75 research outputs found

    Climate Change Increasing Threats on Non-Conserved Mangroves Forests of Micheweni, Zanzibar–Tanzania

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    Overutilization of mangroves has been reported as the factor for mangrove declining across the globe. However, currently, the global climate change has been claimed to pose significant threats to the survival of mangroves. This study analysed the impacts of climatic variability (sea level rise, temperature and precipitation) to the mangroves of Micheweni (non reserve) and Ngezi-Vumawimbi (nature forest reserve). Multi-disciplinary approach was employed to collect information on community perceptions. Secondary time series data of up to 30 years for temperature, rainfall and sea level rise were collected and analysed. Inquiry results on how local communities perceived climate change showed that over 88% of the respondents agreed that there have been changes in climate in their areas, with 64% showing that there are severe impacts to the mangrove ecosystems. The respondents further claimed that there have been frequent saltwater intrusions affecting their agricultural crops and water table. Analysis of climate change parameters showed gradual sea level rise in the past 10 years and significant increase in temperatures in the past 30 years coupled with slight decrease in overall rainfall patterns. These observations could have serious effects on mangroves, particularly those of Micheweni, since the region is notable with high temperature coupled with minimum amount of rainfall per year, and being freely accessible unlike Ngezi. To reduce vulnerability to climate change, it is recommended to establish buffer zones in particular to the non-reserve mangrove forest of Micheweni. Also there is a need for community sensitization on climate change and resource management.Keywords: Climate change; Mangroves; Sea level rise; Temperature; Precipitation

    Can a precast pit latrine concrete floor withstand emptying operations? An investigation from Malawi

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    For fecal sludge from households in low- and middle-income countries to be treated offsite it needs to be removed, which can be greatly affected by the pit latrine floor design. However, it is unclear whether precast pit latrine concrete floors (latrine slabs) can withstand emptiers and their equipment. To investigate this issue, 28 prefabricated latrine slabs were purchased in two cities of Malawi. They were first visually evaluated, and then their compression strength was tested. Additionally, each seller was asked a series of questions to better understand their business, training, and construction practices. Results showed that households should perform due diligence to ensure that they are purchasing a safe precast latrine slab. Commonly reported problems included nonstandard reinforcement material and spacing, in addition to slabs that were not thick enough or were not large enough in diameter. The results of this research illustrate the inherent complexity in ensuring high-quality decentralized sanitation solutions and how one component, the user interface, if implemented poorly, can affect the rest of the value chain. The findings from this work can help inform training and initiatives that engage artisans and suppliers who play a role in the provision of onsite sanitation service delivery

    Mangrove litter production and seasonality of dominant species in Zanzibar, Tanzania

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    This study is aimed at examining the litter production and seasonality of Avicennia marina, Bruguiera gymnorhiza, and Rhizophora mucronata. Litter was collected using nylon litter traps of 1 mm2 mesh size in the Uzi-Nyeke mixed mangroves, Zanzibar, over a period of 2 years. Contents were sorted, dried, weighed, and the average daily litter production for each component was calculated. A distinct seasonality and species variation were found in all mangrove litter components. The average annual litterfall rate was higher in B. gymnorhiza, followed by R. mucronata and A. marina (3.0, 2.8, and 2.0 ton dry wt. ha-1year–1 respectively). Leaf fraction was the main component of litter in all species, but fruit and flower for R. mucronata also had a considerable contribution to the total litterfall. The presented patterns of litter production are associated with average temperature and wind speed which are both strongly correlated with litter seasonality. Our data contributes to the body of knowledge on  patterns of litter production and the ecological integrity of mangrove forests in Zanzibar.Keywords: Litterfall, mangrove species, seasonal pattern

    Antidiabetic effect of Pterocarpus marsupium seed extract in gabapentin induced diabetic rats

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    Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is the most common type of diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among Indian population and all over the world with more than hundreds of millions of patients worldwide. Pterocarpus marsupium is a medicinal plant used in Ayurvedic system of medicine to control blood sugar and strong antidiabetic. The purpose of this study was to assess the hypoglycemic effect of the ethanolic extract of Pterocarpus marsupium seeds in diabetic rats.Methods: The present work was designed to evaluate the anti-hyperglycaemic activity of Pterocarpus marsupium seed extract (100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg) on gabapentin induced hyperglycaemia in wistar albino rats. Blood glucose level, serum triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol were evaluated in gabapentin induced diabetic rats. The results of the test drug were compared with the standard drug.Results: Ethanolic seed extract of Pterocarpus marsupium at 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg had significantly reduced the blood glucose level compared to disease control rats on day 1, 7, 14 and 21. Pterocarpus marsupium shows significant decrease in triglycerides levels, serum cholesterol levels, LDL levels and increased HDL levels, total protein levels compared to the disease control group.Conclusions: In conclusion, the present study shows that the ethanolic seed extract of Pterocarpus marsupium has potential antidiabetic action in gabapentin induced diabetic rats and the effect was found to be more similar to the standard drug metformin

    Feeding Choice and the Fate of Organic Materials Consumed by Sesarma Crabs Perisesarma bidens

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    The feeding preference of the sesarmid crab Perisesarma bidens was investigated when offered different diets: Enteromorpha intestinalis (algae), Kandelia obovata leaves, and propagules. Nutritional value of food, its assimilation, and fates were evaluated using a combination approach of the fatty acids (FAs) and C/N ratios. When offered a mixed diet, male crabs preferred algae than leaves and/or propagules, while a female preference was equally for leaves and algae but less than propagules. The nutritional value of algae was higher as indicated by low C : N ratios and high ω3/ω6 ratios than leaves and propagules. FAs comparison of tissues and faeces indicated that crabs efficiently assimilate essential fatty acids (EFAs) from a given diet in the order of algae greater than leaves and propagules. Despite of sesarmid crabs being a mangrove leaf-eater, E. intestinalis can potentially be important source of nitrogen supplement for P. bidens under mangrove forests

    The relationship between the mechanism of injury and mandibular fractures

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    This prospective study describes the mechanism of injury, patient demographics and clinical presentation of 100 consecutive patients encountered in the patient population served by the Department of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery at the Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University. To determine the demographics, presentation and mechanism of injury of patients presenting with mandibular fractures in the patient population served by Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University. Seventy percent of mandibular fractures were secondary to assault. Although this was high in comparison to other studies, it was similar to studies performed in London and other regions of South Africa. Mandibular fractures resulting from MVA (motor vehicle accidents), falls and sports were found to be less than the norm. The high percentage of mandibular fractures due to assault concurs with similar studies previously conducted in South Africa. With some variables similar to international trends, while others are not; certain salient results highlight the need for interventional campaigns

    Adopters and non-adopters of low-cost household latrines: A study of corbelled pit latrines in 15 districts of Malawi

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    The Sustainable Development Goals will challenge low- and middle-income settings to look at new approaches for rural sanitation. In 2013, Mzuzu University, in partnership with United Nations Children\u27s Fund (UNICEF) Malawi, started a low-cost latrine program in rural areas using the corbelled latrine design supported by locally owned sustainable businesses. The objective of this work was to trace customers (early household adopters) and non-customers through field observations and interviews in 15 districts of Malawi. The research team spent 193 personnel work days in data collection and found 21 households as adopters in 7 districts. Most respondents had a preference with regard to the design of the sanitation facility they would like to use. Although sharing of sanitation facilities was common, the corbelled latrine is promoted as a single household pit latrine design. Unfortunately, 8% (23/304) of non-adopters responded they practiced open defecation. Households were satisfied with the corbelled latrine design, and no latrine was found to have collapsed during field visits. To promote the corbelled latrine in Malawi, the following are recommended: (1) education of frontline government extension workers towards non-subsidized household latrines; (2) identification of rural low-income households as the best target for potential adopters; and (3) linkage of low-cost sanitation technologies to community mobilization campaigns led by the government, such as Community Led Total Sanitation
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