2,262 research outputs found

    Demographics of dark-matter haloes in standard and non-standard cosmologies

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    This thesis explores topics related to the formation and development of the large-scale structure in the Universe, with the focus being to compute properties of the evolved non-linear density field in an approximate way. The first three chapters form an introduction: Chapter 1 contains the theoretical basis of modern cosmology, Chapter 2 discusses the role of N-body simulations in the study of structure formation and Chapter 3 considers the phenomenological halo model. In Chapter 4 a novel method of computing the matter power spectrum is developed. This method uses the halo model directly to make accurate predictions for the matter spectrum. This is achieved by fitting parameters of the model to spectra from accurate simulations. The final predictions are good to 5% up to k = 10 hMpc-1 across a range of cosmological models at z = 0, however accuracy degrades at higher redshift and at quasi-linear scales. Chapter 5 is dedicated to a new method of rescaling a halo catalogue that has previously been generated from a simulation of a specific cosmological model to a different model; a gross rescaling of the simulation box size and redshift label takes place, then individual halo positions are modified in accord with the large scale displacement field and their internal structure is altered. The final power spectrum of haloes can be matched at the 5% level up to k = 1 hMpc-1, as can the spectrum of particles within haloes reconstituted directly from the rescaled catalogues. Chapter 6 applies the methods of the previous two chapters to modified gravity models. This is done in as general a way possible but tests are restricted to f(R) type models, which have a scale-dependent linear growth rate as well as having 'chameleon screening' - by which modifications to gravity are screened within some haloes. Taking these effects into account leads to predictions of the matter spectrum at the 5% level and rescaled halo distributions that are accurate to 5% in both real and redshift space. For the spectrum of halo particles it is demonstrated that accurate results may be obtained by taking the enhanced gravity in some haloes into account

    Perturbative Gaussianizing transforms for cosmological fields

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    Constraints on cosmological parameters from large-scale structure have traditionally been obtained from two-point statistics. However, non-linear structure formation renders these statistics insufficient in capturing the full information content available, necessitating the measurement of higher-order moments to recover information which would otherwise be lost. We construct quantities based on non-linear and non-local transformations of weakly non-Gaussian fields that Gaussianize the full multivariate distribution at a given order in perturbation theory. Our approach does not require a model of the fields themselves and takes as input only the first few polyspectra, which could be modelled or measured from simulations or data, making our method particularly suited to observables lacking a robust perturbative description such as the weak-lensing shear. We apply our method to simulated density fields, finding a significantly reduced bispectrum and an enhanced correlation with the initial field. We demonstrate that our method reconstructs a large proportion of the linear baryon acoustic oscillations, improving the information content over the raw field by 35%. We apply the transform to toy 21cm intensity maps, showing that our method still performs well in the presence of complications such as redshift-space distortions, beam smoothing, pixel noise, and foreground subtraction. We discuss how this method might provide a route to constructing a perturbative model of the fully non-Gaussian multivariate likelihood function.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures. Minor changes to match version published in MNRA

    Magnetic fields in galaxies: I. Radio disks in local late-type galaxies

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    We develop an analytical model to follow the cosmological evolution of magnetic fields in disk galaxies. Our assumption is that fields are amplified from a small seed field via magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) turbulence. We further assume that this process is fast compared to other relevant timescales, and occurs principally in the cold disk gas. We follow the turbulent energy density using the Shabala & Alexander (2009) galaxy formation and evolution model. Three processes are important to the turbulent energy budget: infall of cool gas onto the disk and supernova feedback increase the turbulence; while star formation removes gas and hence turbulent energy from the cold gas. Finally, we assume that field energy is continuously transferred from the incoherent random field into an ordered field by differential galactic rotation. Model predictions are compared with observations of local late type galaxies by Fitt & Alexander (1993) and Shabala et al. (2008). The model reproduces observed magnetic field strengths and luminosities in low and intermediate-mass galaxies. These quantities are overpredicted in the most massive hosts, suggesting that inclusion of gas ejection by powerful AGNs is necessary in order to quench gas cooling and reconcile the predicted and observed magnetic field strengths.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures; MNRAS in pres

    Respiratory Health Effects of In Vivo Sub-Chronic Diesel and Biodiesel Exhaust Exposure

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    Biodiesel, which can be made from a variety of natural oils, is currently promoted as a sustainable, healthier replacement for commercial mineral diesel despite little experimental data supporting this. The aim of our research was to investigate the health impacts of exposure to exhaust generated by the combustion of diesel and two different biodiesels. Male BALB/c mice (n = 24 per group) were exposed for 2 h/day for 8 days to diluted exhaust from a diesel engine running on ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) or Tallow or Canola biodiesel, with room air exposures used as control. A variety of respiratory-related end-point measurements were assessed, including lung function, responsiveness to methacholine, airway inflammation and cytokine response, and airway morphometry. Exposure to Tallow biodiesel exhaust resulted in the most significant health impacts compared to Air controls, including increased airway hyperresponsiveness and airway inflammation. In contrast, exposure to Canola biodiesel exhaust resulted in fewer negative health effects. Exposure to ULSD resulted in health impacts between those of the two biodiesels. The health effects of biodiesel exhaust exposure vary depending on the feedstock used to make the fuel
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