120 research outputs found


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    Sedimentary clay of three Latvia region of Latgale lakes – Zeiļi, Pauguļi and Plusons – was investigated. Mineral composition was determined by X-ray diffraction, the average size and size distribution of particles by dynamic light scattering method, specific surface by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller method, and adsorption characteristics after methylene blue: adsorption capacity and adsorption isotherms. The samples contained typical clay crystalline phases – illite, kaolinite – and rock forming minerals – quartz, dolomite, calcite, plagioclase, albite, and enstatite. The granulometric content of samples is mostly characterised by silt (2 – 63 µm) and clay ( 2 µm) fractions. Specific surface area varied from 9.45 to 20.68 m2/g. The adsorption capacity of lake clay was in the range of 25.8 – 45.8 mg/g. Clay adsorption isotherms were represented by the second and fifth type curves according to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) classification, indicating the presence of micro- and macroporous space in samples and strong intermolecular interactions. The difference between properties of clay in different lakes and at different depths and their influencing factors have been clarified. The information obtained enables to predict the areas of use of clay in cosmetics and medical treatment

    The Development of Nanostructured TiO2 Sol-Gel Derived Coatings – the Influence of Substrate Preparation Method and Post Treatment of Coatings

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    The analysis of literature data and experimental results obtained by the Author of the report clearly showed that further researches shall be devoted to the surface preparation method and characterization of the substrate obtained to check the dependency of morphological features whether they are characteristics of sol or substrates


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    Pagājušā gada 1. oktobrī apritēja 70 gadi, kopš dibināta Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes (RTU) Silikātu  tehnoloģijas katedra. Katedras 50 gadu jubilejas reizē RTU izdevniecība publicēja monogrāfiju (brošūru), kurā tika sniegts pārskats par Silikātu materiālu institūtā (SMI) paveikto mācību un zinātniskā darbā no 2002. līdz 2007. gadam

    Sol-Gel Synthesis of TiO2 Containing Photocatalytic Films

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    Most studied systems for photocatalytic applications are TiO2 thin film structures which photocatalytic activity strongly depends on the preparing method and post-deposition treatments. Sol-gel technique is one of the main techniques for the development of anatase thin films, since properties of the films can be tailored changing the solution composition and deposition process details. Recent review papers describe in details mechanisms of photocatalytic disinfection and solar reactors for photocatalytic water treatment, solar disinfection parameters, and illustrate inherent advantages and general procedures of sol-gel method for the preparation of photocatalysts. The aim of present report is to review the latest literature data analyzing the influence of each sol-gel coating preparation step onto coating structure and properties

    Characterization of Nano Sized Ni-Zn Ferrite

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    Sol-gel auto-combustion method was used to prepare fine Ni0,3Zn0,7Fe2O4 ferrite nanoparticles. The Ni-Zn ferrite has been calcinated at different temperatures from 900 ºC to 1300 ºC with step 100 ºC. Effects of sintering conditions on structure of Ni-Zn ferrite has been studied with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) but particle nano-sizes were verified by atomic force microscopy (AFM). For all samples the FTIR spectra show two fundamental absorption bands, characteristics of metal vibrations at tetrahedral and octahedral sublattice states. Determined particle sizes for all composition were in nanometer range

    Sola gēla pašaizdegšanās reakcijas un iegūto produktu raksturojums

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    Špineļa struktūras tipa niķeļa ferīta (NiFe2O4) un kobalta ferīta (CoFe2O4), kā arī heksagonālas struktūras bārija ferīta (BaFe12O19) pulveri tika iegūti sola-gēla pašaizdegšanās reakcijas rezultātā. Lai iegūtu ferītus, sākuma stādijā tika izgatavots atbilstošo metālu nitrātu un kompleksu veidotāja šķīdums, kuru iztvaicējot savukārt tika iegūts gēls. Šķīduma iztvaicēšana notika paaugstinātā temperatūrā, veicot intensīvu maisīšanu. Pēc gēla pašaizdegšanās reakcijas izveidojās atbilstošu oksīdu maisījumi. Iegūtos maisījumus kalcinēja paaugstinātā temperatūrā, iegūstot ferītus ar augstu tīrības pakāpi. Iegūto savienojumu daļiņu un kristalītu izmēri atradās nanometru robežās. Gēlu pašaizdegšanās reakciju iniciēšanas temparatūras noteikšanai tika izmantota termogravimetrijas analīze (TGA). Iegūto oksīdu maisījumu un atsevišķo ferītu savienojumu kristāliskās fāzes un to kristalītu izmēri tika pētīti izmantojot rentgena fāžu analīzi. Ferītu daļiņu izmēri tika raksturoti izmantojot atomu spēku mikroskopiju (ASM) un skenējošo elektronu mikroskopiju (SEM). Pašaizdegšanās reakcijas rezultātā iegūto produktu morfoloģija tika raksturota pielietojot optisko mikroskopiju

    Синтез и свойства золь-гель плёночных покрытий на основе ZrO2–TiO2–SiO2

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    В результате исследований выяснилась возможность использования отходов производства – апретированных волокон стекла типа Е, для армирования бетона портландцемента. Стекловолокно, покрытое двухслойным золь-гель плёночным покрытием может обеспечить в 2 раза большую (9–12%) химическую устойчивость в щелочной среде, чем волокно неимеющее покрытия (19%)