564 research outputs found

    Flight evaluation of advanced control systems and displays on a general aviation airplane

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    A flight-test program was conducted to determine the effect of advanced flight control systems and displays on the handling qualities of a light twin-engined airplane. A flight-director display and an attitude-command control system, used separately and in combination, transformed a vehicle with poor handling qualities during ILS approaches in turbulent air into a vehicle with good handling qualities. The attitude-command control system also improved the ride qualities of the airplane. A rate-command control system made only small improvements to the airplane's ILS handling qualities in turbulence. Both the rate- and the attitude-command control systems reduced stall warning in the test airplane, increasing the likelihood of inadvertent stalls. The final approach to the point of flare was improved by both the rate- and the attitude-command control systems. However, the small control wheel deflections necessary to flare were unnatural and tended to cause overcontrolling during flare. Airplane handling qualities are summarized for each control-system and display configuration

    Prevalence and impact of bumps, bruises, and other painful incidents among children while handling and riding horses

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    Horseback riding and related activities bring risks for serious injury. Extant literature focuses largely on moderate to severe horse-related injuries resulting in a need for medical care. Yet incidents deemed as less severe are also important, with potential to impact subsequent safety precautions and behaviors of parents and children. The study objectives were to gather preliminary information about: (1) the prevalence of a range of horse-related painful incidents experienced by children, (2) children\u27s helmet use and supervision, and (3) the subsequent impact of horse-related painful incidents. The methodological approach was based on a questionnaire. One hundred and twenty four child (120 Female; Mage: 11.82 years; rangeage: 8–18; SDage: 2.26) and parent (103 mothers; 16 fathers; 5 other legal guardians) dyads completed a brief 5 minute researcher-generated questionnaire. The results show, that painful incidents are common for children when handling and riding horses, with the majority of children having experienced these incidents more than once. Helmet use and supervision (typically by parents and coaches) were reported to occur consistently during riding, but less commonly during handling (e.g., grooming). Despite the high prevalence of painful incidents, these incidents largely do not impact children\u27s ability to participate in other activities, result in access to specialized medical attention, or alter children\u27s perceptions or behavior around horses. Findings may have implications for safety and education initiatives. Management implications: Findings from this work suggest several implications. First, in acknowledging the range and frequency of incidents that occur during horse-related activities, educational initiatives should target a broad range of incident types when teaching about horse safety and injury prevention. Second, in recognizing primary caregivers and riding coaches as the most common supervisors of horse-related activities, they should also be targeted in educational initiatives (e.g., horse and safety knowledge, first aid, supervision guidelines). Finally, in developing and implementing targeted safety and injury prevention initiatives, reported benefits of the sport (e.g., improved problem-solving skills) could be used and supported in safety programming

    SYNTHESIS AND FABRICATION OF REFRACTORY URANIUM COMPOUNDS. Quarterly Report No. 5, August 1 through October 31, 1960

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    Additional quantities of UC, UN, and U/sub 3/Si/sup 2/ were prepared to be used in fabrication of test specimens for property determinations. A reduction in oxygen contamination of UN and U/sub 3/Si/sup 2/as achieved by improved techniques of synthesis.>s Preliminary values for thermal expansion, modulus of elasticity, and corrosion in boiling water were also obtained for these materials. (For preceding period see TID-6591.) (J.R.D.

    SYNTHESIS AND FABRICATION OF REFRACTORY URANIUM COMPOUNDS. Monthly Progress Report No. 10 for September 1 through September 30. 1960

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    Several synthesis experiments were carried out to provide a stock of U/ sub 3/Si/sub 2/, powders for fabrication of test specimens. Initial thermal- expansion characteristics were determined on U/sub 3/Si/sub 2/ bars. High densities were obtained in the preparation of UN bodies. Thermal-expansion tests were made on bars of UN with a high-density silicon carbide tube dilatometer in a flowing argon atmosphere. (W.L.H.

    Caring for children with intellectual disabilities part 2: Detailed analyses of factors involved in respite workers’ reported assessment and care decisions

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    Respite workers (RW) commonly care for children with intellectual disabilities (ID), and pain is common for these children. Little is known about factors which inform RW pain assessment and management-related decisions. Objectives To describe/determine the following in response to a series of pain-related scenarios (e.g., headache, falling): (1) factors considered important by RW when assessing children with ID\u27s pain; (2) whether children\u27s verbal ability impacts pain assessment factors considered; (3) RW assessment and management approach. Participants Fifty-six RW (18–67 years, Mage = 33.37, 46 female). Procedure/measures In an online survey, participants read and responded to six vignettes manipulating child verbal ability (verbal, nonverbal) and pain source. Results The factors most frequently considered when assessing pain were child behavior (range: 20–57.4%), and history (e.g., pain, general; 3.7–38.9%). Factors did not vary by child\u27s verbal ability. RW indicated varied assessment and management-related actions (range: 1–11) for each scenario. Discussion Findings suggest: a) factors informing pain assessment did not depend on whether or not the child was verbal and b) a degree of flexibility in RW response to pain across situations. While these findings are encouraging, ensuring RW have adequate pain assessment and management knowledge specific to children with ID is critical

    Observer perceptions of pain in children with cognitive impairments: vignette development and validation

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    AIM: Develop vignettes depicting different pain types in verbal and nonverbal children with cognitive impairments that could help examine pain assessment and management decisions of secondary caregivers, and conduct initial convergent and divergent validity analyses

    Caring for children with intellectual disabilities part 1: Experience with the population, pain-related beliefs, and care decisions

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    Some children with intellectual disabilities (ID): experience pain more frequently than children without ID, express their pain differently, and are incapable of providing self-reports. No research has examined disability and pain-related beliefs of respite workers (RW) and their relations to pain assessment and management decisions for children with ID. Objectives (1) compare disability and pain-related beliefs between RW and a sample with little experience in ID; (2) determine whether individuals’ beliefs and personal characteristics are related to pain assessment and management decisions. Participants Fifty-six RW (aged: 18–67 years, Mage = 33.37, 46 female) and 141 emerging adults (aged: 18–31 years, Mage = 19.67, 137 female). Procedure/measures In an online survey, participants responded to six vignettes depicting pain in children with ID, and completed measures of pain and disability-related beliefs. Results/discussion Compared to those without experience, RW held more positive disability-related beliefs, t(192) = 4.23, p \u3c 0.001. Participants’ pain-related beliefs (e.g., sensitivity to pain) differed depending on severity of the child\u27s ID and participant group. Participants’ pain-related beliefs predicted care decisions. Results provide initial insight into RW pain-related beliefs about children with ID, and a basic understanding of the relations among pain beliefs, personal characteristics and pain-related decisions

    Facilitating respite, communication, and care for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Preliminary evaluation of the Caregiver Pain Information Guide.

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    Background: Pain is common in children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and yet is an understudied issue. Respite workers commonly care for children with I/DD but are lacking in resources to assist in pain assessment and management for this population. Without adequate knowledge in this domain, children with I/DD are at risk of their pain being underrecognized and undermanaged. A resource for caregivers was developed to address this issue, facilitating communication between parents and respite workers and better addressing the complex pain-related needs of children with I/DD. The objective of this study was to solicit initial feedback on the content, feasibility, and usability of the resource. Method/Procedure: Semistructured individual interviews and questionnaires were completed with 7 parents of children with I/DD and 6 respite workers. Results: All participants viewed the resource as important and potentially useful. Content analyses indicated that participants appreciated the comprehensiveness and format of the resource, whereas the modifiability was identified as an area for improvement. Participants believed that the resource would be useful across settings with a variety of caregivers. Three categories of considerations were identified as potential facilitators and barriers for implementation: consideration of how the resource is being completed, who is completing it, and organization-based procedures. Discussion/Conclusions: Results from this study suggest that the Caregiver Pain Information Guide is a promising resource for helping respite workers better understand pain in children with I/DD. Future work is needed on implementation and impact of this resource in community settings. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved)Implications for Impact Statement—Children with intellectual and developmental disabilities experience pain frequently and are at risk of having their pain missed by caregivers. Parents would like to share pain-related knowledge and skills specific to their children with intellectual and developmental disabilities with those who support their child in other settings. The Caregiver Pain Information Guide was created to facilitate communication between parents and caregivers of these children. The current article discusses initial feedback from parents and respite workers regarding this new tool. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved

    Pain in children with intellectual disabilities: a randomized controlled trial evaluating caregiver knowledge measures

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    Inadequate knowledge has contributed to inaccurate pain assessment and treatment for children with intellectual disabilities
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