26 research outputs found

    Antibacterial evaluation of Anacardium occidentale (Linn) (Anacardiaceae) in semiarid Brazil

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    Microorganisms that cause losses are proving to be resistant to most known antibiotics, thereby encouraging the search for naturally occurring antibiotics. This study aimed to perform a phytochemical and bacterial study of ethanolic extracts of leaves and barks of Anacardium occidentale L. The samples were submitted for extraction using ethyl alcohol; the crude extract was used to perform phytochemical evaluation based on the identification of chemical constituents and to evaluate the antibacterial activity. The results of prospective chemical indicate the presence of tannins, phenols, alkaloids and catechins in the leaves and stem bark and compounds belonging to classes of flavonoids were found only in the leaves. Tests using the agar diffusion method for later determination of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) revealed that both parts of the plant have antibacterial activity, but the shell showed the largest zones of inhibition in most of the concentrations and strains. The MIC ranged from 512 to ≥ 1024 μg/ml, for the two parts of this species. The results indicate the need for further studies because this plant demonstrated considerable antibacterial therapeutic potential.Keywords: Antibacterial activity, phytochemicals, bacteria, minimum inhibitory concentrationAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(30), pp. 4836-484

    Patogenicidade de fungos a mosca-negra-dos-citros e compatibilidade entre agrotóxicos e Purpureocillium lilacinum

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    A mosca-negra-dos-citros constitui-se uma ameaça à fruticultura, por ser uma praga com grande potencial de dano econômico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a patogenicidade e virulência de isolados de fungos entomopatogênicos sobre a mosca-negra-dos-citros, Aleurocanthus woglumi (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) em condições de laboratório, e o efeito de diferentes produtos fitossanitários sobre o desenvolvimento do fungo Purpureocillium lilacinum in vitro e semicampo. No teste de patogenicidade, foram utilizadas dez ninfas de segundo e terceiro ínstares de Aleurocanthus woglumi e os fungos Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Lecanicillium muscarium, Fusarium proliferatum e Purpureocillium lilacinum. Para determinação da concentração letal 50 (CL50) e do tempo letal médio 50 (TL50) foi escolhido o fungo P. lilacinum, sendo cada tratamento representado por uma concentração 1 x 106, 5 x 106, 1 x 107, 5 x 107, 1 x 108 e 5 x 108 conídios/mL. Nos testes de compatibilidade de agrotóxicos sobre o fungo P. lilacinum, foram testados os produtos Ampligo® (clorantraniliprole + lambda-cialotrina), Kohinor 200 SC® (imidacloprido), Provado 200 SC® (imidacloprido), Recop® (oxicloreto de cobre), Iharol® (óleo mineral), Talstar 100 EC® (bifentrina), Stimulate® (ácido 4-indol-3-ilbutírico + ácido giberélico + cinetina) e Neenmax® (azadiractina), nas doses recomendadas para campo. No experimento em casa de vegetação, mudas de limão Cravo foram pulverizadas com os produtos e o patógeno P. lilacinum (4,76 x 107 conídios/mL) de três formas diferentes, primeiramente os agrotóxicos e depois o fungo; primeiro o fungo e posteriormente o agrotóxico e os dois simultaneamente. As mudas foram mantidas em estufa telada, e, após as pulverizações, 24, 48 e 72 horas, foi feita a contagem de colônias para determinar o número de unidades formadoras de colônia (UFC). Em relação aos testes de patogenicidade e virulência, concluiu-se que os isolados de B. bassiana, M. anisopliae, L. muscarium, F. proliferatum e P. lilacinum foram patogênicos às ninfas de A. woglumi e que as concentrações avaliadas do fungo P. lilacinum foram patogênicas às ninfas A. woglumi. Nos testes de compatibilidade os agrotóxicos Ampligo, Kohinor 200 SC, Provado 200 SC, Talstar 100 EC, Stimulate e Neenmax, sob condições laboratoriais, foram compatíveis com P. lilacinum e os produtos Recop e Iharol foram considerados moderadamente tóxicos. Em condições de semicampo, o fungo P. lilacinum não foi afetado pelos produtos, independentemente do tempo de coleta e da forma como foram aplicados.Citrus blackfly is a threat to fruit, to be a plague with great potential for economic damage. The objective this study was to evaluate the pathogenicity and virulence of entomopathogenic fungi on citrus blackfly, Aleurocanthus woglumi (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) under laboratory conditions, and effect of different pesticides on the development of fungus Purpureocillium lilacinum in vitro and greenhouse. In pathogenicity test were used ten nymphs second and third instars of Aleurocanthus woglumi and fungi Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Lecanicillium muscarium, Fusarium proliferatum and Purpureocillium lilacinum. To determine the lethal concentration 50 (CL50) and median lethal time 50 (TL50) the fungus P. lilacinum was chosen, each treatment represented by a concentration 1 x 106, 5 x 106, 1 x 107, 5 x 107, 1 x 108 and 5 x 108 conidia/mL. In compatibility tests the fungus P. lilacinum were tested products, Ampligo® (clorantraniliprole + lambda-cyhalothrin), Kohinor® (imidacloprid), Provado® (imidacloprid), Recop® (copper oxychloride), Iharol® (oil mineral), Talstar® (biphenthrin), Stimulate® (indole butyric acid + gibberellic acid + kinetin) e Neenmax® (azadirachtin), the recommended dose for field. The experiment in greenhouse, rangpur lemon seedlings were sprayed with the products and the pathogen P. lilacinum (4,76 x 107 conidia/mL) in three different ways, first the pesticide and then the fungus; first the fungus and then the pesticide and the two simultaneously. Seedlings were kept in screened greenhouse, and after spraying, 24, 48 and 72 hours, the colony count was done to determine the number of colony forming units (CFU). With respect to pathogenicity and virulence tests, it was concluded that the isolates of B. bassiana, M. anisopliae, L. muscarium, F. proliferatum and P. lilacinum were pathogenic to nymphs of A. woglumi and the evaluated concentrations of the fungus P. lilacinum were pathogenic to nymphs. In compatibility tests Ampligo, Kohinor, Provado, Talstar, Stimulate e Neenmax under laboratory conditions, they were compatible with P. lilacinum and Recop and Iharol products were moderately toxic. In greenhouse conditions, the fungus P. lilacinum was not affected by the products regardless of the time of collection and the way they were applied.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES


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    The fall armyworm is a pest that feeds on various botanies species. The objective of this experi- ment was to study the biology of this pest in corn and cassava leaves. Caterpillars were collected in area under cultivation with cassava and maintained on artificial diet for two generations. Under controlled conditions in a climatic chamber (B.O.D) in the laboratory (25 ºC, 60 ± 10% RH and photophase 14 hours) were evaluated daily 50 caterpillars in corn treatments and 50 in cassava, where duration and viability of the larval phase and pupal, weight of pupas were observed after 24 hours, deformation percentage of pupas and adults, longevity, fecundity and total life cycle. The viability of larvae fed on leaves of maize and cassava was 74% and 60%, respectively. The larval period of the insects was shorter in maize 16.89 days (seven instars) and cassava 20.08 days (six instars). The pupal phase lasted 11.42 days in cassava treatment and 10.87 in the maize. The pupal weight of females and males was higher in corn 204.91 mg and 198.97 mg, respectively. The biological cycle varied depending on the ingested food. Adult longevity lasted 9.88 days for insects fed on cassava leaves. Therefore, cassava affected the development of S. frugiperda

    Biologia comparada de populações da lagarta–do–cartucho em folhas de milho e mandioca

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    The fall armyworm is a pest that feeds on various botanies species. The objective of this experiment was to study the biology of this pest in corn and cassava leaves. Caterpillars were collected in area under cultivation with cassava and maintained on artificial diet for two generations. Under controlled conditions in a climatic chamber (B.O.D) in the laboratory (25 degrees, 60 +/- 10% RH and photophase 14 hours) were evaluated daily 50 caterpillars in corn treatments and 50 in cassava, where duration and viability of the larval phase and pupal, weight of pupas were observed after 24 hours, deformation percentage of pupas and adults, longevity, fecundity and total life cycle. The viability of larvae fed on leaves of maize and cassava was 74% and 60%, respectively. The larval period of the insects was shorter in maize 16.89 days (seven instars) and cassava 20.08 days (six instars). The pupal phase lasted 11.42 days in cassava treatment and 10.87 in the maize. The pupal weight of females and males was higher in corn 204.91 mg and 198.97 mg, respectively. The biological cycle varied depending on the ingested food. Adult longevity lasted 9.88 days for insects fed on cassava leaves. Therefore, cassava affected the development of S. frugiperda.A lagarta-do-cartucho é uma praga que se alimenta de várias espécies botânicas. Assim, o objetivo deste experimento foi estudar a biologia desta praga nas folhas de milho e mandioca. Lagartas foram coletadas em área de cultivo com mandioca e mantidas em dieta artificial por duas gerações. Sob condições controladas em câmara climatizada (B.O.D) no laboratório (25 ºC, UR 60 ± 10 % e fotofase 14 horas) foram avaliadas diariamente 50 lagartas nos tratamentos milho e 50 em mandioca, onde se observaram duração e viabilidade da fase larval e pupal, peso de pupas após 24 horas, porcentagem de deformação de pupas e de adultos, longevidade, fecundidade e ciclo biológico total. A viabilidade das lagartas alimentadas com folhas de milho e de mandioca foi 74 % e 60 %, respectivamente. O período larval dos insetos foi menor no milho 16,89 dias (sete instares) e para a mandioca 20.08 dias (seis instares). A fase de pupa durou 13,49 dias no tratamento mandioca e 10,17 no milho. O peso pupal de fêmeas e machos foi maior no milho 204,91 mg e 198,97 mg, respectivamente. O ciclo biológico variou em função do alimento ingerido. A longevidade de adultos durou 9,88 dias para insetos alimentados nas folhas de mandioca. Portanto, a mandioca afetou o desenvolvimento de S. frugiperda

    Social Media Motivations Scale (SMM-S): Measure Adaptation and Predictors

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    Antecedents: Motivation for using social networks helps to understand the online behaviors of the adult population and can be a relevant predictor of several variables, considering its common usage on a daily routine. Objective: This article aimed to seek evidence of validity and accuracy for the Social Media Motivations Scale (SMM-S) in the Brazilian context and understand its relationship with personality and life satisfaction. Method: The research was carried out in two stages, with 600 adults in each one, users of online social networks. In both samples, most were women with higher education, from all Brazilian regions and pointed Instagram as their favorite online service. Results: Results indicated that the adapted version of the Social Media Motivations Scale presented indicators of validity and reliability for a structure of four dimensions: Freedom in Social Networks, Routine in Social Networks, Identity in Social Networks and Social Maintenance. Correlations with life satisfaction and personality revealed evidence of convergent validity. Conclusion: The instrument showed validity psychometric evidences for the Brazilian context. The article presents a discussion of the motivations for social networks usage in different contexts


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    El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la percepción de estudiantes de enfermería sobre el proceso de envejecimiento, lo que refleja su contribución a la reformulación de los planes de estudios que contextualizan la salud del anciano. Los datos fueron recolectados en dos instituciones de educación superior en enfermería, de agosto de 2009 a julio de 2010, con la participación de 84 estudiantes. A través del análisis de contenido, se produjeron tres temas: el proceso de envejecimiento se refiere a la etapa vital de la debilidad y necesita cuidados especiales; el envejecimiento es un proceso natural del ciclo de vida; y el proceso de envejecimiento es una fase que requiere más atención social. Los resultados señalan la necesidad de planificar acciones de docencia, investigación y extensión en el enfoque de la gerontología, para romper los tabúes que rodean la vejez y se centran en el envejecimiento saludable