756 research outputs found

    Using a Laguerre-Gaussian beam to trap and cool the rotational motion of a mirror

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    We show theoretically that it is possible to trap and cool the rotational motion of a macroscopic mirror made of a perfectly reflecting spiral phase element using orbital angular momentum transfer from a Laguerre-Gaussian optical field. This technique offers a promising route to the placement of the rotor in its quantum mechanical ground state in the presence of thermal noise. It also opens up the possibility of simultaneously cooling a vibrational mode of the same mirror. Lastly, the proposed design may serve as a sensitive torsional balance in the quantum regime.Comment: New cavity design, reworked title; to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    The Origin of Power-Law Emergent Scaling in Large Binary Networks

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    In this paper we study the macroscopic conduction properties of large but finite binary networks with conducting bonds. By taking a combination of a spectral and an averaging based approach we derive asymptotic formulae for the conduction in terms of the component proportions p and the total number of components N. These formulae correctly identify both the percolation limits and also the emergent power law behaviour between the percolation limits and show the interplay between the size of the network and the deviation of the proportion from the critical value of p = 1/2. The results compare excellently with a large number of numerical simulations

    Multi-parameter models of innovation diffusion on complex networks

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    A model, applicable to a range of innovation diffusion applications with a strong peer to peer component, is developed and studied, along with methods for its investigation and analysis. A particular application is to individual households deciding whether to install an energy efficiency measure in their home. The model represents these individuals as nodes on a network, each with a variable representing their current state of adoption of the innovation. The motivation to adopt is composed of three terms, representing personal preference, an average of each individual's network neighbours' states and a system average, which is a measure of the current social trend. The adoption state of a node changes if a weighted linear combination of these factors exceeds some threshold. Numerical simulations have been carried out, computing the average uptake after a sufficient number of time-steps over many realisations at a range of model parameter values, on various network topologies, including random (Erdos-Renyi), small world (Watts-Strogatz) and (Newman's) highly clustered, community-based networks. An analytical and probabilistic approach has been developed to account for the observed behaviour, which explains the results of the numerical calculations

    Degeneracies when T=0 Two Body Matrix Elements are Set Equal to Zero and Regge's 6j Symmetry Relations

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    The effects of setting all T=0 two body interaction matrix elements equal to a constant (or zero) in shell model calculations (designated as =0=0) are investigated. Despite the apparent severity of such a procedure, one gets fairly reasonable spectra. We find that using =0=0 in single j shell calculations degeneracies appear e.g. the I=1/2I={1/2} ^{-} and 13/2{13/2}^{-} states in 43^{43}Sc are at the same excitation energies; likewise the I=32+3_{2}^{+},72+7_{2}^{+},91+^{+}_{1} and 101+^{+}_{1} states in 44^{44}Ti. The above degeneracies involve the vanishing of certain 6j and 9j symbols. The symmetry relations of Regge are used to explain why these vanishings are not accidental. Thus for these states the actual deviation from degeneracy are good indicators of the effects of the T=0 matrix elements. A further indicator of the effects of the T=0 interaction in an even - even nucleus is to compare the energies of states with odd angular momentum with those that are even

    Full pf shell study of A = 47 and A = 49 nuclei

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    Complete diagonalizations in the pf major shell, lead to very good agreement with the experimental data (level schemes, transitions rates, and static moments) for the A=47 and A=49 isotopes of Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, and Mn. Gamow-Teller and M1 strength functions are calculated. The necessary monopole modifications to the realistic interactions are shown to be critically tested by the spectroscopic factors for one particle transfer from 48Ca, reproduced in detail by the calculations. The collective behaviour of 47Ti, and of the mirror pairs 47V-47Cr and 49Cr-49Mn is found to follow at low spins the particle plus rotor model. It is then analysed in terms of the approximate quasi-SU(3) symmetry, for which some new results are given.Comment: 30 Pages, RevTeX and epsf.sty, 23 figures included. Postscript version available at http://www.ft.uam.es/~gabriel/a47-49.ps.g

    Experimental evidence for 56Ni-core breaking from the low-spin structure of the N=Z nucleus 58Cu

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    Low-spin states in the odd-odd N=Z nucleus 58Cu were investigated with the 58Ni(p,n gamma)58Cu fusion evaporation reaction at the FN-tandem accelerator in Cologne. Seventeen low spin states below 3.6 MeV and 17 new transitions were observed. Ten multipole mixing ratios and 17 gamma-branching ratios were determined for the first time. New detailed spectroscopic information on the 2+,2 state, the Isobaric Analogue State (IAS) of the 2+,1,T=1 state of 58Ni, makes 58Cu the heaviest odd-odd N=Z nucleus with known B(E2;2+,T=1 --> 0+,T=1) value. The 4^+ state at 2.751 MeV, observed here for the first time, is identified as the IAS of the 4+,1,T=1 state in 58Ni. The new data are compared to full pf-shell model calculations with the novel GXPF1 residual interaction and to calculations within a pf5/2 configurational space with a residual surface delta interaction. The role of the 56Ni core excitations for the low-spin structure in 58Cu is discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    A new generation of real-time systems in the JET tokamak

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    Recently a new recipe for developing and deploying real-time systems has become increasingly adopted in the JET tokamak. Powered by the advent of x86 multi-core technology and the reliability of the JET’s well established Real-Time Data Network (RTDN) to handle all real-time I/O, an official Linux vanilla kernel has been demonstrated to be able to provide realtime performance to user-space applications that are required to meet stringent timing constraints. In particular, a careful rearrangement of the Interrupt ReQuests’ (IRQs) affinities together with the kernel’s CPU isolation mechanism allows to obtain either soft or hard real-time behavior depending on the synchronization mechanism adopted. Finally, the Multithreaded Application Real-Time executor (MARTe) framework is used for building applications particularly optimised for exploring multicore architectures. In the past year, four new systems based on this philosophy have been installed and are now part of the JET’s routine operation. The focus of the present work is on the configuration and interconnection of the ingredients that enable these new systems’ real-time capability and on the impact that JET’s distributed real-time architecture has on system engineering requirements, such as algorithm testing and plant commissioning. Details are given about the common real-time configuration and development path of these systems, followed by a brief description of each system together with results regarding their real-time performance. A cycle time jitter analysis of a user-space MARTe based application synchronising over a network is also presented. The goal is to compare its deterministic performance while running on a vanilla and on a Messaging Real time Grid (MRG) Linux kernel