65 research outputs found

    God and difference

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    Niniejszy tekst rozpoczyna projekt badaczy poświęcony tym myślicielom, którzy rozważania nad możliwością pomyślenia Boga wiążą z problematyką różnicy. Przewodnie pytanie tych rozważań jest takie oto: jak Bóg pojawia się w horyzoncie zróżnicowanym, a zarazem rozdzielonym przez różnicę pomyślaną zawsze na określony sposób? Jeśli różnica nieuchronnie wpisuje się w myślenie, to jak Bóg wpisuje się w różnicę? Pytanie o Boga prowadzi do następnego: jak w obszarze myślenia o boskości rządzi różnica? Innymi słowy: jak dalece sposób, w jaki pomyślana jest różnica, oddziałuje na kształt myślenia o tym, co boskie? Poszukując odpowiedzi na te pytania pierwszy krok kierujemy w stronę Heideggera. Ze względu na szczególny status jego różnicy ontologicznej i na ślad, jaki wciąż pozostawia ona na myśleniu "w horyzoncie" różnicy, to właśnie od niej rozpoczniemy ruch w stronę różnicowania jako takiego. Pytanie o Boga i różnicę u Heideggera ma w tym tekście następujący kształt: jak Bóg pojawia się w obszarze rozdzielonym przez różnicę między byciem a bytem? Jak różnica ontologiczna wyznacza sposób, w jaki pomyślany jest Bóg?This text begins a research project concerning those thinkers who associate the discussion about the possibility of thinking about God with the problem of difference. The main question of these considerations is this: how does God appear on the differentiated horizon, while torn by difference always conceived in a defined manner? If difference is inevitably inscribed in thought, then how is God inscribed in difference? The question about God leads to another: How does difference rule in reflection on divinity? In other words: How far does the way that difference is conceived affect how we reflect upon the deity? When looking for answers to these questions we take the first step towards Heidegger. Owing to the special status of ontological difference and the trace it leaves on thinking "on the horizon" of difference, it is with this we begin movement toward differentiation as such. The question about God and the difference in Heidegger's thought in this text takes the following form: How does God appear in a sphere divided by the difference between Being and beings? How does ontological difference mark conception of God

    Religia jako pragnienie zbawienia – nowe tysiąclecie

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    RELIGION AS A DESIRE OF SALVATION – THE NEW MILLENIUMThe author of the essay attempts to answer the question concerning the future of religion. Will religion survive in any form in the next millennium? The above question leads him to yet another query, this time concerning the very foundations of religion within man. Searching for the sources of human religiosity the author analyzes two literary figures which describe man’s condition – namely the metaphor of a cave, and the story of Job. On the basis of these two figures, he formulates a hypothesis concerning the connection between man’s religiosity and some negative experiences – such as the experience of a lack, the experience of evil etc. The non-removable character of these experiences is conducive to a hypothesis concerning the nonremovability of religion from man’s life. In the light of these analyses, the author formulates a hypothesis that in religion one is able to realize one’s striving after good which is the opposite of the experienced evil. Such an interpretation of religion, leads the author to the final conclusion that as long as man remains a being who is constantly under threat, and a being that experiences evil in a variety of its different forms, religion is not in danger of a sudden disappearance

    In Situ Regeneration of Copper-Coated Gas Diffusion Electrodes for Electroreduction of CO2 to Ethylene

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    This research was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 768789 as well as by the Polish National Centre of Science under grant no 2017/26/D/ST8/00508. The Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, as a center of excellence, has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement no. 739508, project CAMART2.A key challenge for carbon dioxide reduction on Cu-based catalysts is its low faradic efficiency (FE) and selectivity towards higher-value products, e.g., ethylene. The main factor limiting the possibilities of long-term applications of Cu-based gas diffusion electrodes (GDE) is a relatively fast drop in the catalytic activity of copper layers. One of the solutions to the catalyst stability problem may be an in situ reconstruction of the catalyst during the process. It was observed that the addition of a small amount of copper lactate to the electrolyte results in increased Faradaic efficiency for ethylene formation. Moreover, the addition of copper lactate increases the lifetime of the catalytic layer ca. two times and stabilizes the Faradaic efficiency of the electroreduction of CO2 to ethylene at ca. 30%. It can be concluded that in situ deposition of copper through reduction of copper lactate complexes present in the electrolyte provides new, stable, and selective active sites, promoting the reduction of CO2 to ethylene. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Published under the CC BY 4.0 license.--//-- This is the published version of the article Bisztyga-Szklarz, M.; Mech, K.; Marzec, M.; Kalendarev, R.; Szaciłowski, K. In Situ Regeneration of Copper-Coated Gas Diffusion Electrodes for Electroreduction of CO2 to Ethylene. Materials 2021, 14, 3171. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14123171.Polish National Centre of Science 2017/26/D/ST8/00508; H2020 768789; H2020 739508 CAMART2


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    The electrodeposition of the Mo-Se thin films from sulfate solution containing Na2MoO4 and H2SeO3 was studied. The process of deposition were conducted under potentiostatic condition on copper electrode. The effect of different potential, pH and time of deposition were examined. The deposits were characterized by X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy

    Anachronism of Christianity : why we are non-religious?

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    The Master and Margarita : satan, savior from evil

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    The countless interpretations of The Master and Margarita emphasize the most disturbing thought for the readers. This is an amazingly simple and moving truth: from the clutches of the Soviet Empire which destroys the Master only satan can release him. The Master’s saviour is the spirit of evil. In this article I would like to show Bulgakov’s rich and ambigu-ous topography of evil, then to expand view of the topography of good

    Close God, strange God - between religion and philosophy

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    Karol Tarnowski - from foundations to phenomenon

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