270 research outputs found

    XMM-Newton view of MS0735+7421: the most energetic AGN outburst in a galaxy cluster

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    We discuss the possible cosmological effects of powerful AGN outbursts in galaxy clusters by starting from the results of an XMM-Newton observation of the supercavity cluster MS0735+7421.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of "Heating vs. Cooling in Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies", August 2006, Garching (Germany

    Radio Triggered Star Formation in Cooling Flows

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    The giant galaxies located at the centers of cluster cooling flows are frequently sites of vigorous star formation. In some instances, star formation appears to have been triggered by the galaxy's radio source. The colors and spectral indices of the young populations are generally consistent with short duration bursts or continuous star formation for durations much less than 1 Gyr, which is less than the presumed ages of cooling flows. The star formation properties are inconsistent with fueling by a continuously accreting cooling flow, although the prevalence of star formation is consistent with repeated bursts and periodic refueling. Star formation may be fueled, in some cases, by cold material stripped from neighboring cluster galaxies

    Molecular accretion in the core of the galaxy cluster 2A 0335+096

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    We present adaptive optics-assisted K-band integral field spectroscopy of the central cluster galaxy in 2A 0335+096 (z= 0.0349). The H2 v=1–0 S(1) emission is concentrated in two peaks within 600 pc of the nucleus and fainter but kinematically active emission extends towards the nucleus. The H2 is in a rotating structure which aligns with, and appears to have been accreted from, a stream of Hα emission extending over 14 kpc towards a companion galaxy. The projected rotation axis aligns with the 5 GHz radio lobes. This H2 traces the known 1.2 × 109 M⊙ CO-emitting reservoir; limits on the Brγ emission confirm that the H2 emission is not excited by star formation, which occurs at a rate of less than 1 M⊙ yr−1 in this gas. If its accretion on to the black hole can be regulated whilst star formation remains suppressed, the reservoir could last for at least 1 Gyr; the simultaneous accretion of just ∼5 per cent of the gas could drive a series of active galactic nucleus (AGN) outbursts which offset X-ray cooling in the cluster core for the full ∼1 Gyr. Alternatively, if the regulation is ineffective and the bulk of the H2 accretes within a few orbital periods (25–100 Myr), the resulting 1062 erg outburst would be among the most powerful cluster AGN outbursts known. In either case, these observations further support cold feedback scenarios for AGN heating

    The Growth of Black Holes and Bulges at the Cores of Cooling Flows

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    Central cluster galaxies (cDs) in cooling flows are growing rapidly through gas accretion and star formation. At the same time, AGN outbursts fueled by accretion onto supermassive black holes are generating X-ray cavity systems and driving outflows that exceed those in powerful quasars. We show that the resulting bulge and black hole growth follows a trend that is roughly consistent with the slope of the local (Magorrian) relation between bulge and black hole mass for nearby quiescent ellipticals. However, a large scatter suggests that cD bulges and black holes do not always grow in lock-step. New measurements made with XMM, Chandra, and FUSE of the condensation rates in cooling flows are now approaching or are comparable to the star formation rates, alleviating the need for an invisible sink of cold matter. We show that the remaining radiation losses can be offset by AGN outbursts in more than half of the systems in our sample, indicating that the level of cooling and star formation is regulated by AGN feedback.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of "Heating vs. Cooling in Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies," edited by H. Boehringer, P. Schuecker, G. W. Pratt, and A. Finogueno

    Heating Hot Atmospheres with Active Galactic Nuclei

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    High resolution X-ray spectroscopy of the hot gas in galaxy clusters has shown that the gas is not cooling to low temperatures at the predicted rates of hundreds to thousands of solar masses per year. X-ray images have revealed giant cavities and shock fronts in the hot gas that provide a direct and relatively reliable means of measuring the energy injected into hot atmospheres by active galactic nuclei (AGN). Average radio jet powers are near those required to offset radiative losses and to suppress cooling in isolated giant elliptical galaxies, and in larger systems up to the richest galaxy clusters. This coincidence suggests that heating and cooling are coupled by feedback, which suppresses star formation and the growth of luminous galaxies. How jet energy is converted to heat and the degree to which other heating mechanisms are contributing, eg. thermal conduction, are not well understood. Outburst energies require substantial late growth of supermassive black holes. Unless all of the approximately 10E62 erg required to suppress star formation is deposited in the cooling regions of clusters, AGN outbursts must alter large-scale properties of the intracluster medium.Comment: 60 pages, 12 figures, to appear in 1997 Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics. This version supersedes the April 2007 version in Reviews in Advance (references and minor corrections were added), and is similar to the one scheduled to appear in Volume 45 of ARA

    Chandra observation of two shock fronts in the merging galaxy cluster Abell 2146

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    We present a new Chandra observation of the galaxy cluster Abell 2146 which has revealed a complex merging system with a gas structure that is remarkably similar to the Bullet cluster. The X-ray image and temperature map show a cool 2 –3 keV subcluster with a ram pressure stripped tail of gas just exiting the disrupted 6 − 7 keV primary cluster. From the sharp jump in the temperature and density of the gas, we determine that the subcluster is preceded by a bow shock with a Mach number M= 2.2 ± 0.8, corresponding to a velocity v= 2200+1000−900 km s−1 relative to the main cluster. We estimate that the subcluster passed through the primary core only 0.1 –0.3 Gyr ago. In addition, we observe a slower upstream shock propagating through the outer region of the primary cluster and calculate a Mach number M= 1.7 ± 0.3. Based on the measured shock Mach numbers M∼ 2 and the strength of the upstream shock, we argue that the mass ratio between the two merging clusters is between 3 and 4 to one. By comparing the Chandra observation with an archival Hubble Space Telescope observation, we find that a group of galaxies is located in front of the X-ray subcluster core but the brightest cluster galaxy is located immediately behind the X-ray peak

    Tracing Ghost Cavities with Low Frequency Radio Observations

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    We present X-ray and multi-frequency radio observations of the central radio sources in several X-ray cavity systems. We show that targeted radio observations are key to determining if the lobes are being actively fed by the central AGN. Low frequency observations provide a unique way to study both the lifecycle of the central radio source as well as its energy input into the ICM over several outburst episodes.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, To appear in the Proceedings of "Heating vs. Cooling in Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies", eds. H. Boehringer, P. Schuecker, G. W. Pratt & A. Finoguenov (ESO Astrophysics Symposia, Springer-Verlag), Garching (Germany), August 200

    Cold Feedback in Cooling-Flow Galaxy Clusters

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    We put forward an alternative view to the Bondi-driven feedback between heating and cooling of the intra-cluster medium (ICM) in cooling flow galaxies and clusters. We adopt the popular view that the heating is due to an active galactic nucleus (AGN), i.e. a central black hole accreting mass and launching jets and/or winds. We propose that the feedback occurs with the entire cool inner region (5-30 kpc). A moderate cooling flow does exist here, and non-linear over-dense blobs of gas cool fast and are removed from the ICM before experiencing the next major AGN heating event. Some of these blobs may not accrete on the central black hole, but may form stars and cold molecular clouds. We discuss the conditions under which the dense blobs may cool to low temperatures and feed the black hole.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, to appear in the Proceedings of "Heating vs. Cooling in Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies", August 2006, Garching (Germany

    A comprehensive study of the radio properties of brightest cluster galaxies

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    We examine the radio properties of the brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) in a large sample of X-ray selected galaxy clusters comprising the Brightest Cluster Sample (BCS), the extended BCS and ROSAT-ESO Flux Limited X-ray cluster catalogues. We have multifrequency radio observations of the BCG using a variety of data from the Australia Telescope Compact Array, Jansky Very Large Array and Very Long Baseline Array telescopes. The radio spectral energy distributions of these objects are decomposed into a component attributed to on-going accretion by the active galactic nuclei (AGN) that we refer to as ‘the core’, and a more diffuse, ageing component we refer to as the ‘non-core’. These BCGs are matched to previous studies to determine whether they exhibit emission lines (principally Hα), indicative of the presence of a strong cooling cluster core. We consider how the radio properties of the BCGs vary with cluster environmental factors. Line emitting BCGs are shown to generally host more powerful radio sources, exhibiting the presence of a strong, distinguishable core component in about 60 per cent of cases. This core component more strongly correlates with the BCG's [O III] 5007 Å line emission. For BCGs in line emitting clusters, the X-ray cavity power correlates with both the extended and core radio emission, suggestive of steady fuelling of the AGN over bubble-rise time-scales in these clusters
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