1,329 research outputs found

    Marketing Livestock at the Port City Stockyards.

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    Lack of Short-Term Effectiveness of Rotating Treadmill Training on Turning in People with Mild-to-Moderate Parkinson's Disease and Healthy Older Adults: A Randomized, Controlled Study

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    Since turning is often impaired in Parkinson's disease (PD) and may lead to falls, it is important to develop targeted treatment strategies for turning. We determined the effects of rotating treadmill training on turning in individuals with PD. This randomized controlled study evaluated 180° in-place turns, functional turning (timed-up-and-go), and gait velocity before and after 15 minutes of rotating treadmill training or stepping in place in 26 people with PD and 27 age-matched controls. A subset of participants with PD (n = 3) completed five consecutive days of rotating treadmill training. Fast as possible gait velocity, timed-up-and-go time, 180° turn duration, and steps to turn 180° were impaired in PD compared to controls (P < 0.05) and did not improve following either intervention (P > 0.05). Preferred pace gait velocity and timing of yaw rotation onset of body segments (head, trunk, pelvis) during 180° turns were not different in PD (P > 0.05) and did not change following either intervention. No improvements in gait or turning occurred after five days of rotating treadmill training, compared to one day. The rotating treadmill is not recommended for short-term rehabilitation of impaired in-place turning in the general PD population

    Independent Orbiter Assessment (IOA): Analysis of the orbiter main propulsion system

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    The results of the Independent Orbiter Assessment (IOA) of the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Critical Items List (CIL) are presented. The IOA approach features a top-down analysis of the hardware to determine failure modes, criticality, and potential critical items (PCIs). To preserve independence, this analysis was accomplished without reliance upon the results contained within the NASA FMEA/CIL documentation. The independent analysis results for the Orbiter Main Propulsion System (MPS) hardware are documented. The Orbiter MPS consists of two subsystems: the Propellant Management Subsystem (PMS) and the Helium Subsystem. The PMS is a system of manifolds, distribution lines and valves by which the liquid propellants pass from the External Tank (ET) to the Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSMEs) and gaseous propellants pass from the SSMEs to the ET. The Helium Subsystem consists of a series of helium supply tanks and their associated regulators, check valves, distribution lines, and control valves. The Helium Subsystem supplies helium that is used within the SSMEs for inflight purges and provides pressure for actuation of SSME valves during emergency pneumatic shutdowns. The balance of the helium is used to provide pressure to operate the pneumatically actuated valves within the PMS. Each component was evaluated and analyzed for possible failure modes and effects. Criticalities were assigned based on the worst possible effect of each failure mode. Of the 690 failure modes analyzed, 349 were determined to be PCIs

    A three solar cell system based on a self-supporting, transparent AlGaAs top solar cell

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    Development of a three solar cell stack can lead to practical efficiencies greater than 30 percent (1x,AM0). A theoretical efficiency limitation of 43.7 percent at AM0 and one sun is predicted by this model. Including expected losses, a practical system efficiency of 36.8 percent is anticipated. These calculations are based on a 1.93eV/1.43eV/0.89eV energy band gap combination. AlGaAs/GaAs/GaInAsP materials can be used with a six-terminal wiring configuration. The key issues for multijunction solar cells are the top and middle solar cell performance and the sub-bandgap transparency. AstroPower has developed a technique to fabricate AlGaAs solar cells on rugged, self-supporting, transparent AlGaAs substrates. Top solar cell efficiencies greater than 11 percent AM0 have been achieved. State-of-the-art GaAs or InP devices will be used for the middle solar cell. GaInAsP will be used to fabricate the bottom solar cell. This material is lattice-matched to InP and offers a wide range of bandgaps for optimization of the three solar cell stack. Liquid phase epitaxy is being used to grow the quaternary material. Initial solar cells have shown open-circuit voltages of 462 mV for a bandgap of 0.92eV. Design rules for the multijunction three solar cell stack are discussed. The progress in the development of the self-supporting AlGaAs top solar cell and the GaInAsP bottom solar cell is presented

    Marine Molluscs as Indicators of Environmental Change in Glaciated North America and Greenland During the Last 18 000 Years

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    Dated mollusc collections are classified in assemblages to map paleo-faunistic zones. Hiatella arctica and Mya truncata account for almost half the records and comprise a restricted arctic assemblage. Arctic assemblages comprise 70% and arctic-dominated assemblages 80% of the database. Fifteen species dominate but 170 taxa are recorded. At last glacial maximum, the arctic zone extended from the Arctic Ocean to the Grand Banks. The boreal zone in the western Atlantic was compressed. The subarctic zone, which today dominates eastern Canada, was small. The boreal zone was extensive in the eastern Pacific where subarctic and arctic zones were compressed. Zones shifted northward during deglaciation and the arctic zone diversified when Bering Strait submerged 10.5-10.3 ka BP. Western Arctic molluscs during Younger Dryas time indicate shallow waters warmer than present. Major North Atlantic currents were established 9.5-9.0 ka BP. The subarctic zone extended to the head of Baffin Bay and a boreal zone became established in West Greenland 9-8 ka BP, with intensive changes about 8.5 ka BP. We relate the latter to the reduction of Mackenzie River discharge and in sea ice export to the North Atlantic as Laurentide ice withdrew from Mackenzie headwaters. The extended subarctic zone in Baffin Bay persisted until 3 ka BP and then retreated about 1000 km on the Canadian side. Boreal-subarctic molluscs in the Gulf of St. Lawrence before 9.5 ka BP derived from the glacial refugium. High boreal-subarctic molluscs farther north probably migrated from Europe. We postulate that the Labrador Current acts as a one-way valve for mollusc migrations at glacial-interglacial scales.Les mollusques datĂ©s provenant de plus de 3000 collections ont Ă©tĂ© classĂ©s en palĂ©o-zones fauniques. Hiatella arctica et Mya truncata comptent pour prĂšs de la moitiĂ© des relevĂ©s et comprennent un assemblage restreint Ă  l'Arctique. Les assemblages arctiques ou Ă  dominance arctique comptent respectivement pour 70% et 80% de l'ensemble des donnĂ©es. Sur les 170 taxons relevĂ©s, 15 espĂšces dominent. Au dernier plĂ©niglaciaire, la zone arctique s'Ă©tendait de l'ocĂ©an Arctique au Grand Banc. La zone borĂ©ale de l'Atlantique Ouest Ă©tait comprimĂ©e. La zone subarctique, qui prĂ©domine actuellement dans l'est du Canada, Ă©tait peu Ă©tendue. La zone borĂ©ale occupait une grande superficie dans le Pacifique oriental alors que les zones arctique et subarctique Ă©taient resserrĂ©es. Les zones se sont dĂ©placĂ©es vers le nord au cours de la dĂ©glaciation et la zone arctique s'est diversifiĂ©e lorsque le dĂ©troit de Bering a Ă©tĂ© submergĂ© de 10,5 Ă  10,3 ka BP. Les mollusques de l'Arctique occidental au cours du Dryas rĂ©cent indiquent que les eaux peu profondes Ă©taient plus chaudes que maintenant. Les principaux courants de l'Atlantique Nord se sont Ă©tablis de 9,5 Ă  9,0 ka BP. La zone subarctique s'est Ă©tendue jusqu'Ă  la tĂȘte (amont) de la mer de Baffin et une zone borĂ©ale s'est Ă©tablie dans la partie ouest du Groenland vers 9-8 ka BP, avec des changements intenses vers 8,5 ka BP. La zone subarctique Ă©tendue s'est maintenue jusqu'Ă  3 ka BP, puis a reculĂ© jusqu'Ă  1000 km du cĂŽtĂ© canadien. Les mollusques du BorĂ©al-Subarctique prĂ©sents dans le golfe du Saint-Laurent avant 9,5 ka BP provenaient du refuge glaciaire. Les mollusques du haut borĂ©al-subarctique plus au nord provenaient probablement de l'Europe. Le courant du Labrador a sans doute agi comme pompe pour la migration des mollusques aux Ă©chelles glaciaire-interglaciaire.Datierte Weichtier-Sammlungen wurden in Einheiten klassifiziert, um eine Karte der Palao-Fauna-Zonen zu erstellen. Hiatella arctica und Mya truncata stellen fast die hĂ lfte der Aufstellungen und bestehen aus einer auf die Arktis beschrĂąnkten Einheit. Arktische Einheiten umfassen 70% und vorwiegend arktische Einheiten 80% der Datenbank. FĂčnfzehn Spezies Ăčberwiegen, aber 170 Taxa sind belegt. Beim letzten glazialen Maximum erstreckte sich die arktische Zone vom Arktischen Ozean bis zu den Grossen BĂąnken. Die Boreal-Zone im West-Atlantik war komprimiert. Die subarktische Zone, welche heute Ostkanada beherrscht, war klein. Die Boreal-Zone war im Ostpazifik sehr ausgedehnt, wĂąhrend die subarktische und die arktische Zone komprimiert waren. Die Zonen verlagerten sich nordwĂ rts wĂąhrend der Enteisung, und die arktische Zone wurde abwechslungsreicher, als die Bering-Meerenge 10.5 - 10.3 ka v.u.Z. auftauchte. Die hauptsĂąchlichen NordatlantikstrĂŽmungen wurden 9.5 - 9.0 ka v.u.Z. festgelegt. Die subarktische Zone erstreckte sich bis zum Kopf der Baffin Bay, und eine Boreal-Zone etablierte sich 9 - 8 ka v.u.Z. in West-GrĂŽnland, mit intensiveren VerĂ nderungen etwa um 8.5 ka v.u.Z. Die ausgedehnte subarktische Zone in der Baffin Bay erhielt sich bis 3 ka v.u.Z. und wich dann etwa 1000 km auf der kanadischen Seite zurĂ»ck. Boreal-subarktische Weichtiere im Golf des Sankt-Lorenz vor 9.5 ka v.u.Z. stammten aus dem glazialen Refugium. Die Weichtiere aus dem subarktischen Hochboreal weiter im Norden kamen wahrscheinlilch aus Europa. Wir behaupten, dass die Labrador-StrĂŽmung auf die Weichtier-Wanderungen im glazialen-interglazialen Massstab wie eine Klappe in einer Richtung wirkt

    Differential effects of tango versus Dance for PD in Parkinson disease

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    Over half of the general population does not achieve recommended daily levels of physical activity, and activity levels in people with Parkinson disease (PD) are lower than in healthy older adults. Dance can serve as an adjunct to traditional treatments to improve gait, balance, and quality of life in people with PD. This study directly compares a tango dance intervention and a dance intervention based on the Dance for PD model, which integrates multiple dance styles. Eleven people with PD participated in a community-based mixed styles dance intervention called Dance for Parkinson’s (D4PD). Participants in the D4PD group were matched to participants in an ongoing community-based exercise study who participated in tango dance. The groups received 12 weeks of intervention, attending 1-h group classes twice a week. Participants were evaluated off anti-PD medication before and after intervention. Measures of balance, repeated sit-to-stand performance and endurance (mini-balance evaluation systems test, four square step test, five times sit to stand, 6-min walk time) improved from pre to post similarly in both groups. Motor sign severity (movement disorders society unified Parkinson disease rating scale motor subsection) and functional mobility (timed up and go) improved in the tango group and worsened in the D4PD group. Gait velocity was not affected by either intervention. Direct comparisons of different interventions are ­critical for developing optimal exercise interventions designed to specifically target motor impairments in PD. Tango dance interventions may preferentially improve mobility and motor signs in people with PD, compared to D4PD

    Texas Livestock Auction Markets - Methods and Facilities.

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