4,823 research outputs found

    Proceedings of a Workshop on Polar Stratospheric Clouds: Their Role in Atmospheric Processes

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    The potential role of polar stratospheric clouds in atmospheric processes was assessed. The observations of polar stratospheric clouds with the Nimbus 7 SAM II satellite experiment were reviewed and a preliminary analysis of their formation, impact on other remote sensing experiments, and potential impact on climate were presented. The potential effect of polar stratospheric clouds on climate, radiation balance, atmospheric dynamics, stratospheric chemistry and water vapor budget, and cloud microphysics was assessed. Conclusions and recommendations, a synopsis of materials and complementary material to support those conclusions and recommendations are presented

    The F-12 series aircraft approach to design for control system reliability

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    The F-12 series aircraft control system design philosophy is reviewed as it pertains to functional reliability. The basic control system, i.e., cables, mixer, feel system, trim devices, and hydraulic systems are described and discussed. In addition, the implementation of the redundant stability augmentation system in the F-12 aircraft is described. Finally, the functional reliability record that has been achieved is presented

    SAM 2 measurements of the polar stratospheric aerosol. Volume 9: October 1982 - April 1983

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    The Stratospheric Aerosol Measurement (SAM) II sensor aboard Nimbus 7 is providing 1.0 micron extinction measurements of Antarctic and Arctic stratospheric aerosols with a vertical resolution of 1 km. Representative examples and weekly averages including corresponding temperature profiles provided by NOAA for the time and place of each SAM II measurement are presented. Contours of aerosol extinction as a function of altitude and longitude or time are plotted, and aerosol optical depths are calculated for each week. Typical values of aerosol extinction and stratospheric optical depth in the Arctic are unusually large due to the presence of material from the El Chichon volcano eruption in the Spring of 1982. For example, the optical depth peaked at 0.068, more than 50 times background values. Typical values of aerosol extinction and stratospheric optical depth in the Antarctic varied considerably during this period due to the transport and arrival of the material from the El Chichon eruption. For example, the stratospheric optical depth varied from 0.002 in October 1982, to 0.021 in January 1983. Polar stratospheric clouds were observed during the Arctic winter, as expected. A representative sample is provided of the ninth 6-month period of data to be used in atmospheric and climatic studies

    Meteoroid detector

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    A meteoroid detector is described which uses, a cold cathode discharge tube with a gas-pressurized cell in space for recording a meteoroid puncture of the cell and for determining the size of the puncture

    SAM 2 data user's guide

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    This document is intended to serve as a guide to the use of the data products from the Stratospheric Aerosol Measurement (SAM) 2 experiment for scientific investigations of polar stratospheric aerosols. Included is a detailed description of the Beta and Aerosol Number Density Archive Tape (BANAT), which is the SAM 2 data product containing the aerosol extinction data available for these investigations. Also included are brief descriptions of the instrument operation, data collection, processing and validation, and some of the scientific analyses conducted to date

    Who farms the future? Producing the next generation of agriculturalists

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    The proportion of young farmers and ranchers (ages 18-35 years old) within the agricultural workforce has been declining, raising concerns about the sustainability of the food supply. To gather more tools for solving this problem, this thesis research seeks to understand why young people want to work in agriculture by studying how they develop aspirations for an agricultural career. This thesis employed both survey and interview processes to gather data on how participants think about the field of agriculture in the context of both the challenges and opportunities for entry. Participants were asked how wide range of factors contributed to their aspirations for working in agriculture including developmental experiences, social support, economic considerations and perceived personality traits. The topics explored in this study were selected to investigate the socialization processes behind how young people build value and distinction into an agricultural occupation. This research found many socialization processes at work but that most importantly, individuals need to be exposed to agriculture in a career context. Individuals require socialization to agricultural career options and their attainability in order for them to consider such a career for themselves. Additionally, the study concluded that the perceived lifestyle of agriculture to the individual was an important draw toward an agricultural career. This indicates a profound value is placed in the agricultural lifestyle for many young people- a value that exists outside of strictly economic considerations. Furthermore, the perceived lifestyle of agriculture appears to be an important part of both individuals’ habitus in the study as well as the shared habitus of young agriculturalists as a group. While this study concluded that a variety of socialization and value-building processes take place for individuals who aspire for a career in agriculture, future work should examine the degree and type of agricultural socialization that is most useful to developing a sustainable interest in agricultural careers amongst young people in a larger sample size

    SAGE 3: A visible wavelength limb sounder

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    A brief description is presented for the SAGE 3 (Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment 3) instrument that has been selected to fly onboard the National Polar Platform 1 (NPOP 1) for the Earth Observational System (Eos) in 1996. The SAGE 3 instrument will perform earth limb sounding with the solar occultation technique measuring the ultraviolet (UV), the visible, and the near infrared (IR) wavelength solar radiation. The instrument will produce atmospheric data for the vertical distribution of aerosol, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, water vapor, and oxygen. The details of the instrument design, data flow, and processing requirements are discussed

    Gendered Pathways of Internalizing Problems from Early Childhood to Adolescence and Associated Adolescent Outcomes

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    Despite trends indicating worsening internalizing problems, characterized by anxiety and depression, there is dearth of research examining gender differences in developmental trajectories of internalizing problems from early childhood to adolescence. Drawing on the UK Millennium Cohort Study (n = 17,206, 49% female), this study examines trajectories of parent-reported, clinically-meaningful (reflecting the top 10%) internalizing problems from ages 3 to 14 years and their early predictors and adolescent outcomes. Group-based modelling revealed three trajectories when examining boys and girls together, but there were significant gender differences. When examining boys and girls separately, four trajectories were identified including two relatively stable trajectories showing either high or low probabilities of internalizing problems. An increasing trajectory was also found for both boys and girls, showing an increasing probability of internalizing problems which continued to rise for girls, but levelled off for boys from age 11. A decreasing trajectory was revealed for boys, while a moderate but stable trajectory was identified for girls. Boys and girls in the increasing and high probability groups were more likely to report a number of problematic outcomes including high BMI, self-harm, low mental wellbeing, depressive symptoms, and low educational motivation than the low group. Girls on the increasing trajectory also reported more cigarette and cannabis use and early sexual activity at age 14 compared to girls on the low trajectory. Findings suggest that intervention strategies take a systemic view, targeting not only internal feelings, but also behaviours potentially associated with later negative outcomes

    Spectral radiometry and tropospheric aerosols: Report of panel

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    The term aerosols, as used here, refers to the haze, smoke, and dust that appear in the troposphere. The term does not refer to the hydrometeors in cumulus and stratus clouds but does include the sulfuric acid-water droplets which are assumed to predominate in the stratospheric aerosol layer. The aerosol properties that were measured from satellites and those which can be made in the near term (up to 1992) will be reviewed. The capabilities that will exist in the years 1992 to 2000, with implementation of EOS, are then discussed. Finally, a few words will be said concerning the potential for aerosol measurements for the decade after 2000

    Observations of atmospheric water vapor with the SAGE 2 instrument

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    The Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment 2 (SAGE 2) is discussed. The SAGE 2 instrument was a multichannel spectrometer that inferred the vertical distribution of water vapor, aerosols, nitrogen dioxide, and ozone by measuring the extinction of solar radiation at spacecraft sunrise/sunset. At altitudes above 20 km, the SAGE 2 and LIMS (Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere) data are in close agreement. The discrepancies below this altitude may be attributed to differences in the instruments' field of view and time of data acquisition
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