30 research outputs found

    Uturuncu volcano, Bolivia: Volcanic unrest due to mid-crustal magma intrusion

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    Uturuncu volcano, SW Bolivia, is a dormant stratovolcano (similar to 85 km(3)) dominated by dacitic lava domes and flows. Ar-39/Ar-40 ages show that the volcano was active between 890 ka and 271 ka, with the lavas becoming younger and less extensive at higher elevations. There are current signs of unrest. Between 1992 and 2006 geodetic satellite measurements record an ongoing 70 kin deformation field with a central uplift rate of I to 2 cm/yr. Deformation indicates volume changes of 400 x 108 m(3) over 14 years, an average of similar to 1 m(3)/s (10(-2) km(3)/yr). The deformation is attributed to magma intrusion into the Altiplano-Puna regional crustal magma body. Deformation models indicate a source at depths of 17 to 30 kin beneath current local relief. In a reconnaissance survey, persistent seismic activity (mean of 2.6 earthquakes per hour with a maximum of 14 per hour) was recorded at about 4 kin depth below the center of the uplift, 4 km SW of the volcano's summit. The seismic events have a normal b value (similar to 1.04) and activity is attributed to brittle deformation in the elastic crust above the active deep magma intrusion. The porphyritic dacite lavas (64-68% SiO2) have a plagioclase-orthopyroxene-biotite-magnetite-ilmenite assemblage and commonly contain juvenile silicic andesite inclusions, cognate norite nodules and crustal xenoliths. Temperature estimates are in the range 805 to 872 degrees C for the dacites and about 980 degrees C for the silicic andesites. The dacite magmas formed by fractional crystallization of andesite forming norite cumulates and involving partial melting of crust. Compositions and zoning patterns of orthopyroxene and plagioclase phenocrysts indicate that compositional variation in the dacites is caused by magma mixing with the silicic andesite. Reversely zoned orthopyroxene phenocrysts in the andesitic end-member are explained by changing oxidation states during crystallization. Fe3+ /Fe2+ ratios from orthopyroxene crystals and Fe3+ in plagioclase provide evidence for a relatively reduced melt that subsequently ascended, degassed and became more oxidized as a consequence of degassing. The geophysical and petrological observations suggest that dacite magma is being intruded into the Altiplano-Puna regional crustal magma body at 17 kin or more depth, consistent with deformation models. In the Late Pleistocene dacitic and andesitic magmas ascended from the regional crustal magma body to a shallow magma system at a few kilometers depth where they crystallized and mingled together. The current unrest, together with geophysical anomalies and 270 ka of dormancy, indicate that the magmatic system is in a prolonged period of intrusion. Such circumstances might eventually lead to eruption of large volumes of intruded magma with potential for caldera formation

    Solar energetic particle heavy ion properties in the widespread event of 2020 November 29

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    Context. Following a multi-year minimum of solar activity, a solar energetic particle event on 2020 Nov. 29 was observed by multiple spacecraft covering a wide range of solar longitudes including ACE, the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory-A, and the recently launched Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter. Aims. Multi-point observations of a solar particle event, combined with remote-sensing imaging of flaring, shocks, and coronal mass ejections allows for a global picture of the event to be synthesized, and made available to the modeling community to test, constrain, and refine models of particle acceleration and transport according to such parameters as shock geometries and particle mass-to-charge ratios. Methods. Detailed measurements of heavy ion intensities, time dependence, fluences, and spectral slopes provided the required test data for this study. Results. The heavy ion abundances, timing, and spectral forms for this event fall well within the range found in prior surveys at 1 au. The spectra were well fitted by broken power law shapes; the Fe/O ratio was somewhat lower than the average of other events. In addition, 3He/4He was very low, with only the upper limits established here. © 2021 ESO.Immediate accessThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]