44 research outputs found


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    Purpose: This study aims to examine the impact of leadership styles, specifically on transformational leadership and transactional leadership in R&D team performance of researcher in UniversitiTeknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM). Further, this study was to examine the impact of knowledge sharing on R&D team performance as mediating variables. Methodology: The survey method was adopted to carry out the research. A structured Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) was used for data collection. R&D team performance was assessed based on measures of performance. Regression and Correlation statistical techniques were used to analyze the data elicited from one hundred seventy two (172) randomly selected respondents. Main Findings: It was revealed from the study that while transformational leadership style had a positive impact on R&D team performance; transactional leadership style also had a positive impact on R&D team performance. It was also revealed from the study that knowledge sharing have significant and positive relationship with mediate both transformational leadership and transactional leadership on R&D team performance. Implications/Applications: This research shows that R&D teams also can use the full range leadership styles although there are comparisons of uniqueness that exists in the R&D teams with other contexts. This is because leading an R&D team requires the leader to possess certain skills in addition to technical expertise, such as spreading information regarding technical advances, being knowledgeable regarding current professional activities and possessing strategic planning skills in an innovative climate where the team is not permanent or lasts only for a short period of time. This research confirmed that leadership styles led to significant team performance benefits such as an increase achievement of technical objectives, efficiency of resource utilization and other achievements. Novelty/Originality: This study has successfully extended the full leadership literature by conceptualizing how the transformational leadership and transactional leadership styles positively impact the R&D team's performance. Hence, the findings in this study may be beneficial and act as a framework or a limitation for other studies

    Enhancing And Sustaining Organizational Innovative Performance Through Transformational Leadership

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    This paper reports the findings of a study examining the influence of leadership in enhancing and sustaining innovation performance among small and medium enterprises (SMEs) within Malaysia’s Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC). Data were collected from 87 respondents who are the top managers of the SMEs asking about their leadership styles, their firms’ strategic orientation and innovation performance. Partial Least Squares (PLS) Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) were utilized to test the research framework. Transformational leadership was found to have a significant influence on the firms’ innovation performance. Subsequently, whilst the study found that product innovation was able to further enhance the firms’ innovation performance, prospector strategic orientation was found not to have similar influence on the firms’ innovation performance. The findings from this study provide a valuable insights and lessons on the importance of leadership, particularly transformational leadership and the tangible aspect of product innovation, in driving the firms’ innovative performance. Hence, it is crucial for managers of an innovation intensive SME operating in dedicated corridor like MSC to be aware of their leadership style and its impact of their firms’ survival

    Inter-Organization Communication Management between Organizations in a Subsidized Fertilizer Market in Malaysia

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    Purpose: This paper presents a preliminary findings based on IOC theories of communication management between PPKs and the supplier based on the perspectives of the PPK. It will critically discuss the elements of IOC and communication commitments based on the perspectives of PPKs. Design/methodology/approach: This study is a quantitative research. Data was collected by using a survey questionnaire. Thirteen PPKs from Kemubu Agriculture Development Authority (KADA) granary area were involved in this study. Findings: The pilot study was successfully executed in determining the internal reliability consistency of items used. Cronbach's alpha values were used to measure the consistency strength of the instrument. The entire dimensions which are organization communication willingness, behaviour, and quality as communication commitment used for this study show high Cronbach's alpha values which indicate high consistency of the instrument employed in this study. Research Limitation: The data observed was on preliminary stage obtained from a pilot study. A larger data from full scale study which involves more respondents throughout different geographical and demographical areas are required to answer the research questions and fulfil the objectives of the overall research. Originality/value: This study is conducted to close the gap of empirical research on relationship between organizations particularly between consumers and suppliers especially in agriculture industry in Malaysia

    The Missing Link Between High Performance Work Practices And Perceived Organizational Politics

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    A vast majority of research characterizes organizational politics as an aversive phenomenon and thus recommends exploring the factors that minimize its intensity. This study primarily endeavored to examine the role of high performance work practices (HPWPs) in controlling organizational politics. The moderating influence of Machiavellian personalities on HPWPs- politics was also evaluated. Through a questionnaire survey, 243 responses were obtained from engineers working in a local industrial area of capital city of Pakistan. The results showed an inverse relationship between HPWPs and perceived organizational politics (POP), and the moderating role of Machiavellianism was substantiated. Practical implications are presented based on the study results

    Employers’ perception on engineering, information and communication technology (ICT) students’ employability skills

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    This article is based on the findings of a survey of employers having Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) engineering and ICT students undergoing industrial training at their organisations. The study seeks to explore the employers’ perceptions of the employability skills that technical students need to possess, as well as assessing the employers’ level of satisfaction with the students’ employability skills. A 13-item scale of engineering employability skills adopted from the Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC) manual and the Future of Engineering Education Report 2007 were utilised as the main instrument to gauge the employers’ perception of UTeM’s students. The findings revealed that problem-solving, tool handling competency and presentation skills feature highly amongst the skills demanded of students by employers. The findings are useful for the University to understand how to equip its students and graduates according to the requirements of industry and to ensure they are highly employable after graduating from the University


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    (Strategic Leadership Competence among Professional University Administrators in Managing VUCA in the Post-Pandemic Era: A Review)ABSTRAK Pandemik Covid-19 telah mencipta persekitaran yang tidak stabil, tidak pasti, kompleks dan kabur (VUCA) serta memberikan impak yang signifikan kepada perkembangan sektor pendidikan tinggi di Malaysia. Sebagai tindak balas, pentadbir professional universiti perlu memiliki kompetensi dalam kepimpinan strategik untuk mengendalikan dengan jayanya bagi tempoh mencabar. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti kompetensi kepimpinan strategik yang diperlukan oleh pentadbir profesional universiti di Malaysia menguruskan VUCA di era pasca pandemik. Oleh itu, penulisan ini akan menganalisis dapatan kajian lepas yang berkaitan dengan definisi VUCA, cabarannya di universiti dan apakah kompetensi kepimpinan strategik yang diperlukan oleh pentadbir profesional di universiti seperti di UTeM bagi mengurus persekitaran VUCA pasca pandemik. Dapatan penulisan daripada sorotan kajian lepas ini juga akan membantu dalam penyusunan pandangan yang lebih sistematik dan signifikan untuk kajian yang akan datang. Kata Kunci: Kepimpinan strategik, pentadbir profesional, VUCA, pasca pandemik ABSTRACT  The Covid-19 pandemic has created an environment that is volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA), and has significantly impacted the development of the higher education sector in Malaysia. In response, professional university administrators need to possess competencies in strategic leadership to effectively navigate through this challenging period. This paper aims to identify the strategic leadership competencies required by professional university administrators in Malaysia to manage VUCA in the post-pandemic era. Therefore, this paper will analyze past research findings related to the definition of VUCA, its challenges in universities, and the strategic leadership competencies needed by professional administrators in universities such as UTeM to manage the post-pandemic VUCA environment. The findings from this review of past research will also contribute to the development of a more systematic and significant framework for future studies. Keywords: Strategic leadership, professional administrators, VUCA, post-                  pandemic

    Personality-Environment Congruency of Land Settlement Youth Entrepreneurs in Malaysia

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effect of person-environment congruency on the relationship between organisational culture and organisational commitment. Data were obtained from entrepreneur youth who were member and in the leadership position of FELDA Youth Organisation in Malaysia (n=408). Person-environment congruency was found to be a significant mediator of the relationship between organisational culture and organisational commitment. This has wide-ranging implications for organisational development consultants who intend to shape the culture of various organisations, on the assumption that certain organisational cultures directly lead to certain desirable employee outcomes. Leaders need to pay attention to not only their organisational culture such as training, rewards, teamwork and communication, but to also ensure that they are aimed towards improving the fit between individuals and their work environment. Whereas previous research tends to look at P-E congruency as a predictor of employee outcomes, this is one study to provide evidence of P-E fit as a mediator of the relationship between organisational culture and organisational commitment

    Internet Banking: Analysing encouragement and impediment factors among academicians

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    The paper aims to explore the encouragement and impediment factors for consumers to adopt internet banking services. The study should provide effective strategies for banking institutions on how to maximise the rate of adoption. A survey involving a sample size of 200 was conducted by sending questionnaires to lecturers in 20 public universities in Malaysia. The Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour model (DTPB)was used. While "Perceived Usefulness" and "Features of websites" were the top factors which encourage the adoption of internet banking,"Culture" was the most significant impediment in adoption. In terms of moderating variables, only a few variables show significant impact on certain factors. Age and income impacted only on "External environment" whereas WAP feature had an impact only on "Perceived usefulness'. Other variables have not shown significant effect on the factors. The findings suggest that banking institutions should plan effective strategies to enhance the push factors and to counter the barrier of culture in order to enhance internet banking adoption. This study offers valuable strategies for marketers to rethink how to educate potential customers and promote internet banking using innovative approaches. Recommendations are offered to financial institutions to plan effective strategies to enhance adoption of internet banking. The potential factors influencing internet banking adoption also provide useful insights for other developing countries

    The Innovative Society: A Comparison Study of Innovation Diffusion among Farmers in Malaysia Two Major Granary Area

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    Purpose: The study conducted to investigate the challenges that are faced in innovation diffusion effort of new green technology specifically on green urea Design/methodology/approach: This study had involved 400 farmers in MADA and KADA as the respondents Findings: The result of the study found that there are significant differences in all dimensions studied between the two granary areas. Originality/value: The paper shall highlight areas for further improvement of strategic communication strategies for new green technology leading to effective diffusion of innovation for adoption. Keywords: Communication; Innovation; Farmers; Rice; Malaysi