7 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Yeast Derivative Products Developed as an Alternative to Lees: The Effect on the Polysaccharide, Phenolic and Volatile Content, and Colour and Astringency of Red Wines

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    Due to the increase of the use of yeast derivatives (YDs) in winemaking to improve the technological and sensory properties in wines, in this work we evaluated the effect of the post-fermentation application of different yeast derivative products on the physical and chemical properties and astringency of red wines during two consecutive harvests. A commercial and two experimental new yeast derivatives were applied at a medium‒high dosage (30 g/hL). The addition of different yeast derivatives in red wine increased the concentration of different polysaccharide fractions and, therefore, the total polysaccharide content, producing a decrease in the duration of the wine astringency perception over time. The use of yeast derivatives could produce an adsorption/clarification and/or protective effect on the phenolic compounds. However, it did not produce an important modification of the colour parameters. An intensification or a lower decrease of the most volatile compound groups was produced, but it depended on the YDs and yeast strain used in fermentation and post-fermentation processes

    Great diversity among commercial inactive dry-yeast based products

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    Producción CientíficaCommercial inactive dry-yeast based (IDYB) products have been shown to impact positively in different ways on the winemaking process, including sensory enhancement. Despite their relevance little information about physicochemical characteristics of individual IDYB products is available. This study aimed to physicochemically characterize a group of ten commercial IDYB products. Organic, protein and carbohydrate contents by spectrophotometric methods, protein diffusion on cellulose membranes and electrophoretic protein profiles were assessed. Interaction of a IDYB product (CP10) with either salivary protein or a proanthocyanidin-rich extract (binary mixtures) or with both of them (ternary mixtures) was also assessed. Marked physicochemical differences were observed among all ten products. CP10 was found to interact with seed extract and salivary protein. Also, as part of CP10-SE complexes, CP10 interacted with the salivary protein to form ternary complexes. Due to their huge diversity, physicochemical characterization of IDYB products before use in winemaking is recommended.This study was supported by grant Fondecyt–Chile 115024

    Study of the changes in volatile compounds, aroma and sensory attributes during the production process of sparkling wine by traditional method

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    © 2018 Elsevier Ltd One of the strongest factors that affects the volatile profile of sparkling wine is the winemaking process. Here we focus on determining the effects of the second fermentation and aging on lees of sparkling wine from País grape variety combining different analysis techniques for the first time in sparkling wine: gas chromatography/mass spectrometry/olfactometry and sensorial analysis. During the second fermentation and aging, there was a significant loss of esters that might be related to the adsorption on lees and ester volatility and chemical hydrolysis. The concentration of several compounds such as some esters (diethyl succinate, ethyl lactate, and ethyl isovalerate) increased during aging and could be used as aging markers. Vitispiranes were identified as the best norisoprenoids aging markers for young sparkling wines (12 months of aging). Also, PCA showed that time of aging on lees affected mostly esters and terpenes. On the other hand, the diminution of frui

    Effect of different ageing techniques on the polysaccharide and phenolic composition and sensorial characteristics of Chardonnay white wines fermented with different selected Saccharomyces Cerevisiae yeast strains

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    Producción CientíficaPolysaccharides, mainly mannoproteins, play an important role on technological and sensory quality of wines. These compounds are released to the wine during alcoholic fermentation and, thereafter, during yeast autolysis in the ageing process. The effect of the ageing on lees and other alternative ageing techniques were studied in Chardonnay Chilean white wines previously fermented with different Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strains (Zymaflore VL2 and Lalvin CY3079). The Lalvin CY3079 released higher amounts during alcoholic fermentation and during the first stages of the ageing than the Zymaflore VL2, which could produce a positive effect on the colour intensity of wines. Some statistically significant differences on phenolic families and sensory attributes were observed after alcoholic fermentation, during the ageing period and bottle storage, but this depended on the yeast strain used, the ageing technique applied and the period of ageing and bottle storage analysed.Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT-Chile). Proyecto FONDECYT Postdoctoral Nº 313048