277 research outputs found

    Addendum to Informatics for Health 2017: Advancing both science and practice

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    This article presents presentation and poster abstracts that were mistakenly omitted from the original publication

    Obtaining tissue diagnosis in lung cancer patients with poor performance status and its influence on treatment and survival

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    Introduction: 25% of patients with lung cancer have performance status 3 or 4. A pragmatic approach to investigative procedures is often adopted based on the risks and benefits in these patients and whether tissue diagnosis is necessary for anticipated future treatment. This cohort study investigated factors influencing a clinician's decision to pursue a tissue diagnosis in patients with lung cancer and performance status 3 and 4 and to examine the association of tissue diagnosis with subsequent management and survival. Methods: All patients with lung cancer diagnosed in North Glasgow from 2009 to 2012 were prospectively recorded in a registry. We investigated the relationships between achieving a tissue diagnosis, treatment and survival. Results: Of 2493 patients diagnosed with lung cancer, 490 patients (20%) were PS 3 and 122 patients (5%) were PS 4. Tissue diagnosis was attempted in 60% and 35% patients with PS 3 and PS 4 respectively. Younger age, better performance status and having stage 4 disease were independently associated with a diagnostic procedure being performed. Only 5% of patients with poor performance status received treatment conventionally requiring a tissue diagnosis. Age, stage and performance status were independent predictors of mortality. Achieving a tissue diagnosis was not associated with mortality. Receiving treatment requiring tissue diagnosis is associated with survival benefit. Conclusions: The majority of patients with poor fitness undergo a diagnostic procedure which does not influence further treatment or affect survival. However, the cohort of patients who do undergo therapy determined by tissue diagnosis have improved survival

    Relationship of depression screening in cardiometabolic disease with vascular events and mortality: findings from a large primary care cohort with 4 years follow-up

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    Aims: Benefits of routine depression screening for cardiometabolic disease patients remain unclear. We examined the association between depression screening and all-cause mortality and vascular events in cardiometabolic disease patients. Methods and results: 125 143 patients with cardiometabolic diseases (coronary heart disease, diabetes or previous stroke) in the UK participated in primary care chronic disease management in 2008/09, which included depression screening using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Score. 10 670 receiving depression treatment exempted, 35 537 screened, while 78 936 not screened. We studied all-cause mortality and vascular events at 4 years, by electronic data linkage of 124 414 patients (99.4%) on primary care registers to hospital discharge and mortality records and used Cox proportional hazards on matched data using propensity score. Mean age for the screened and not screened population was 69 years (standard deviation—SD 11.9) and 67 years (SD 14.3), respectively; 58% (20 658) of the screened population were men and 65.3% (22 726) were socioeconomically deprived, compared with 54.2% (42 727) and 67.4% (51 686), respectively, in the not screened population. The screened population had lower all-cause mortality (Hazard Ratio—HR 0.89) and vascular events (HR 0.85) in the matched data of N = 21 893 patients each in the screened and the unscreened groups. Conclusion: Depression screening was associated with a reduction in all-cause mortality and vascular events in patients with cardiometabolic diseases. The uptake of screening was poor for unknown reasons. Reverse causality and confounding by disease severity and quality of care are important possible limitations. Further research to determine reproducibility and explore underlying mechanisms is merited

    Multimorbidity and access to social care: exploiting emerging administrative data sources in Scotland

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    Introduction: Children who have been in out-of-home care have faced significant issues during their lives, and they are considered one of the most vulnerable groups in society. Given the limited evidence in Western Australia about outcomes for care-leavers, this study represents a base line for future studies of care-leavers outcomes. Objectives and Approach: A retrospective cohort study exploring the outcomes for young people born between 1990-1995, who have reached at least 18 years of age and have had a period of care, compared to other similar children in WA. This project used administrative linked data from the Department of Communities Child Protection and Family Support Division, Departments of Health, Education, and Corrective Services. This study undertook a descriptive approach to compare outcomes for young people who have left out-of-home care, and logistic regression modelling to explore the odds of having poorer outcomes among those who had a period in care. Results: Young people aged 18 years and over who had been in out-of-home care had worse outcomes compared to controls. Care-leavers had nearly twice the hospital admission rate of those who never had contact with the child protection system, almost three times more likely to have a mental health related contact, less likely to achieve a high school completion certificate and attend University, and more likely to have a juvenile community sentence or adult detention. A group of young people who had a period in care were identified as more likely to have ‘poorer outcomes’ compared to the rest of the Care group if they: were Aboriginal; female; born in a more disadvantaged area; and first entered care after the age of 10. Conclusion/Implications: Young people who have been in care are at high risk of a range of poor outcomes, even compared to other children who have experienced similar disadvantage. Regardless of the causes, it is incumbent upon the State as acting ‘parents’ to provide the best possible support to improve their outcomes

    Long-term safety and efficacy of lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol with statin therapy : 20-year follow-up of West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study

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    The study was supported by a grant from Merck, Sharp & Dohme, Kenilworth, NJ, as part of an Investigator Initiated Program.BACKGROUND Extended follow-up of statin-based low-density lipoprotein cholesterol lowering trials improves the understanding of statin safety and efficacy. Examining cumulative cardiovascular events (total burden of disease) gives a better appreciation of the clinical value of statins. This article evaluates the long-term impact of therapy on mortality and cumulative morbidity in a high-risk cohort of men. METHODS AND RESULTS The West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study was a primary prevention trial in 45- to 64-year-old men with high low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. A total of 6595 men were randomized to receive pravastatin 40 mg once daily or placebo for an average of 4.9 years. Subsequent linkage to electronic health records permitted analysis of major incident events over 20 years. Post trial statin use was recorded for 5 years after the trial but not for the last 10 years. Men allocated to pravastatin had reduced all-cause mortality (hazard ratio, 0.87; 95% confidence interval, 0.80-0.94; P=0.0007), attributable mainly to a 21% decrease in cardiovascular death (hazard ratio, 0.79; 95% confidence interval, 0.69-0.90; P=0.0004). There was no difference in noncardiovascular or cancer death rates between groups. Cumulative hospitalization event rates were lower in the statin-treated arm: by 18% for any coronary event (P=0.002), by 24% for myocardial infarction (P=0.01), and by 35% for heart failure (P=0.002). There were no significant differences between groups in hospitalization for noncardiovascular causes. CONCLUSION Statin treatment for 5 years was associated with a legacy benefit, with improved survival and a substantial reduction in cardiovascular disease outcomes over a 20-year period, supporting the wider adoption of primary prevention strategies.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    ePortfolios: Mediating the minefield of inherent risks and tensions

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    The ePortfolio Project at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) exemplifies an innovative and flexible harnessing of current portfolio thinking and design that has achieved substantial buy-in across the institution with over 23000 active portfolios. Robust infrastructure support, curriculum integration and training have facilitated widespread take-up, while QUT’s early adoption of ePortfolio technology has enabled the concomitant development of a strong policy and systems approach to deal explicitly with legal and design responsibilities. In the light of that experience, this paper will highlight the risks and tensions inherent in ePortfolio policy, design and implementation. In many ways, both the strengths and weaknesses of ePortfolios lie in their ability to be accessed by a wider, less secure audience – either internally (e.g. other students and staff) or externally (e.g. potential employees and referees). How do we balance the obvious requirement to safeguard students from the potential for institutionally-facilitated cyber-harm and privacy breaches, with this generation’s instinctive personal and professional desires for reflections, private details, information and intellectual property to be available freely and with minimal restriction? How can we promote collaboration and freeform expression in the blog and wiki world but also manage the institutional risk that unauthorised use of student information and work so palpably carries with it? For ePortfolios to flourish and to develop and for students to remain engaged in current reflective processes, holistic guidelines and sensible boundaries are required to help safeguard personal details and journaling without overly restricting students’ emotional, collaborative and creative engagement with the ePortfolio experience. This paper will discuss such issues and suggest possible ways forward

    Using electronic health records to support clinical trials: a report on stakeholder engagement for EHR4CR

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    Background. The conduct of clinical trials is increasingly challenging due to greater complexity and governance requirements as well as difficulties with recruitment and retention. Electronic Health Records for Clinical Research (EHR4CR) aims at improving the conduct of trials by using existing routinely collected data, but little is known about stakeholder views on data availability, information governance, and acceptable working practices. Methods. Senior figures in healthcare organisations across Europe were provided with a description of the project and structured interviews were subsequently conducted to elicit their views. Results. 37 structured interviewees in Germany, UK, Switzerland, and France indicated strong support for the proposed EHR4CR platform. All interviewees reported that using the platform for assessing feasibility would enhance the conduct of clinical trials and the majority also felt it would reduce workloads. Interviewees felt the platform could enhance trial recruitment and adverse event reporting but also felt it could raise either ethical or information governance concerns in their country. Conclusions. There was clear support for EHR4CR and a belief that it could reduce workloads and improve the conduct and quality of trials. However data security, privacy, and information governance issues would need to be carefully managed in the development of the platform

    Incidence and age at diagnosis of 31 long-term conditions and multimorbidity by sex and social class in a Scottish population

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    A good understanding of age, when individuals develop individual conditions and subsequently become multimorbid, would provide evidence to support better prevention, detection, and management of multiple long-term conditions. The study aimed to assess the age at onset, incidence, and prevalence of 31 long-term conditions and multimorbidity in Fife and Tayside, Scotland by sex and socioeconomic status. We linked routinely collected health records of 431,772 patients aged 25 years or higher on January 1st, 2000 till December 31st, 2018 from several database. Age of first report of the 31 Elixhauser long-term conditions was assessed. Median age at the onset of conditions within the population ranged from 39 years for AIDS/HIV to 73 years for fluid and electrolyte disorders and 75 years for renal failure. This was mostly delayed among the least deprived than most deprived people, up to 14 years for psychoses and AIDS/HIV. People with the highest deprivation in both sexes had earlier onset of all conditions except for blood loss anaemia where most deprived males had three years delay. Median age at the onset of multimorbidity and complex multimorbidity was 67 years (68 for females vs 66 for males; 68 for most deprived vs 73 for least deprived) and 71 years (73 for females vs 70 for males; 73 for most deprived vs 78 for least deprived) respectively. The yearly incidence of both multimorbidity and complex multimorbidity rose steadily from 1.6% and 0.2% in 2000, peaked in 2015 (3.2% vs 1.4%), declined to 2.9% and 1.3% respectively in 2018 while the prevalence grew from 1.6% and 0.2% to 27.2% and 10.1% over the same period. A number of conditions had earlier onset while others were delayed. The onset of conditions is generally about five years earlier among most deprived people than the least deprived just as multimorbidity and complex multimorbidity is higher and earlier among the most deprived. This information could help drive health system policy, management, intervention, and allocation of resources

    Data linkage and statistical modelling to provide stratified risk assessment for HAI

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    Objectives: The use of “real-time” data to support individual patient management and outcome assessment requires the development of risk assessment models. This could be delivered through a learning health system by the building robust statistical analysis tools onto the existing linked data held by NHS Scotland’s Infection Intelligence Platform (IIP) and developed within the Scottish Healthcare Associated Infection Prevention Institute (SHAIPI). This project will create prediction models for the risk of acquiring a healthcare associated infection (HAI), and particular outcomes, at the point of GP consultation/ hospital admission which could aid clinical decision making. Approach: We demonstrate the capability using the HAI Clostridium difficile (CDI) from 2010-2013. Using linked national individual level data on community prescribing, hospitalisations, infections and death records we extracted all cases of CDI and by comparing to matched population-based controls, examined the impact of prior hospital admissions, care home residence, comorbidities, exposure to gastric acid suppressive drugs and antibiotic exposure, defined as both cumulative (total defined daily dose (DDD)) and temporal antimicrobial exposure in the previous 6 months, to the risk of CDI acquisition. Antimicrobial exposure was considered for all drugs and the higher risk broad spectrum antibiotics (4Cs). Associations are assessed using conditional logistic regression. Using cross-validation we assess the ability of the model to accurately predict CDI infection. Risk scores for acquisition of CDI are estimated by combining these predictions with age and gender population incidence. Results: In the period 2010-2013 there were 1446 cases of CDI with matched 7964 controls. A significant dose-response relationship for exposure to any antimicrobial (1-7 DDDs OR=2.3 rising to OR=4.4 for 29+ DDDs) and, with elevated risk, to the 4C group (1-7 DDDs OR=3.8 rising to OR=17.9 for 29+ DDDs). Exposure elevates CDI risk most in the month after prescription but for 4C antimicrobials the elevated risk remains 6 months later (4C OR=12.4 within 1 month, OR=2.6 4-6 months later). The risk of CDI was also increased with more co-morbidities, previous hospitalisations, care home residency, increased number of prescriptions, and gastric acid suppression. Conclusion: Despite limitations to current application in practice,(paucity of patient level in-hospital prescribing data and constraints of the timeliness of the data), when fully developed this system will enable risk classification to identify patients most at risk of HAI and adverse outcomes to aid clinical decision making

    Data linkage and statistical modelling to provide stratified risk assessment for HAI

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    Objectives: The use of “real-time” data to support individual patient management and outcome assessment requires the development of risk assessment models. This could be delivered through a learning health system by the building robust statistical analysis tools onto the existing linked data held by NHS Scotland’s Infection Intelligence Platform (IIP) and developed within the Scottish Healthcare Associated Infection Prevention Institute (SHAIPI). This project will create prediction models for the risk of acquiring a healthcare associated infection (HAI), and particular outcomes, at the point of GP consultation/ hospital admission which could aid clinical decision making. Approach: We demonstrate the capability using the HAI Clostridium difficile (CDI) from 2010-2013. Using linked national individual level data on community prescribing, hospitalisations, infections and death records we extracted all cases of CDI and by comparing to matched population-based controls, examined the impact of prior hospital admissions, care home residence, comorbidities, exposure to gastric acid suppressive drugs and antibiotic exposure, defined as both cumulative (total defined daily dose (DDD)) and temporal antimicrobial exposure in the previous 6 months, to the risk of CDI acquisition. Antimicrobial exposure was considered for all drugs and the higher risk broad spectrum antibiotics (4Cs). Associations are assessed using conditional logistic regression. Using cross-validation we assess the ability of the model to accurately predict CDI infection. Risk scores for acquisition of CDI are estimated by combining these predictions with age and gender population incidence. Results: In the period 2010-2013 there were 1446 cases of CDI with matched 7964 controls. A significant dose-response relationship for exposure to any antimicrobial (1-7 DDDs OR=2.3 rising to OR=4.4 for 29+ DDDs) and, with elevated risk, to the 4C group (1-7 DDDs OR=3.8 rising to OR=17.9 for 29+ DDDs). Exposure elevates CDI risk most in the month after prescription but for 4C antimicrobials the elevated risk remains 6 months later (4C OR=12.4 within 1 month, OR=2.6 4-6 months later). The risk of CDI was also increased with more co-morbidities, previous hospitalisations, care home residency, increased number of prescriptions, and gastric acid suppression. Conclusion: Despite limitations to current application in practice,(paucity of patient level in-hospital prescribing data and constraints of the timeliness of the data), when fully developed this system will enable risk classification to identify patients most at risk of HAI and adverse outcomes to aid clinical decision making
