14 research outputs found

    Deformations of algebraic schemes via Reedy-Palamodov cofibrant resolutions

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    Let XX be a Noetherian separated and finite dimensional scheme over a field K\mathbb{K} of characteristic zero. The goal of this paper is to study deformations of XX over a differential graded local Artin K\mathbb{K}-algebra by using local Tate-Quillen resolutions, i.e., the algebraic analog of the Palamodov's resolvent of a complex space. The above goal is achieved by describing the DG-Lie algebra controlling deformation theory of a diagram of differential graded commutative algebras, indexed by a direct Reedy category.Comment: Final version. To appear in Indagationes Mathematica

    Model categories in deformation theory

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    The aim is the formalization of Deformation Theory in an abstract model category, in order to study several geometric deformation problems from a unified point of view. The main geometric application is the description of the DG-Lie algebra controlling infinitesimal deformations of a separated scheme over a field of characteristic 0

    Formal deformation theory in left-proper model categories

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    We develop the notion of deformation of a morphism in a left-proper model category. As an application we provide a geometric/homotopic description of deformations of commutative (non-positively) graded differential algebras over a local DG-Artin ring

    Hyper-holomorphic connections on vector bundles on hyper-K\"ahler manifolds

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    We study infinitesimal deformations of autodual and hyper-holomorphic connections on complex vector bundles on hyper-K\"ahler manifolds of arbitrary dimension. We describe the DG Lie algebra controlling this deformation problem, and prove that it is formal when the connection is hyper-holomorphic. Moreover, we prove associative formality for derived endomorphisms of a holomorphic vector bundle admitting a projectively hyper-holomorphic connection.Comment: 26 pages. Comments are very welcome

    Formality conjecture for minimal surfaces of Kodaira dimension 0

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    Let F be a polystable sheaf on a smooth minimal projective surface of Kodaira dimension 0. Then the DG-Lie algebra RHom(F,F) of derived endomorphisms of F is formal. The proof is based on the study of equivariant L∞L_{\infty} minimal models of DG-Lie algebras equipped with a cyclic structure of degree 2 which is non-degenerate in cohomology, and does not rely (even for K3 surfaces) on previous results on the same subject.Comment: Post-print version; accepted for publication in Compositio Mathematic

    Hilbert squares of degeneracy loci

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    Let SS be the first degeneracy locus of a morphism of vector bundles corresponding to a general matrix of linear forms in Ps\mathbb{P}^s. We prove that, under certain positivity conditions, its Hilbert square Hilb2(S)\mathrm{Hilb}^2(S) is isomorphic to the zero locus of a global section of an irreducible homogeneous vector bundle on a product of Grassmannians. Our construction involves a naturally associated Fano variety, and an explicit description of the isomorphism.Comment: 20 pages, comments welcome

    Quiver representations over a quasi-Frobenius ring and Gorenstein-projective modules

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    We consider a finite acyclic quiver \mathcalQ and a quasi-Frobenius ring RR. We then characterise Gorenstein-projective modules over the path algebra R\mathcalQ in terms of the corresponding quiver representations over RR, generalizing the work of X.-H. Luo and P. Zhang to the case of not necessarily finitely generated R\mathcalQ-modules. The proofs are based on Model Category Theory. In particular we endow the category \mathbfRep(\mathcalQ, R) of quiver representations over RR with a cofibrantly generated model structure, and we recover the stable category of Gorenstein-projective R\mathcalQ-modules as the homotopy category \mathbfHo(\mathbfRep(\mathcalQ, R))

    Quiver representations over a quasi-Frobenius ring and Gorenstein-projective modules

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    We consider a finite acyclic quiver \mathcalQ and a quasi-Frobenius ring RR. We then characterise Gorenstein-projective modules over the path algebra R\mathcalQ in terms of the corresponding quiver representations over RR, generalizing the work of X.-H. Luo and P. Zhang to the case of not necessarily finitely generated R\mathcalQ-modules. The proofs are based on Model Category Theory. In particular we endow the category \mathbfRep(\mathcalQ, R) of quiver representations over RR with a cofibrantly generated model structure, and we recover the stable category of Gorenstein-projective R\mathcalQ-modules as the homotopy category \mathbfHo(\mathbfRep(\mathcalQ, R))