6,771 research outputs found

    A study of black issues in Counsellor training 2002 - 2005

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    Over the last two decades interest in multicultural dimensions of therapeutic practice has increased, reflecting political and social change, so that it is no longer confined to the page. However, the responses of some black counsellors and clients indicate that what has been and continues to be produced in transcultural literature has not sufficiently transferred into practice. This suggests a gap in counsellor training. At the heart of the gap is the research question. How do trainee counsellors in Britain understand concerns about black issues, raised by themselves during their training or about clients during the therapeutic process? Increasing diversity in student populations has paralleled legislative demands to provide services for the wider multicultural population. This raises a further question of whether training that fails to address the dynamics of racism, and experiences that relate to black peoples' is inadequate. Developments in social policy are a necessity for creating frameworks to address power structures that maintain marginalised voices. The Race Relations Act 1976 (Amended Act 2000) now gives public authorities including Higher Education, a 'statutory general duty to promote race equality'. (CRE. 2002). The Act suggests that 'we' as a community of practitioners are responsible for change in the educational process. In view of this responsibility this study shows the challenges of enabling and empowering trainees to discover the voice of change within their training experience. The study is based on evidence that counsellors training in a variety of settings had not received sufficient input to support the experiences of black people either in training or counselling settings. In addition, today's trainees have been asking questions about how to actively engage with black issues in the role of counsellor. To address this problem the study places counsellor training in Higher Education under the spotlight. It invites the organisation to be active in equal opportunities and combines qualitative with multicultural action research and practice at the source of counselling. Elements of these research paradigms supported the transformative and emancipatory nature of the study. However, a flexible approach to their use allowed for the diversity issues embroiled within the context ofthis study. This supported awareness of the ethical implications of 'epistemological power' and 'epistemological racism'. Drawing on a pluralistic approach, the heuristic process of understanding trainee counsellors' relationship with the phenomenon of black issues was explored during training workshops. The study gave voice to trainee counsellors' concerns. It encouraged dialogue about relationships as black people, or with black peoples, that link to the therapeutic process. The researcher's role as black facilitator, tutor, researcher and 'insider outsider' played an important part in both the challenging nature of this study and a model for developing safety and compassion to facilitate the process. Interviews with five established counsellors trained at different points over a twenty year period showed that black issues was a missing element in their training courses. Primary data was collected from the shared concerns of a group of fifty students on three different counsellor training courses. Trainees from one of the courses were followed through into year two of their training. They were offered additional workshops and encouraged to address black issues within assessment criteria of their training. The impact of black issues in their training was shared at verbal evaluation meetings outside of course time. Trainees' narratives made a significant contribution to the primary data collection. Findings demonstrated that themes such as fear and safety were features of trainees' process of exploring and understanding black issues. Three main concepts evolved. These are called 'shared concerns', 'finding a voice' and 'recognition trauma'. The study showed that sharing concerns assisted trainees to find a voice where previously they felt silenced. Their narrative demonstrated that they were keen to find ways of opening a dialogue about black issues, but needed safety to unravel the sticky and often emotional impact of racism. Themes which emerged from the process were those of racism, guilt, history and trust. Reflexive representation of trainees' voices through the data showed that concerns about racism featured highly in their interactions. The outcome demonstrated that firstly space for sharing and exploration in training can model greater confidence in dialogue about black issues in client work. Secondly, the different experiences of black and white trainees must be valued. Thirdly, understanding can be supported by modelling the process and dialogue on black issues. Fourthly, to support the emancipatory and transformative process of the training group the trainer's personal development process must include an understanding of racism and knowledge of black issues. This document reflects creativity in both methodology and presentation. It allows theory to compliment practice and practice to develop counselling and research theory. It may be seen as similar to the reflexive experience of integrative counselling. With this in mind, the reader is invited to share a narrative journey from fear to transformation

    Power-Law Behavior of Bond Energy Correlators in a Kitaev-type Model with a Stable Parton Fermi Surface

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    We study bond energy correlation functions in an exactly solvable quantum spin model of Kitaev type on the kagome lattice with stable Fermi surface of partons proposed recently by Chua et al, Ref.\[arXiv:1010.1035]. Even though any spin correlations are ultra-short ranged, we find that the bond energy correlations have power law behavior with a 1/r31/|{\bm r}|^3 envelope and oscillations at incommensurate wavevectors. We determine the corresponding singular surfaces in momentum space, which provide a gauge-invariant characterization of this gapless spin liquid.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Me or We? The Effect of Team and Individual Sports Activity on Executive Functioning

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    There is limited research examining the processes by which open and closed motor skill sports optimize Executive Functions (EFs). The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of motor sequencing and repetitive movement in individual and team sports and their influence on EFs. The study also investigated gender differences in EF abilities within a sporting context. We tested 40 University students (17 = Male, 23 = Female) aged 17-29 (M = 20.47, SD = 2.75) who were randomly assigned to a team and individual sports-oriented intervention focused on either repetitive or variable motor sequential movement. We predicted that individuals in the variable motor sequencing and team condition would yield the best EF performance. Our results suggested a significant interaction effect of Gender x “Team/Individual” on EF measures, as females and males performed significantly different on a team compared to those in the individual conditions. For performance of intervention, we found an overall main effect of Team/Individual, such that participants in the Team conditions finished faster on the sports task than those in the Individual conditions. A significant main effect of Gender was also found, as males generally outperformed female participants. These findings have implications for optimizing sport and EF performance between genders

    Satellite cell behavior in cyclists following intensified training with and without protein supplementation

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    PURPOSE: The objectives were to determine the satellite cell (SC) response among endurance-trained cyclists (n=8; VO2max: 63.1 ± 8.4 mL/Kg/min)to a period of intensified training (ICT) (10 days) and 10 days of recovery (RVT), with and without protein supplementation. METHODS: Muscle biopsies were obtained from the vastus lateralis prior to- and immediately following ICT and RVT. Fluorescent microscopy was used to analyze SCs and myosin heavy chain I and IIa (MHC I and IIa). Data were analyzed using magnitude-based inferences. RESULTS: MHC I SCs were exceptionally abundant at baseline (38 ± 20 SCs/100 fibers). MHC I SC count decreased (unclear) from PreCHO to ICTCHO and then likely increased by 60 ± 64 percent following RecCHO , with no other differences in SC content regardless of nutrition or training phase. Myonuclear content of MHC I fibers most likely increased by 16 ± 6 percent from baseline to ICTCHO and likely remained higher (17 ± 15 percent) than baseline following recovery. Likewise, MHC IIa myonuclear content likely increased 14 ± 14 percent from PreCHO to RecCHO. Though there were no changes in fiber size (cross sectional area) under CHO conditions, MHC I fiber size very likely increased by 14 ± 8 percent and MHC IIa fiber size likely increased by 16 ± 19 percent with PRO supplementation. CONCLUSIONS: Trained endurance cyclists possess a relatively large pool of SCs that appeared to facilitate measurable myonuclear accretion with heavy training under carbohydrate conditions. . Also, based on the muscle fiber hypertrophy and lack of other apparent physiological changes, PRO supplementation appeared to benefit skeletal muscle. These data strengthen the growing body of evidence demonstrating the non-hypertrophic role of SCs in skeletal muscle

    Alien Registration- Mckenzie, Rachel I. (Brownville, Piscataquis County)

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    Immunotherapy of cancer

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    Alternative Model Selection Using Forecast Error Variance Decompositions in Wholesale Chicken Markets

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    Although Vector Autoregressive models are commonly used to forecast prices, specification of these models remains an issue. Questions that arise include choice of variables and lag length. This article examines the use of Forecast Error Variance Decompositions to guide the econometrician’s model specification. Forecasting performance of Variance Autoregressive models, generated from Forecast Error Variance Decompositions, is analyzed within wholesale chicken markets. Results show that the Forecast Error Variance Decomposition approach has the potential to provide superior model selections to traditional Granger Causality tests.broiler markets, DAGs, forecasting, market structure, VAR, Agribusiness, Demand and Price Analysis, Livestock Production/Industries, Risk and Uncertainty, C53, D4, L1, Q00,

    Majorana Spin Liquids on a two-leg ladder

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    We realize a gapless Majorana Orbital Liquid (MOL) using orbital degrees of freedom and also an SU(2)-invariant Majorana Spin Liquid (MSL) using both spin and orbital degrees of freedom in Kitaev-type models on a 2-leg ladder. The models are exactly solvable by Kitaev's parton approach, and we obtain long-wavelength descriptions for both Majorana liquids. The MOL has one gapless mode and power law correlations in energy at incommensuare wavevectors, while the SU(2) MSL has three gapless modes and power law correlations in spin, spin-nematic, and local energy observables. We study the stability of such states to perturbations away from the exactly solvable points. We find that both MOL and MSL can be stable against allowed short-range parton interactions. We also argue that both states persist upon allowing Z2Z_2 gauge field fluctuations, in that the number of gapless modes is retained, although with an expanded set of contributions to observables compared to the free parton mean field.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. Revised versio

    Spin Bose-Metal phase in a spin-1/2 model with ring exchange on a two-leg triangular strip

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    Recent experiments on triangular lattice organic Mott insulators have found evidence for a 2D spin liquid in proximity to the metal-insulator transition. A Gutzwiller wavefunction study of the triangular lattice Heisenberg model with appropriate four-spin ring exchanges has found that the projected spinon Fermi sea state has a low variational energy. This wavefunction, together with a slave particle gauge theory, suggests that such spin liquid possesses spin correlations that are singular along surfaces in momentum space ("Bose surfaces"). Signatures of this state, which we refer to as a "Spin Bose-Metal" (SBM), are expected to be manifest in quasi-1D ladder systems: The discrete transverse momenta cut through the 2D Bose surface leading to a distinct pattern of 1D gapless modes. Here we search for a quasi-1D descendant of the triangular lattice SBM state by exploring the Heisenberg plus ring model on a two-leg strip (zigzag chain). Using DMRG, variational wavefunctions, and a Bosonization analysis, we map out the full phase diagram. Without ring exchange the model is equivalent to the J_1 - J_2 Heisenberg chain, and we find the expected Bethe-chain and dimerized phases. Remarkably, moderate ring exchange reveals a new gapless phase over a large swath of the phase diagram. Spin and dimer correlations possess particular singular wavevectors and allow us to identify this phase as the hoped for quasi-1D descendant SBM state. We derive a low energy theory and find three gapless modes and one Luttinger parameter controlling all power laws. Potential instabilities out of the zigzag SBM give rise to other interesting phases such as a period-3 VBS or a period-4 Chirality order, which we discover in the DMRG; we also find an interesting SBM state with partial ferromagnetism.Comment: 30 pages, 23 figure

    Spin Bose-Metal and Valence Bond Solid phases in a spin-1/2 model with ring exchanges on a four-leg triangular ladder

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    We study a spin-1/2 system with Heisenberg plus ring exchanges on a four-leg triangular ladder using the density matrix renormalization group and Gutzwiller variational wave functions. Near an isotropic lattice regime, for moderate to large ring exchanges we find a spin Bose-metal phase with a spinon Fermi sea consisting of three partially filled bands. Going away from the triangular towards the square lattice regime, we find a staggered dimer phase with dimers in the transverse direction, while for small ring exchanges the system is in a featureless rung phase. We also discuss parent states and a possible phase diagram in two dimensions.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, v3 is the print versio