatan PkM ini adalah membantu mengembangkan produksi usaha UMKM bakso dengan memperbaiki kualitas proses produksi, manajemen keuangan dan pemasaran yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan daya jangkau pemasaran mitra yang lebih luas, sehingga pendapatan mitra akan bertambah. Metode yang dilakukan adalah melakukan observasi untuk mengetahui permasalah mitra, menyusun tahapan dan teknik penyelesaian masalah, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi kegiatan. Setelah melakukan rangkaian kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat, mitra mendapatkan bantuan alat pencetak bakso, proses pencetakan adonan bakso lebih cepat 35 menit dari sebelumnya, dapat mengelola keuangan dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi keuangan, memahami pentingnya hygiene sanitasi produk makanan, serta meningkatkan promosi di media sosial. Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini mitra menjadi lebih terbantu dengan adanya alat pencetak bakso karena lebih efisien waktu dan lebih higienis, serta dapat membuat laporan keuangan usaha secara otomatis menggunakan aplikasi keuangan

    Peningkatan Nilai Produktivitas Usaha Bumbu Pecel Dengan Menggunakan Alat Sangrai Otomatis

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    Kebanyakan para pedagang bumbu pecel mengeluhkan saat proses penggorengan yang membutuhkan waktu yang lama hingga benar-benar matang merata, sehingga menyita banyak waktu saat proses pembuatannya. Hal ini mempengaruhi kualitas maupun kuantitas hasil proses produksi. Dibutuhkan efektivitas waktu saat pembuatan bumbu pecel sehingga akan meningkatkan produktivitas usaha bumbu pecel. Salah satu mitra usaha yaitu bumbu pecel “Bu Firda” yang membutuhkan perbaikan kualitas maupun kuantitas produk untuk menambah pendapatan keluarga. Perbaikan kualitas dan kuantitas bumbu pecel dengan membuat alat sangrai kacang secara otomatis untuk memaksimalkan hasil produk. Pada Program Kemitraan Masyarakat ini akan memberikan kegiatan antara lain memberikan pelatihan, penyuluhan dan pendampingan analisis kelayakan usaha menggunakan metode Break Event Point, penyusunan laporan keuangan, teknik kendali mutu produk, mendesain kemasan supaya lebih menarik serta pelatihan operasional alat sangrai sekaligus cara perawatannya. Selain itu, mitra juga diberikan pelatihan pemasaran e-commerce melalui media internet agar penjualan semakin luas sehingga menambah penghasilan bagi keluarga. Hasil dari kegiatan ini antara lain penghasilan meningkat menjadi 58%, kapasitas bertambah 50%, efektivitas waktu meningkat hingga 56%, luas pemasaran meningkat 50% dan beban pekerjaan lebih ringan dan cepat. Kata kunci : alat sangrai, bumbu pecel, produktivitas, analisis BEP. ABSTRACT Most pecel seasoners complain about the frying process which takes a long time until it is completely cooked evenly, so it takes up a lot of time during the manufacturing process. This affects the quality and quantity of the production process. It takes the effectiveness of time when making pecel spices so that it will increase the productivity of pecel spices. One of the business partners is the "Bu Firda" pecel seasoning which requires product quality and quantity improvements to increase family income. Improving the quality and quantity of pecel seasoning by automatically making peanut roaster to maximize product yield. The Community Partnership Program will provide activities including providing training, counseling and mentoring business feasibility analysis using the Break Event Point method, preparing financial reports, product quality control techniques, designing packaging to make it more attractive and training in roasting equipment as well as how to maintain it. In addition, partners are also given e-commerce marketing training through internet media so that sales will be broader so as to increase income for families. The results of this activity included income increased to 58%, capacity increased by 50%, time effectiveness increased by 56%, marketing area increased by 50% and work load was lighter and faster