151 research outputs found

    Mediterranean Diet, Physical Activity and Gut Microbiome Composition: A Cross-Sectional Study among Healthy Young Italian Adults

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    Background. This cross-sectional study aimed to explore the microbial composition of the gut and its possible association with the Mediterranean diet (MD) after adjusting for demographic and anthropometric characteristics in a sample of healthy young Italian adults. Methods. Gut microbiota, demographic information, and data on adherence to MD and physical activity (PA) habits were collected in a sample of 140 university students (48.6% males, mean age 22.5 ± 2.9) with a mean body mass index (BMI) of 22.4 ± 2.8 kg/m2 (15.2–33.8) and a mean PA level of 3006.2 ± 2973.6 metabolic equivalent (MET)-minutes/week (148–21,090). Results. A high prevalence of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes was found in all the fecal samples. Significant dissimilarities in the microbiota composition were found on the basis of MD adherence and PA levels (p = 0.001). At the genus level, Streptococcus and Dorea were highly abundant in overweight/obese individuals, Ruminococcus and Oscillospira in participants with lower adherence to MD, and Lachnobacterium in subjects with low levels of PA (p = 0.001). A significantly higher abundance of Paraprevotella was shown by individuals with lower BMI, lower MD adherence, and lower PA levels (p = 0.001). Conclusions. This study contributes to the characterization of the gut microbiome of healthy humans. The findings suggest the role of diet and PA in determining gut microbiota variabilityUniversity of Naples Parthenop

    Migrating Successful Student Engagement Strategies Online: Opportunities and Challenges Using Jigsaw Groups and Problem-Based Learning

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    Online courses may be criticized for failing to engage students. Faculty members teaching in the classroom often employ a number of strategies that capture the interest of students, but may find the migration to the online environment a daunting prospect. This paper describes the transitioning of two common strategies to engage students in the classroom – jigsaw groups and problem-based learning – from face-to-face to online courses in sociology and soil science, respectively. The paper discusses the challenges and opportunities that were found to be common to the implementation of both these strategies online, and provides suggestions for faculty considering this transition

    Water detection in Sentinel-1 data using a Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network: Application of uncertainty estimations to identify error prone areas and improve the results

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    Floods are a natural hazard that can seriously impact the affected communities. Therefore, improvements in flood management are necessary to better prevent and manage flood disasters. These can be achieved by mapping flooded areas using remote sensing data such as Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. SAR has the advantage of covering large spatial extents and operating weather and daylight independently. While conventional methods exist to detect water in SAR data, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have produced excellent results. The results, however, do not come without inaccuracies and uncertainties. Therefore, Bayesian Convolutional Neural Networks (BCNNs) have been developed to estimate the uncertainties of the model. This study analyzes the conditions that prevail in misclassified areas. Certain landcover classes like bare soil show higher percentages of wrongly labeled pixels. The behavior of the estimated uncertainties is also tested over pixels that are wrongly and correctly labeled as well as over different landcover classes. It is found that uncertainties are higher over misclassified pixels and certain landcover types like bare soil and herbaceous vegetation. Based on the findings that uncertainties are elevated over falsely labeled pixels, the pixels are turned to their opposite class when exceeding an uncertainty threshold. After the re- labeling, the performance metrics are compared to the initial metrics. In this study, mul- tiple setups for relabeling are tested and compared. The approach is found to be working in certain areas. The study is conducted to confirm the applicability of BCNNs to generate precise flood mapping products and to estimate model uncertainties. The relabeling also aims to shorten the process of training data creation. Training data creation is a resource-intensive step. By improving the results after the classification, less accurate training data might be usa- ble to train the model. As a result, more training data can be efficiently generated to cover more expansive areas globally. The findings provide a basis to create more complete models in the future and further assist flood management

    Identification and characterization of novel candidate genes for Hirschsprung's disease - a developmental disorder of the enteric nervous system

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    The neurodevelopmental disorder Hirschsprung’s disease (HSCR) represents the most common cause for congenital obstruction and is characterized by a lack of enteric neurons (aganglionosis) in distinct segments of the colon. This aganglionosis is caused by dysfunctions in the neural crest cell (NCC) population which is responsible for enteric nervous system (ENS) generation during embryogenesis. Specifically, either proliferation, migration, differentiation or cell survival of NCC-derived progenitor cells is impaired. The main symptom of this disorder is represented by a megacolon formation. Patients are routinely treated by surgical resections of the aganglionic segment, but gastrointestinal impairments may persist in a fraction of patients even life-long. HSCR is classified as rare and multifactorial disorder. Up to now more than 20 genes are classified as validated disease-causing loci, including the major susceptibility locus RET, but many more genetic factors have been implicated in the pathoaetiology. However, in the majority of patients the genetic disease causes are still unknown. Next-generation sequencing technologies provide the possibility to rapidly uncover the individual’s genetic architecture. Nevertheless, dissecting the genetic findings of importance and correlating them with the pathomechanisms is a major challenge especially in complex diseases as HSCR. This study aimed to establish a complementary research approach for identification and characterization of novel HSCR candidate genes. By taking genetic, bioinformatics, molecular and functional data into account, better insights into the molecular pathogenesis of HSCR should be gained. In this project, two sporadic long-segment HSCR cases were analysed by whole exome sequencing in a trio-based setup and by genotyping of non-coding risk single nucleotide polymorphisms. In both patients, bioinformatic analyses of exome-wide sequencing data led to the identification of rare structural (copy number variations (CNVs)) and single nucleotide variants (SNVs). To narrow down the list of HSCR candidate genes, rare SNVs were further filtered. Finally, four candidate genes (ATP7A, SREBF1, ABCD1 and PIAS2) which were so far not reported in the context of HSCR, were selected for detailed investigations. Extensive mRNA and protein expression analyses confirmed the expression of these candidates in relevant murine gastrointestinal tissues of different developmental stages and thereby validated their putative relevance for the HSCR aetiology. Moreover, additional HSCR patients carrying rare variants in SREBF1 and PIAS2 were identified. To further assess functionally the neuronal specific role of the candidates, the CRISPR/Cas9 technology was applied in a human neuroblastoma cell line. Gene-specific knockout (KO) cell clones were generated for three candidate genes and the major HSCR susceptibility locus RET, while genome editing was not successful for PIAS2. KO clones were investigated on morphological and functional level by a comparison to a mock control clone. Comparative analyses revealed variable differences for the individual gene-specific KO clones in the differentiation behaviour, proliferation and migration capacity as well as in cell survival during neuronal differentiation. To evaluate all findings of this complementary project, a HSCR risk scoring system was applied. According to the gained risk scores, all four selected HSCR candidates could be classified as relevant for the development of HSCR. Like this, the suitability of the presented research approach for identification and characterization of novel HSCR candidates was validated. It is envisioned to apply the established study pipeline to primary ENS-like model systems to confirm the findings of this project. Moreover, these analyses could help to dissect the candidate gene’s relevance for HSCR in detail and gain insights into affected molecular pathways

    Track 3: Health and Family Leave – Policy Relevant Research on Paid Family and Medical Leave: What Do We Know? What Do We Need to Know?

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    With no federal paid family and medical leave policy, some states have created their own programs and other states have new legislation pending. State-specific policy relevant research becomes critical in launching the discussion and demonstrating support for a policy, as well as showing who has access to employer-provided paid leave for different types of leave. Additionally, actuarial analyses are important to understand the costs of a program and how the costs would vary depending on different program parameters. Finally, program evaluation of existing state-run programs can help fine tune the policy and identify gaps in knowledge and participation. Moderator: Kristin Smith, Carsey School of Public Policy, University of New Hampshire Panelists: Pronita Gupta, Deputy Director, Women’s Bureau, Department of Labor Randy Albelda, Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts-Boston Helen Mederer, Professor of Sociology and Labor Research, University of RI Barbara Silver, Research Coordinator, Schmidt Labor Research Center, University of Rhode Islan

    Making Chance Meaningful: Exploring Links with Creativity and its Culturally Subversive Application

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    Throughout history the study of chance has largely been either neglected or dismissed as futile. This changed around the end of the 19th century and since then interest in chance phenomena has exponentially grown up to this day. This thesis addresses the question what influenced this increase in interest occurring around the turn of the last century. The approach is interdisciplinary and takes three main theories of chance from the subject areas of philosophy, analytical psychology and avant-garde art, mainly literature, as its starting point. The theories are Charles Sanders Peirce's tychism, Carl Gustav Jung's synchronicity and André Breton's objective chance. From these theories it can be deduced that the growing interest in chance arose as an expression of the ‘epistemological uncertainty’ marking the age. Besides the exploration of what chance in itself could be, all three were also keen to investigate its impact on man. Furthermore, by acknowledging the significance of the irregular and unpredictable they, in their own ways, employed chance as a tool of cultural subversion, namely to counteract the dominance of rationality prevailing since the Enlightenment. As part of the analysis of chance’s impact on man, it emerged that they all either explicitly or implicitly deal with the relationship of chance and creativity and how chance can affect the creation of the new and original

    Caracterización clínica y hallazgos en la biopsia cutánea de una serie de pacientes con neuropatía de fibra fina

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    Traballo de Fin de Grao en Medicina. Curso 2019-2020.La neuropatía de fibra fina (NFF) es un trastorno del sistema nervioso periférico en el que se afectan de forma selectiva las fibras nerviosas mielínicas finas (Ad) y amielínicas (C). Clínicamente cursa con dolor neuropático y síntomas autonómicos y la exploración neurológica es, con frecuencia, anodina. Los estudios de conducción nerviosa son, por definición, normales, y la prueba diagnóstica de elección es la biopsia cutánea, que permite el estudio de la densidad de fibras nerviosas intraepidérmicas (DFNIE). Objetivos: El objetivo del trabajo es analizar el perfil demográfico, clínico y la DFNIE de una serie de pacientes diagnosticados de NFF. También se analizarán las posibles asociaciones entre las variables recogidas y los distintos subgrupos de pacientes en función de su etiología, patrón de neuropatía y existencia de fibromialgia. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo de una serie de 18 pacientes diagnosticados de NFF mediante biopsia cutánea en la Unidad de Enfermedades Neuromusculares del Hospital Clínico de Santiago de Compostela entre 2017 y 2019. Se recogieron datos sociodemográficos, tiempo de evolución, datos de la historia clínica (antecedentes, tratamientos recibidos para el control del dolor, síntomas, exploración neurológica) y resultados de las pruebas complementarias. Resultados y conclusiones: EL 72% de los pacientes eran varones y la edad media de la serie fue de 57 años. Para controlar el dolor, los pacientes recibieron una media de 8.6 fármacos. El patrón longituddependiente fue el más frecuentemente identificado (67%). En un 61% de los pacientes no se logró identificar una causa subyacente y fueron diagnosticados de NFF idiopática. Un 22% de los casos tenían un diagnóstico previo de fibromialgia. La NFF tiene un marcado retraso diagnóstico (4.6 años de media), probablemente debido a la escasa disponibilidad de la infraestructura necesaria para el estudio de la DFNIE, el actual gold standard para el diagnóstico de esta entidad.A neuropatía de fibra fina ( NFF) é un trastorno do sistema nervioso periférico no que se afectan de forma selectiva as fibras nerviosas mielínicas finas (Ad) e amielínicas ( C). Clinicamente cursa con dor neuropática e síntomas autonómicos e a exploración neurolóxica é, con frecuencia, anodina. Os estudos de condución nerviosa son, por definición, normais, e a proba diagnóstica de elección é a biopsia cutánea, que permite o estudo da densidade de fibras nerviosas intraepidérmicas (DFNIE). Obxectivos: O obxectivo do traballo é analizar o perfil demográfico, clínico e a DFNIE dunha serie de pacientes diagnosticados de NFF. Tamén se analizarán as posibles asociacións entre as variables recollidas e os distintos subgrupos de pacientes en función da súa etioloxía, patrón da neuropatía e existencia de fibromialxia. Material e métodos: Estudo descritivo, retrospectivo dunha serie de 18 pacientes diagnosticados de NFF mediante biopsia cutánea na Unidade de Enfermidades Neuromusculares do Hospital Clínico de Santiago de Compostela entre 2017 e 2019. Recolléronse datos sociodemográficos, tempo de evolución, datos da historia clínica (antecedentes, tratamentos recibidos para o control da dor, síntomas, exploración neurolóxica) e resultados das probas complementarias. Resultados e conclusións: A maioría dos pacientes eran homes (72%) e a idade media da serie foi de 57 anos. Para o control da dor, os pacientes recibiron unha media de 8.6 fármacos. O patrón lonxitudedependente foi o máis frecuentemente identificado (67%). Nun 61% dos pacientes non se logrou identificar unha causa subxacente e foron diagnosticados de NFF idiopática. Un 22% dos casos tiñan un diagnóstico previo de fibromialxia. A NFF ten un marcado atraso diagnóstico (4.6 anos de media), probablemente debido á escasa dispoñibilidade da infraestrutura necesaria para o estudo da DFNIE, o actual gold standard para o diagnóstico desta entidade.Small fiber neuropathy (SFN) is a disorder of the peripheral nerve system characterized by selective damage of the thinly myelinated Aδ and unmyelinated C fibers, which causes neuropathic pain and autonomic symptoms. Neurological examination is usually unrewarding. Nerve Conduction Studies are typically normal and currently the skin biopsy with intraepidermal nerve fiber density (IENFD) measurements is the diagnostic modality of choice. Objectives: The aim of our work is to analyze the clinical, epidemiological and IENFD findings in a series of patients with definite SFN. Possible associations between the variables collected and the different patient subgroups in terms of etiology, neuropathy pattern, and the existence of fibromyalgia will also be analyzed. Material and Methods: A series of 18 patients diagnosed with SFN were seen between 2017 and 2019 and studied retrospectively in the Neuromuscular Unit of the University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela. All of them underwent detailed clinical history recording and sociodemographic data were collected, as well as data on time course, clinical characteristics, treatments received for neuropathic pain management, findings on the neurological examination and the results of the performed tests. Particular interest was placed in the IENFD quantification obtained via skin biopsy. Results and Conclusion: Most of the patients were males (72%) and the mean age was 57 years. To manage pain, patients received an average of 8.6 different drugs. The length-dependent pattern was the most frequently found in skin biopsy (67%). In 61% of the whole series no specific cause could be found and patients were therefore labelled as idiopathic SFN. 22% of the cases had been previously diagnosed with fibromyalgia. The diagnostic delay (mean 4.6 years) associated with SFN is probably due to the lack of diagnostic facilities required for the intra-epidermal nerve fiber density measurement, the current gold standard technique for the diagnosis of SFN

    Migrant*innen in der häuslichen Pflege in Deutschland

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    Mediterranean diet, physical activity and gut microbiome composition: A cross-sectional study among healthy young italian adults

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    Background. This cross-sectional study aimed to explore the microbial composition of the gut and its possible association with the Mediterranean diet (MD) after adjusting for demographic and anthropometric characteristics in a sample of healthy young Italian adults. Methods. Gut microbiota, demographic information, and data on adherence to MD and physical activity (PA) habits were collected in a sample of 140 university students (48.6% males, mean age 22.5 ± 2.9) with a mean body mass index (BMI) of 22.4 ± 2.8 kg/m2 (15.2–33.8) and a mean PA level of 3006.2 ± 2973.6 metabolic equivalent (MET)-minutes/week (148–21,090). Results. A high prevalence of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes was found in all the fecal samples. Significant dissimilarities in the microbiota composition were found on the basis of MD adherence and PA levels (p = 0.001). At the genus level, Streptococcus and Dorea were highly abundant in overweight/obese individuals, Ruminococcus and Oscillospira in participants with lower adherence to MD, and Lachnobacterium in subjects with low levels of PA (p = 0.001). A significantly higher abundance of Paraprevotella was shown by individuals with lower BMI, lower MD adherence, and lower PA levels (p = 0.001). Conclusions. This study contributes to the characterization of the gut microbiome of healthy humans. The findings suggest the role of diet and PA in determining gut microbiota variability


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    ABSTRACT: Beginning in the fall of 1998 and extending into the spring and early summer of 1999 there was a large epizootic of squirrel fibromatosis in squirrels in seven counties in peninsular Florida. Hundreds of gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) with multiple cutaneous tumors were submitted or reported to biologists, veterinary hospitals, and private wildlife rehabilitators. Most squirrels died or were euthanized soon after submission. Twenty squirrels were submitted for necropsy. The majority of the squirrels examined were adults (12/20) and male (15/20). The number and location of tumors varied widely among the affected squirrels; however, a consistent finding was involvement of the eyelids (20/20). Histopathology revealed a proliferative population of mesenchymal cells within the dermis and marked ballooning degeneration of keratinocytes in the overlying epidermis. Intracytoplasmic viral inclusions were present in the neoplastic mesenchymal cell population and the degenerating keratinocytes. Ulceration and necrosis of the surface of the tumors or associated tissues was present in 14 of the 20 squirrels. Virions consistent with poxvirus were observed via electron microscopy in samples collected from a representative tumor. Death of the squirrels was attributed to emaciation, tissue damage, and severe negative energy balance associated with poxvirus infection and massive tumor growth. The underlying cause of this unusual epizootic of fibromatosis in gray squirrels remains unknown
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