5 research outputs found

    Effective Strategy for Succession Planning in Higher Education Institutions

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    Succession planning could ensure leadership continuity in an organization. Organizations start to realize the importance of strong leadership to maintain, grow, and sustain long-term business productivity. The semi-structured interview which lasts for thirty to forty minutes was used as the interview technique throughout this research because the semi-structured interview is more conversational and it also allowed the researcher to ask the questions in a more flexible way. The interview method found out the systematic succession planning system in University A. The primary data was from interviews that shows the systematic succession planning in University A, and the gathered data will show some of the practices. Overall, the succession planning management had followed up the seven-pointed model as proposed by Rothwell. The seven-pointed model as proposed by Rothwell had ensured the process of identifying a management position at the selected university. In this study, the research objective and research question has been answered by the researcher. The final results further explained the process of succession planning together with the recommendation of the study. Future research on succession planning in higher education can be improved to get better research results as if the data collection can be expanded to all levels of management in University A, as compared to this research which only covered the staff involved in the strategic position level

    Academic Staff and Industry Revolution 4.0: Knowledge, Innovation and Learning Factor

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    The higher education institutions play a very important role in developing the readiness of academic staff on IR 4.0 which might increase the quality of education system through implementing the effective learning factors, efficiency knowledge management factors, and creative thinking with the innovation capability. Here, the academic staff must further explore the new knowledge, innovation, and learning factors that could be used in their teaching and learning. The research model was taken from previous studies on examining the feasibilities of Industry 4.0 for the hospitality sector with the lens of management practice. The data was analyzed by using the IBM SPSS Statistics v21 and the five-point Likert scale represented by Information Literacy Education Implementation Readiness Scale was used to measure the respondents’ readiness level on IR 4.0. Descriptive analysis than was used in this research to further explore the mean factors which are learning, knowledge management and innovation capability, and the academic staffs’ readiness for IR 4.0.. The results indicated that the learning institutions played a very important role in developing the readiness of academic staff on IR 4.0 which may increase the quality of education system through implementing the effective learning factors, efficiency knowledge management factors and creative thinking with innovation capability factors

    The Influence of Demographic Factors and Customer Traits on Intention to Use Self-Service Checkout at Tesco Tebrau

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    This research paper emphasizes the relationship between certain variables that influence the consumer's intention to use Self-Service Technologies (SST) in the retail sector. With the rapid growth of technology, various technological. innovations are being introduced to make it easier for people to satisfy their needs and wants. One of the technologies that are very popular among customers is self-service checkout. However, previous studies on investigating the SST mainly focus on the technology adoption perspective and only a few studies have attempted to report from the consumer behavior perspective. As such, this paper aims to investigate the relationship between the customer’s traits (technology anxiety, need for interaction, technology innovativeness, and demographics) towards the consumer intention to use SST. Two hundred answers were collected randomly among the Tesco customer in Malaysia. The data were then analyzed using SmartPls version 3   to validate the developed hypothesis which forms the foundation for the research model. The finding revealed that only technology anxiety, technology innovativeness, and demographics affect the consumer intention to use SST. The findings are important to the retailer to continue improving the current system in addressing 1. potential user(demographic), system complexity and safety (technology anxiety), and system features-interactive system (technology innovativeness) to give a different experience to the user as compared to traditional practice

    SMES are embracing innovation for business performance

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    SMEs are embracing innovation in enhancing their business competitiveness. Innovation which is vital for a firm competitiveness is embedded in the organizational structures, processes, products and services within a firm. This empirical study has investigated the relationships between the products, process, marketing and organizational innovations of SMEs with its innovative, operation and financial performances. The main contribution of this study is the comprehensive analyses and testing of innovation-performance relationship based on empirical data to uncover the effects of the different types of innovations on firm performance. It is also expected to help the SMEs in the understanding of the key variables which influence their business and financial performance grounded base on resource-based theory. A total of 43 duly completed forms out of the total of 381 questionnaire survey forms that were e-mailed to owners or managers of the SMEs in the state of Johor, Malaysia were analyzed using the SPSS software package. It was found that the firm innovation has a significant and positive relationship with financial, operation and innovative performances. This is with the exception of marketing innovation which indicated no significant relationship with financial performance. Firm innovation explained a total of 39.4% of financial performance, 48.4% of operational performance and 57.5% of innovative performance. Another important point is firm innovation which is strongly and positively related to firm innovative performance. By focusing on organizational innovation, SMEs are able to enhance their firm financial performance

    Designing Strategies Framework for Effective Funding Formula Implementation at Malaysian Public Universities

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    Over the past few decades, Malaysia's higher education system has undergone significant evolution and growth. With notable achievements in areas such as student enrolment, research publication, patents, and institutional excellence, the system has earned a global reputation and become a preferred destination for international students. However, the Ministry of Higher Education recognizes the need for the system to continue to evolve in order to stay current with global trends. A crucial element in this evolution is the provision of long-term funding to support and enhance the country's capacity to deliver high-quality education that meets international standards. In response to this need, the Ministry of Higher Education has proposed a change to the funding formula for Malaysian public universities, with the goal of improving the relationship between performance and outcomes. To this end, this study was conducted to design a strategy for the effective implementation of this new funding formula in Malaysian public universities. By providing a deeper understanding of the strategies required for successful implementation, the study's findings will be invaluable to both the Ministry of Higher Education and Malaysian public universities