859 research outputs found

    Electronic dispersion compensation using full optical-field reconstruction in 10Gbit/s OOK based systems

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    We investigate the design of electronic dispersion compensation (EDC) using full optical-field reconstruction in 10Gbit/s on-off keyed transmission systems limited by optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR). By effectively suppressing the impairment due to low- frequency component amplification in phase reconstruction, properly designing the transmission system configuration to combat fiber nonlinearity, and successfully reducing the vulnerability to thermal noise, a 4.8dB OSNR margin can be achieved for 2160km single-mode fiber transmission without any optical dispersion compensation. We also investigate the performance sensitivity of the scheme to various system parameters, and propose a novel method to greatly enhance the tolerance to differential phase misalignment of the asymmetric Mach-Zehnder interferometer. This numerical study provides important design guidelines which will enable full optical-field EDC to become a cost-effective dispersion compensation solution for future transparent optical networks

    Impact of optical phase conjugation on the nonlinear Shannon limit

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    Compensation of the detrimental impacts of nonlinearity on long-haul wavelength division multiplexed system performance is discussed, and the difference between transmitter, receiver and in-line compensation analyzed. We demonstrate that ideal compensation of nonlinear noise could result in an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio (measured in dB) of 50%, and that reaches may be more than doubled for higher order modulation formats. The influence of parametric noise amplification is discussed in detail, showing how increased numbers of optical phase conjugators may further increase the received signal-tonoise ratio. Finally the impact of practical real world system imperfections, such as polarization mode dispersion, are outlined

    A Simulation Model Articulation of the REA Ontology

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    This paper demonstrates how the REA enterprise ontology can be used to construct simulation models for business processes, value chains and collaboration spaces in supply chains. These models support various high-level and operational management simulation applications, e.g. the analysis of enterprise sustainability and day-to-day planning. First, the basic constructs of the REA ontology and the ExSpect modelling language for simulation are introduced. Second, collaboration space, value chain and business process models and their conceptual dependencies are shown, using the ExSpect language. Third, an exhibit demonstrates the use of value chain models in predicting the financial performance of an enterprise

    The impact of parametric noise amplification on long haul transmission throughput

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    Advanced signal processing, such as multi-channel digital back propagation and mid span optical phase conjugation, can compensate for inter channel nonlinear effects in point to point links. However, once such are effects are compensated, the interaction between the signal and noise fields becomes dominant. We will show that this interaction has a direct impact on the signal to noise ratio improvement, observing that ideal optical phase conjugation offers 1.5 dB more performance benefit than DSP based compensation

    PMD tolerant nonlinear compensation using in-line phase conjugation

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    In this paper, we numerically investigate the impact of polarisation mode dispersion on the efficiency of compensation of nonlinear transmission penalties for systems employing one of more inline phase conjugation devices. We will show that reducing the spacing between phase conjugations allows for significantly improved performance in the presence polarisation mode dispersion or a significant relaxation in the acceptable level of polarization mode dispersion. We show that these results are consistent with previously presented full statistical analysis of nonlinear transmission appropriately adjusted for the reduced section length undergoing compensation

    Phase-conjugated pilots for fibre nonlinearity compensation in CO-OFDM transmission

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    We experimentally demonstrate a novel fibre nonlinearity compensation technique for CO-OFDM based on phase-conjugated pilots (PCPs), showing that, by varying the PCP overhead a performance improvement up to 4 dB can be achieved allowing highly flexible adaptation to link characteristics

    High spectral efficiency transmission emulation for non-linear transmission performance estimation for high order modulation formats

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    We demonstrate a simple method to experimentally evaluate nonlinear transmission performance of high order modulation formats using a low number of channels and channel-like ASE. We verify it's behaviour is consistent with the AWGN model of transmission

    Performance limits in optical communications due to fiber nonlinearity

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    In this paper, we review the historical evolution of predictions of the performance of optical communication systems. We will describe how such predictions were made from the outset of research in laser based optical communications and how they have evolved to their present form, accurately predicting the performance of coherently detected communication systems

    Microbial composition and omasal flows of bacterial, protozoal, and nonmicrobial amino acids in lactating dairy cows fed fresh perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) not supplemented or supplemented with rolled barley

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    peer-reviewedThe objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of rolled barley supplementation on microbial composition and omasal flows of bacterial, protozoal, and nonmicrobial AA in cows fed fresh perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.; PRG). Ten ruminally cannulated multiparous Holstein cows averaging (mean ± standard deviation) 49 ± 23 d in milk and 513 ± 36 kg of body weight were assigned to 1 of 2 treatments in a switchback design. The treatment diets were PRG only or PRG plus 3.5 kg of dry matter rolled barley (G+RB). The study consisted of three 29-d periods where each period consisted of 21 d of diet adaptation and 8 d of data and sample collection. A double-marker system was used to quantify nutrient flow entering the omasal canal along with 15N-ammonium sulfate to label and measure the microbial and nonmicrobial omasal flow of AA. Overall, rolled barley supplementation had no effect on the AA composition of the omasal liquid-associated and particle-associated bacteria. Rolled barley supplementation affected the AA concentrations of omasal protozoa; however, the differences were nutritionally minor. Particle-associated bacteria AA flow was increased for all AA, except for Trp and Pro, in cows fed the G+RB diet. Rolled barley supplementation had no effect on protozoal AA flow. On average, protozoa accounted for 23% of the microbial essential AA flow, which ranged from 17 to 28% for Trp and Lys, respectively. The flow of all AA in omasal true digesta increased in cows fed the G+RB diet compared with the PRG-only diet, resulting in a 228 g/d increase in total AA flow in cows fed the G+RB diet. This increase in total AA flow in cows fed the G+RB diet was due to an increase in microbial AA flow. Rolled barley supplementation had no effect on nonmicrobial AA flow. The nonmicrobial AA flow modestly contributed to total AA flow, accounting for 15.6% on average. These results indicated that extensive ruminal degradation of PRG AA occurred (83.5%), and we demonstrated that cows consuming PRG-based diets exhibit a large dependence on microbial AA to support metabolizable AA supply. Rolled barley supplementation can increase the omasal flow of microbial AA in cows consuming PRG-based diets. However, further research is required to elucidate if this increased AA supply can support higher milk yield under such dietary conditions

    Rumen metabolism, omasal flow of nutrients, and microbial dynamics in lactating dairy cows fed fresh perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) not supplemented or supplemented with rolled barley grain

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    peer-reviewedThe objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of rolled barley grain (RB) supplementation on rumen metabolism, omasal flow of nutrients, and microbial dynamics in lactating dairy cows fed fresh perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.; PRG)-based diets. Ten ruminally cannulated Holstein cows averaging (mean ± standard deviation) 49 ± 23 d in milk and 513 ± 36 kg of body weight were assigned to 1 of 2 treatments in a switchback design. The treatment diets were PRG only (G) or PRG plus 3.5 kg of dry matter RB (G+RB). The study consisted of three 29-d periods where each period consisted of 21 d of diet adaptation and 8 d of data and sample collection. A double marker system was used to quantify nutrient flow entering the omasal canal along with labeled 15N-ammonium sulfate to measure bacterial, protozoal, and nonmicrobial N flow. Rumen evacuation techniques were used to determine nutrient and microbial pool size, allowing the calculation of fractional rates of digestion and microbial growth. There was no difference in daily milk yield or energy-corrected milk yield between treatments. Milk fat concentration and milk urea N decreased, whereas milk protein concentration increased in cows fed the G+RB diet. During the omasal sampling phase, dry matter intake was higher in cows fed the G+RB diet. Ruminal and total-tract neutral detergent fiber digestibility was lower in G+RB cows; however, no difference was observed in reticulorumen pH. The rumen pool size of fermentable carbohydrate was increased in cows fed the G+RB diet; however, the fractional rate of digestion was decreased. Flow of nonammonia N and bacterial N at the omasal canal increased in cows fed the G+RB diet compared with the G diet. Protozoa N flow was not different between diets; however, protozoa appeared to supply a much larger amount of microbial N and exhibited shorter generation time than previously considered. Feed N ruminal digestibility, corrected for microbial contribution, was similar for both treatments (88.4 and 89.0% for G and G+RB, respectively). In conclusion, RB supplementation did not benefit overall animal performance; however, it reduced ruminal neutral detergent fiber digestibility and increased bacterial N flow. The results demonstrate the large dependence of cows consuming PRG-based diets on microbial N as the main source of nonammonia N supply. Additional quantitative research is required to further describe the supply of nutrients and microbial dynamics in cows consuming PRG-based diets in an effort to determine most limiting nutrients