8,132 research outputs found

    Options for managing human threats to high seas biodiversity

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    Areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) constitute 61% of the world's oceans and are collectively managed by countries under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Growing concern regarding the deteriorating state of the oceans and ineffective management of ABNJ has resulted in negotiations to develop an international legally binding instrument (ILBI) for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction under UNCLOS. To inform these negotiations, we identified existing and emerging human activities and influences that affect ABNJ and evaluated management options available to mitigate the most pervasive, with highest potential for impact and probability of emergence. The highest-ranking activities and influences that affect ABNJ were fishing/hunting, maritime shipping, climate change and its associated effects, land-based pollution and mineral exploitation. Management options are diverse and available through a variety of actors, although their actions are not always effective. Area-based management tools (ABMTs), including marine protected areas (MPAs), were the only consistently effective option to mitigate impacts across high-ranked activities and influences. However, addressing land-based pollution will require national action to prevent this at its source, and MPAs offer only a partial solution for climate change. A new ABNJ ILBI could help unify management options and actors to conserve marine biodiversity and ensure sustainable use. Incorporating a mechanism to establish effective ABMTs into the ILBI will help deliver multiple objectives based on the ecosystem approach

    Spin gaps and magnetic structure of NaxCoO2

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    We present two experiments that provide information on spin anisotropy and the magnetic structure of NaxCoO2. First, we report low-energy neutron inelastic scattering measurements of the zone-center magnetic excitations in the magnetically ordered phase of Na0.75CoO2. The energy spectra suggest the existence of two gaps, and are very well fitted by a spin-wave model with both in-plane and out-of-plane anisotropy terms. The gap energies decrease with increasing temperature and both gaps are found to have closed when the temperature exceeds the magnetic ordering temperature T_m~22 K. Secondly, we present neutron diffraction studies of Na0.85CoO2 with a magnetic field applied approximately parallel to the c axis. For fields in excess of ~8T a magnetic Bragg peak was observed at the (0,0,3) position in reciprocal space. We interpret this as a spin-flop transition of the A-type antiferromagnetic structure, and we show that the spin-flop field is consistent with the size of the anisotropy gap.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Field-Induced Magnetic and Structural Domain Alignment in PrO2

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    We present a neutron diffraction study of the magnetic structure of single crystal PrO2 under applied fields of 0-6 T. As the field is increased, changes are observed in the magnetic Bragg intensities. These changes are found to be irreversible when the field is reduced, but the original intensities can be recovered by heating to T > 122 K, then re-cooling in zero field. The antiferromagnetic ordering temperature TN = 13.5 K and the magnetic periodicity are unaffected by the applied field. We also report measurements of the magnetic susceptibility of single crystal PrO2 under applied fields of 0-7 T. These show strong anisotropy, as well as an anomaly at T = 122 +/- 2 K which coincides with the temperature TD = 120 +/- 2 K at which a structural distortion occurs. For fields applied along the [100] direction the susceptibility increases irreversibly with field in the temperature range TN < T < TD. However, for fields along [110] the susceptibility is independent of field in this range. We propose structural domain alignment, which strongly influences the formation of magnetic domains below TN, as the mechanism behind these changes.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables. Minor typographical changes in v

    Confinement of the Sun's interior magnetic field: some exact boundary-layer solutions

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    High-latitude laminar confinement of the Sun's interior magnetic field is shown to be possible, as originally proposed by Gough and McIntyre (1998) but contrary to a recent claim by Brun and Zahn (A&A 2006). Mean downwelling as weak as 2x10^-6cm/s -- gyroscopically pumped by turbulent stresses in the overlying convection zone and/or tachocline -- can hold the field in advective-diffusive balance within a confinement layer of thickness scale ~ 1.5Mm ~ 0.002 x (solar radius) while transmitting a retrograde torque to the Ferraro-constrained interior. The confinement layer sits at the base of the high-latitude tachocline, near the top of the radiative envelope and just above the `tachopause' marking the top of the helium settling layer. A family of exact, laminar, frictionless, axisymmetric confinement-layer solutions is obtained for uniform downwelling in the limit of strong rotation and stratification. A scale analysis shows that the flow is dynamically stable and the assumption of laminar flow realistic. The solution remains valid for downwelling values of the order of 10^-5cm/s but not much larger. This suggests that the confinement layer may be unable to accept a much larger mass throughput. Such a restriction would imply an upper limit on possible internal field strengths, perhaps of the order of hundreds of gauss, and would have implications also for ventilation and lithium burning. The solutions have interesting chirality properties not mentioned in the paper owing to space restrictions, but described at http://www.atmos-dynamics.damtp.cam.ac.uk/people/mem/papers/SQBO/solarfigure.htmlComment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear in conference proceedings: Unsolved Problems in Stellar Physic

    Field induced magnetic order in the frustrated magnet Gadolinium Gallium Garnet

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    Gd3Ga5O12, (GGG), has an extraordinary magnetic phase diagram, where no long range order is found down to 25 mK despite \Theta_CW \approx 2 K. However, long range order is induced by an applied field of around 1 T. Motivated by recent theoretical developments and the experimental results for a closely related hyperkagome system, we have performed neutron diffraction measurements on a single crystal sample of GGG in an applied magnetic field. The measurements reveal that the H-T phase diagram of GGG is much more complicated than previously assumed. The application of an external field at low T results in an intensity change for most of the magnetic peaks which can be divided into three distinct sets: ferromagnetic, commensurate antiferromagnetic, and incommensurate antiferromagnetic. The ferromagnetic peaks (e.g. (112), (440) and (220)) have intensities that increase with the field and saturate at high field. The antiferromagnetic reflections have intensities that grow in low fields, reach a maximum at an intermediate field (apart from the (002) peak which shows two local maxima) and then decrease and disappear above 2 T. These AFM peaks appear, disappear and reach maxima in different fields. We conclude that the competition between magnetic interactions and alternative ground states prevents GGG from ordering in zero field. It is, however, on the verge of ordering and an applied magnetic field can be used to crystallise ordered components. The range of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic propagation vectors found reflects the complex frustration in GGG.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, HFM 2008 conference pape

    Cooperative Jahn-Teller Distortion in PrO2

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    We report neutron diffraction data on single crystal PrO2 which reveal a cooperative Jahn-Teller distortion at TD = 120 +/- 2 K. Below this temperature an internal distortion of the oxygen sublattice causes the unit cell of the crystallographic structure to become doubled along one crystal axis. We discuss several possible models for this structure. The antiferromagnetic structure below TN = 13.5 K is found to consist of two components, one of which shares the same doubled unit cell as the distorted crystallographic structure. We also present measurements of the magnetic susceptibility, the specific heat capacity and the electrical conductivity of PrO2. The susceptibility data show an anomaly at a temperature close to TD. From the specific heat capacity data we deduce that the ground state is doubly degenerate, consistent with a distortion of the cubic local symmetry. We discuss possible mechanisms for this. The conductivity shows an activated behaviour with an activation energy Ea = 0.262 +/- 0.003 eV.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables. Additional suggested structure in v

    TB85: A New Potato Scab Problem in Maine

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    The scientific literature is filled with conflicting reports on the development of the common scab disease of potatoes and its causal organism. One unresolved question is soil reaction, once thought to be the answer in controlling this disease. Scientific studies an d practical experience over a long period had shown that acid soils having a pH of approximately 5.3 or below usually did not support common scab development, though sporadic and unexplained reports of disease occurrence in these soils were observed. In the late 1950s, however, such reports became more frequent in Maine and before the mid-1960s, losses relate d to scabb y potatoes growing in acid soils were common. Throughout this period overall crop losses from the disease were minimal even though individual growers sometimes lost a large par t of their crop. During the dry 1970 growing season, however, a disease survey estimated that up to 5% of the Maine crop was scabby. Studies of this new form of scab and observations on its development within the state are reported herein.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_techbulletin/1114/thumbnail.jp
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