52 research outputs found

    Outsourcing von Personalfunktionen: Eine (erneute) Bestandsaufnahme

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    Das Personalmanagement befindet sich im Umbruch, da immer mehr Unternehmen dazu übergehen, ihre Personalfunktionen an professionelle Dienstleister auszulagern. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht auf Basis einer durchgeführten schriftlichen Befragung von 45 deutschen Unternehmen deren Outsourcingverhalten hinsichtlich ihrer Personalfunktionen. Im Ergebnis wird gezeigt, dass bereits eine Vielzahl von Unternehmen einzelne Personalfunktionen auslagern und die Unternehmen zum großen Teil auch bereit sind, über die bisher ausgelagerten Bereiche hinauszugehen und noch weitere Personalfunktionen auszulagern. Im Vergleich zu anderen Studien ist auffällig, dass Unternehmen sich von einer reinen (transaktions-)kostentheoretischen Betrachtung der Outsourcingentscheidung lösen und verstärkt ressourcenorientierte Überlegungen in ihr Kalkül einbeziehen. Daher werden in diesem Beitrag sowohl Transaktionskostentheorie als auch Ressourcenansatz als theoretisches Fundament zugrunde gelegt.Based on a survey among 45 leading German companies, this paper analyses their outsourcing activities in the human resources management function. This paper reports that a lot of HR activities have already been outsourced and that companies are willing to extend outsourcing to further HR activities. This study shows that companies do not rely only on transaction cost theory, but increasingly also on resource-based analyses to make their outsourcing decisions

    Spatial mobility and tolerance towards immigrants: the case of Northern Iceland

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    While the profound effects of spatial mobility on social structures and patterns of interactions have long been recognized, the association of mobility experiences and tolerance towards immigrants has received limited attention. In this paper, we examine such patterns in Iceland, a country with a long history of emigration and return migration of the local population but a recent surge in international immigration. We find in-migrants and locals who have lived in the capital city area or abroad for at least a year to be more tolerant of immigrants than locals who have never lived elsewhere. These patterns of tolerance among more mobile respondents persist after controlling for other predictors such as age, gender, education and language skills, employment status, income, community integration, residential satisfaction and generalized trust. These results are discussed in the context of changing patterns of mobility and immobility in western countries

    Molecular velocity auto-correlation of simple liquids observed by NMR MGSE method

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    The velocity auto-correlation spectra of simple liquids obtained by the NMR method of modulated gradient spin echo show features in the low frequency range up to a few kHz, which can be explained reasonably well by a t3/2t^{-3/2} long time tail decay only for non-polar liquid toluene, while the spectra of polar liquids, such as ethanol, water and glycerol, are more congruent with the model of diffusion of particles temporarily trapped in potential wells created by their neighbors. As the method provides the spectrum averaged over ensemble of particle trajectories, the initial non-exponential decay of spin echoes is attributed to a spatial heterogeneity of molecular motion in a bulk of liquid, reflected in distribution of the echo decays for short trajectories. While at longer time intervals, and thus with longer trajectories, heterogeneity is averaged out, giving rise to a spectrum which is explained as a combination of molecular self-diffusion and eddy diffusion within the vortexes of hydrodynamic fluctuations.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figur

    The North pole mission in Iceland 1857 - 1858

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    Inquisition - Historisch

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