149 research outputs found

    Summer Literacy for Young Vulnerable Learners: A Study of Caregiver Involvement and Program Stability

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    Emergent literacy programs for young children are significantly more effective when caregivers are integral components of program delivery. This is particular-ly important when designing programs for vulnerable children such as those with lower academic achievement due to learning and language disabilities, lower so-cioeconomic environments, or learning in a language other than their native language. Including caregivers in program delivery will impact not only the effec-tiveness of the program but also its stability. This exploratory study investigated the efficacy and stability of a summer family literacy program on the reading achievement of 14 four-year-old children completing their pre-kindergarten year. Children were assessed prior to, immediately proceeding, and 6 months following the summer program. The results of the study indicated that children demonstrat-ed significant gains in all aspects of emergent literacy and furthermore, sustained these gains 6 months after the program

    The relationship between stress and college adjustment: the moderating role of spirituality

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    Spirituality has been shown to moderate the negative effects of stress on physical and psychological adjustment; however, research utilizing a developmental approach in understanding the role of spirituality in the relation between stress and college adjustment has been scant. In the current study, spirituality was hypothesized to moderate the relation between stress and college adjustment (i.e., academic, social, personal-emotional, goal committed/institutional attachment). Also, stress was expected to differ by year in college and gender. Students (N = 131, Mage = 19.81, SD =1.35) from a mid-Atlantic medium-sized parochial comprehensive university completed several questionnaires; results were analyzed with hierarchical regressions. Gender, stress, and spirituality were related significantly to academic and personalemotional adjustment, whereas gender and spirituality were related positively and stress related negatively to both adjustment outcomes. A significant interaction between gender and stress on personal-emotional adjustment also was found. Implications for college students and their adjustment were discussed

    Do axillary sentinel lymph node micrometastases predict involvement of the non-sentinel lymph nodes in breast cancer?

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    Palazuelo, PabloLlibre obert fet amb planxes d'acer inoxidable. Fet en motiu del 150è aniversari del naixement de mossèn Jacint Verdaguer. Ubicada davant la finca Vil·la Joana, on el mossèn va morir. N'hi ha un altre al poble de Folgueroles

    What Can Parents Do? A Review of State Laws Regarding Decision Making for Adolescent Drug Abuse and Mental Health Treatment

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    This study examined US state laws regarding parental and adolescent decision-making for substance use and mental health inpatient and outpatient treatment. State statues for requiring parental consent favored mental health over drug abuse treatment and inpatient over outpatient modalities. Parental consent was sufficient in 53%–61% of the states for inpatient treatment, but only for 39% – 46% of the states for outpatient treatment. State laws favored the rights of minors to access drug treatment without parental consent, and to do so at a younger age than for mental health treatment. Implications for how these laws may impact parents seeking help for their children are discussed

    Diabetes text-message self-management support program (SMS4BG): a pilot study

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    BACKGROUND: The increasing prevalence of diabetes and costly long-term complications associated with poor glycemic control are issues facing health services worldwide. Diabetes self-management, with the support of health care providers, is critical for successful outcomes, however, frequent clinical contact is costly. Text messages via short message service (SMS) have the advantage of instant transmission at low cost and, given the ubiquity of mobile phones, may be the ideal platform for the delivery of diabetes self-management support. A tailored text message-based diabetes support intervention called Self-Management Support for Blood Glucose (SMS4BG) was developed. The intervention incorporates prompts around diabetes education, management, and lifestyle factors (healthy eating, exercise, and stress management), as well as blood glucose monitoring reminders, and is tailored to patient preferences and clinical characteristics. OBJECTIVE: To determine the usability and acceptability of SMS4BG among adults with poorly controlled diabetes. METHODS: Adults (aged 17 to 69 years) with type 1 (n=12) or type 2 diabetes (n=30), a hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) over 70 mmol/mol (8.6%), and who owned a mobile phone (n=42) were recruited to take part in a 3-month pilot study of SMS4BG. At registration, participants selected the modules they would like to receive and, where appropriate, the frequency and timing of blood glucose monitoring reminders. Patient satisfaction and perceptions of the usability of the program were obtained via semistructured phone interviews conducted at completion of the pilot study. HbA1c was obtained from patient records at baseline and completion of the pilot study. RESULTS: Participants received on average 109 messages during the 3-month program with 2 participants withdrawing early from the study. Follow-up interviews were completed with 93% of participants with all reporting SMS4BG to be useful and appropriate to their age and culture. Participants reported a range of perceived positive impacts of SMS4BG on their diabetes and health behaviors. HbA1c results indicated a positive impact of the program on glycemic control with a significant decrease in HbA1c from baseline to follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: A tailored text message-based intervention is both acceptable and useful in supporting self-management in people with poorly controlled diabetes. A randomized controlled trial of longer duration is needed to assess the efficacy and sustainability of SMS4BG

    Lumbopelvic Muscle Changes Following Long-Duration Spaceflight

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    Long-duration spaceflight has been shown to negatively affect the lumbopelvic muscles of crewmembers. Through analysis of computed tomography scans of crewmembers on 4- to 6-month missions equipped with the interim resistive exercise device, the structural deterioration of the psoas, quadratus lumborum, and paraspinal muscles was assessed. Computed tomography scans of 16 crewmembers were collected before and after long-duration spaceflight. The volume and attenuation of lumbar musculature at the L2 vertebral level were measured. Percent changes in the lumbopelvic muscle volume and attenuation (indicative of myosteatosis, or intermuscular fat infiltration) following spaceflight were calculated. Due to historical studies demonstrating only decreases in the muscles assessed, a one-sample t test was performed to determine if these decreases persist in more recent flight conditions. Crewmembers on interim resistive exercise device-equipped missions experienced an average 9.5% (2.0% SE) decrease in volume and 6.0% (1.5% SE) decrease in attenuation in the quadratus lumborum muscles and an average 5.3% (1.0% SE) decrease in volume and 5.3% (1.6% SE) decrease in attenuation in the paraspinal muscles. Crewmembers experienced no significant changes in psoas muscle volume or attenuation. No significant changes in intermuscular adipose tissue volume or attenuation were found in any muscles. Long-duration spaceflight was associated with preservation of psoas muscle volume and attenuation and significant decreases in quadratus lumborum and paraspinal muscle volume and attenuation

    Humidified and standard oxygen therapy in acute severe asthma in children (HUMOX): A pilot randomised controlled trial.

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    BackgroundOxygen (O2) is a mainstay of treatment in acute severe asthma but how it is administered varies widely. The objectives were to examine whether a trial comparing humidified O2 to standard O2 in children is feasible, and specifically to obtain data on recruitment, tolerability and outcome measure stability.MethodsHeated humidified, cold humidified and standard O2 treatments were compared for children (2-16 years) with acute severe asthma in a multi-centre, open, parallel, pilot randomised controlled trial (RCT). Multiple outcomes were assessed.ResultsOf 258 children screened, 66 were randomised (heated humidified O2 n = 25; cold humidified O2 n = 21; standard O2 n = 20). Median (IQR) length of stay (hours) in hospital was 37.9 (29.1), 52 (35.4) and 49.1 (29.7) for standard, heated humidified and cold humidified respectively and time (hours) on O2 was 15.9 (9.4), 13.6 (14.9) and 13.1 (14.9) for the three groups respectively. The mean (standard deviation) time (hours) taken to step down nebulised to inhaled treatment was 5.6 (14.3), 35.1 (28.2) and 32.7 (20.1). Asthma Severity Score decreased in all three groups similarly, although missing data prevented complete analysis. Humidified O2 was least well tolerated with eight participants discontinuing their randomised treatment early. An important barrier to recruitment was research nurse availability.ConclusionAlthough, the results of this pilot study should not be extrapolated beyond the study sample and inferential conclusions should not be drawn from the results, this is the first RCT to compare humidified and standard O2 therapy in acute severe asthmatics of any age. These findings and accompanying screening data show that a large RCT of O2 therapy is feasible. However, challenges associated with randomisation and data collection should be addressed in any future trial design

    The Grizzly, February 3, 2005

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    Students Videoconference with Sri Lanka • Forensics Team Coach-less • Where Have All the Trees Gone? • It\u27s Cold in Here • Learning the Roots and Aspects of Freedom of Expression: Special Topic Course • Contraception and the Y Chromosome: Male Birth Control Options • Influenza: How to Survive the Yearly Epidemic • Where in the World is Your Study Abroad Application? • Opinions: Random Rantings of Racial Relations; Law Should not Justify Artificial Survival • Gymnastics Team Ranked First in Nation • Fourth Time\u27s the Charm • Gaining Ground in the Ranks of the Collegiate Wrestling Worldhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1576/thumbnail.jp
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