5 research outputs found

    Conventions, Definitions, Identities, and Other Useful Formulae

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    As the name suggests, these notes contain a summary of important conventions, definitions, identities, and various formulas that I often refer to. They may prove useful for researchers working in General Relativity, Supergravity, String Theory, Cosmology, and related areas

    Black holes in the conical ensemble

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    We consider black holes in an “unsuitable box”: a finite cavity coupled to a thermal reservoir at a temperature different than the black hole’s Hawking temperature. These black holes are described by metrics that are continuous but not differentiable due to a conical singularity at the horizon. We include them in the Euclidean path integral sum over configurations, and analyze the effect this has on black hole thermodynamics in the canonical ensemble. Black holes with a small deficit (or surplus) angle may have a smaller internal energy or larger density of states than the nearby smooth black hole, but they always have a larger free energy. Furthermore, we find that the ground state of the ensemble never possesses a conical singularity. When the ground state is a black hole, the contributions to the canonical partition function from configurations with a conical singularity are comparable to the contributions from smooth fluctuations of the fields around the black hole background. Our focus is on highly symmetric black holes that can be treated as solutions of two-dimensional dilaton gravity models: examples include Schwarzschild, asymptotically Anti-de Sitter, and stringy black holes

    Bounds on extra dimensions from micro black holes in the context of the metastable Higgs vacuum

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    We estimate the rate at which collisions between ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays can form small black holes in models with extra dimensions. If recent conjectures about false vacuum decay catalyzed by black hole evaporation apply, the lack of vacuum decay events in our past light cone may place new bounds on the black hole formation rate and thus on the fundamental scale of gravity in these models. For theories with fundamental scale E∗ above the Higgs instability scale of the Standard Model, we find a lower bound on E∗ that is within about an order of magnitude of the energy where the cosmic-ray spectrum begins to show suppression from the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin effect. Otherwise, the abundant formation of semiclassical black holes with short lifetimes would likely initiate vacuum decay. Assuming a Higgs instability scale at the low end of the range compatible with experimental data, the excluded range is approximately 1017  eV≲E∗≤1018.8  eV for theories with n=1 extra dimension, narrowing to 1017  eV≲E∗≤1018.1  eV for n=6. These bounds rule out regions of parameter space that are inaccessible to collider experiments, small-scale gravity tests, or estimates of Kaluza-Klein processes in neutron stars and supernovae

    Cosmological Constant as Confining U(1) Charge in Two-Dimensional Dilaton Gravity

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    The cosmological constant is treated as a thermodynamical parameter in the framework of two-dimensional dilaton gravity. We find that the cosmological constant behaves as a U(1) charge with a confining potential, and that such potentials require a novel Born-Infeld boundary term in the action. The free energy and other thermodynamical quantities of interest are derived, from first principles, in a way that is essentially model independent. We discover that there is always a Schottky anomaly in the specific heat and explain its physical origin. Finally, we apply these results to specific examples, like anti-de Sitter–Schwarzschild–Tangherlini black holes, Bañados-Teitelboim-Zanelli black holes and the Jackiw-Teitelboim model

    Boundary terms unbound! Holographic renormalization of asymptotically linear dilaton gravity

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    A variational principle is constructed for gravity coupled to an asymptotically linear dilaton and a p-form field strength. This requires the introduction of appropriate surface terms—also known as \u27boundary counterterms\u27—in the action. The variation of the action with respect to the boundary metric yields a boundary stress tensor, which is used to construct conserved charges that generate the asymptotic symmetries of the theory. In most cases a minimal set of assumptions leads to a unique set of counterterms. However, for certain examples we find families of actions that depend on one or more continuous parameters. We show that the conserved charges and the value of the on-shell action are always independent of these parameters