679 research outputs found

    Capabilities of operational infrared sounding systems from satellite altitude

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    Initial attempts at using satellite radiances resulted in the production of temperature profiles similar to those produced by radiosondes. While increases in accuracy were made and additional increases are expected to result from increased instrument capabilities, it was recognized that the production of level temperatures is not consistent with the average temperature that is represented by the radiances

    Navier-Stokes and Euler solutions for lee-side flows over supersonic delta wings. A correlation with experiment

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    An Euler flow solver and a thin layer Navier-Stokes flow solver were used to numerically simulate the supersonic leeside flow fields over delta wings which were observed experimentally. Three delta wings with 75, 67.5, and 60 deg leading edge sweeps were computed over an angle-of-attack range of 4 to 20 deg at a Mach number 2.8. The Euler code and Navier-Stokes code predict equally well the primary flow structure where the flow is expected to be separated or attached at the leading edge based on the Stanbrook-Squire boundary. The Navier-Stokes code is capable of predicting both the primary and the secondary flow features for the parameter range investigated. For those flow conditions where the Euler code did not predict the correct type of primary flow structure, the Navier-Stokes code illustrated that the flow structure is sensitive to boundary layer model. In general, the laminar Navier-Stokes solutions agreed better with the experimental data, especially for the lower sweep delta wings. The computational results and a detailed re-examination of the experimental data resulted in a refinement of the flow classifications. This refinement in the flow classification results in the separation bubble with the shock flow type as the intermediate flow pattern between separated and attached flows

    Tree Fall Data, post- Super Storm Sandy, 2012-2014

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    Since Superstorm Sandy in October 2012, Kendra McMillin and Gerry Hertel monitored tree fall in the Gordon Natural Area. After Sandy there was a wind event in August, 2013 and then the ice storm in February 2014 which caused further tree fall

    Safe Computing

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    So-called worms, viruses, and Trojan horses that attack computer systems are defined. The vehicle that allows these attacks to occur, namely, the open computer internetwork, is examined. The problem of providing protection against attack in an internetwork environment is discussed. The need for professional responsibility on the part of the scientific and engineering community in enforcing strong ethical practices and neither tolerating nor condoning such practices is stressed

    Effect of surface waviness on a supercritical laminar-flow-control airfoil

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    Calculations were made of the effects of surface waviness on the external pressure of a supercritical airfoil at design conditions. Wave parameters varied include amplitude, wavelength, phase, and number of cycles. Effects of single and multiple waves are calculated at various chordwise locations. General trends of surface waviness effects on pressure distribution are determined and these solutions are reported. Contour deviations are imposed on the upper surface of the airfoil. Results are presented in a manner designed to facilitate ready comparison with the ideal contour static pressure distribution

    Aging in Women Athletes

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    Structural Configuration Analysis of Advanced Flight Vehicle Concepts with Distributed Hybrid-Electric Propulsion

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    Structural configuration analysis of two advanced aircraft concepts with distributed hybrid-electric propulsion is presented. These concepts are characterized by multiple wing-mounted electric propulsors, which are powered by turbo-generators. Based on lessons learned from previous structural analysis of unconventional concepts, high-fidelity finite element models of the aircraft wing with embedded electric propulsors are developed. Although a hybrid-electric propulsion system has noise and emission benefits, it also adds electrical power system weights. Hence, efficient structural integration of the wing and propulsors is investigated for design improvement, structural analysis, and weight reduction. Wing structural weights of the two designs are compared with a baseline conventional transport aircraft wing for benefit assessment. In one design, the wing structural weight reduction partially compensates for the additional weight associated with the distributed electric propulsion system

    Simulation studies of improved sounding systems

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    Two instrument designs for indirect satellite sounding of the atmosphere in the infrared are represented by the High Resolution Infra-Red Sounder, Model 2 (HIRS-2) and by the Advanced Meteorological Temperature Sounder (AMTS). The relative capabilities of the two instruments were tested by simulating satellite measurements from a group of temperature soundings, allowing the two participants to retrieve the temperature profiles from the simulated data, and comparing the results with the original temperature profiles. Four data sets were produced from radiosondes data extrapolated to a suitable altitude, representing continents and oceans, between 30S and 30N. From the information available, temperature profiles were retrieved by two different methods, statistical regression and inversion of the radiative transfer equation. Results show the consequence of greater spectral purity, concomitant increase in the number of spectral intervals, and the better spatial resolution in partly clouded areas. At the same time, the limitation of the HIRS-2 without its companion instrument leads to some results which should be ignored in comparing the two instruments. A clear superiority of AMTS results is shown
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