185 research outputs found


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    The mol­ecules of the title compound, C18H20O3, display an intra­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bond between the hydr­oxy donor and a ketal O-atom acceptor. In the crystal, inter­molecular C—H⋯π inter­actions connect adjacent mol­ecules into chains parallel to the b axis

    Multiporphyrin coordination arrays based on complexation of magnesium(II) porphyrins with porphyrinylphosphine oxides

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    Di- and triporphyrin arrays consisting of 5,15-diphenylporphyrinatomagnesium(II) (MgDPP) coordinated to free- base and Ni( II) porphyrinyl mono- and bis-phosphine oxides, as well as the self-coordinating diphenyl[10,20-diphenylporphyrinatomagnesium(II)-5-yl]phosphine oxide [MgDPP(Ph2PO)], were synthesised in excellent yields and characterised by various spectroscopic techniques. Phosphine oxides stabilise Mg(II) coordination to porphyrins and the resulting complexes have convenient solubilities, while the Ni(II) complexes exhibit interesting intramolecular fluorescence quenching behaviour. The binding constant of MgDPP to triphenylphosphine oxide (5.3 +/- 0.1 x 10(5) M-1) and the very high self- association constant of [MgDPP(Ph2PO)] (5.5 +/- 0.5 x 10(8) M-1) demonstrate the strong affinity of phosphine oxides towards Mg(II) porphyrins. These complexes are the first strongly bound synthetic Mg(II) multiporphyrin complexes and could potentially mimic the "special pair" in the photosynthetic reaction centre

    Spin-flip and spin-conserving optical transitions of the nitrogen-vacancy centre in diamond

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    We map out the first excited state sublevel structure of single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) colour centres in diamond. The excited state is an orbital doublet where one branch supports an efficient cycling transition, while the other can simultaneously support fully allowed optical Raman spin-flip transitions. This is crucial for the success of many recently proposed quantum information applications of the NV defects. We further find that an external electric field can be used to completely control the optical properties of a single centre. Finally, a group theoretical model is developed that explains the observations and provides good physical understanding of the excited state structure


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    The mol­ecules of the title compound, C16H16O2, display an intra­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bond between the hydroxyl donor and the ketone acceptor. Inter­molecular C—H⋯π inter­actions connect adjacent mol­ecules into chains that propagate parallel to the ac diagonal. The chains are arranged in sheets, and mol­ecules in adjacent sheets inter­act via inter­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds

    Low temperature studies of the excited-state structure of Nitrogen-Vacancy color centers in diamond

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    We report a study of the 3E excited-state structure of single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defects in diamond, combining resonant excitation at cryogenic temperatures and optically detected magnetic resonance. A theoretical model of the excited-state structure is developed and shows excellent agreement with experimental observations. Besides, we show that the two orbital branches associated with the 3E excited-state are averaged when operating at room temperature. This study leads to an improved physical understanding of the NV defect electronic structure, which is invaluable for the development of diamond-based quantum information processing.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Inferential and forward projection modeling to evaluate options for controlling invasive mammals on islands

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    Successful pest-mammal eradications from remote islands have resulted in important biodiversity benefits. Near-shore islands can also serve as refuges for native biota but require ongoing effort to maintain low-pest or pest-free status. Three management options are available in the presence of reinvasion risk: (1) control-to-zero density, in which immigration may occur but reinvaders are removed; (2) sustained population suppression (to relatively low numbers); or (3) no action. Biodiversity benefits can result from options one and two. The management challenge is to make evidence-based decisions on the selection of an appropriate objective and to identify a financially feasible control strategy that has a high probability of success. This requires understanding the pest species population dynamics and how it will respond to a range of potential management strategies, each with an associated financial cost. We developed a two-stage modeling approach that consisted of (1) Bayesian inferential modeling to estimate parameters for a model of pest population dynamics and control, and (2) a forward projection model to simulate a range of plausible management scenarios and quantify the probability of obtaining zero density within four years. We applied the model to an ongoing, six-year trapping program to control stoats (Mustela erminea) on Resolution Island, New Zealand. Zero density has not yet been achieved. Results demonstrate that management objectives were impeded by a combination of a highly fecund population, insufficient trap attractiveness, and a substantial proportion of the population that did not enter traps. Immigration is known to occur because the founding population arrived on the island by swimming from the mainland. However, immigration rate during this study was indistinguishable from zero. The forward projection modeling showed that control-to-zero density was feasible but required greater than a two-fold budget increase to intensify the trapping rate relative to population growth. The two-stage modeling provides the foundation for a management program in which broad-scale trials of additional trapping effort or improved trap lures would test model predictions and increase our understanding of system dynamics

    Wavelength-Gated Photochemical Synthesis of Phenalene Diimides

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    Herein, we pioneer a wavelength‐gated synthesis route to phenalene diimides. Consecutive Diels–Alder reactions of methylisophthalaldehydes and maleimides afford hexahydro‐phenalene‐1,6‐diol diimides via 5‐formyl‐hexahydro‐benzo[f]isoindoles as the intermediate. Both photoreactions are efficient (82–99 % yield) and exhibit excellent diastereoselectivity (62–98 % d.r.). The wavelength‐gated nature of the stepwise reaction enables the modular construction of phenalene diimide scaffolds by choice of substrate and wavelength. Importantly, this synthetic methodology opens a facile avenue to a new class of persistent phenalenyl diimide neutral radicals, constituting a versatile route to spin‐active molecules

    Rapidly destructive osteoarthritis of the hip joint: a case series

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Rapidly destructive arthrosis of the hip is a rare and incompletely understood disorder with scarce literature about variations in natural history within a population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A series of cases from North Wales with rapid progressive joint destruction and extensive subchondral bone loss in the femoral head and acetabulum are presented. Radiographic findings mimicked those of other disorders such as septic arthritis, rheumatoid and seronegative arthritis, primary osteonecrosis with secondary osteoarthritis, or neuropathic osteoarthropathy, but none of the patients had clinical, pathologic, or laboratory evidence of these entities.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Rapid progression of hip pain and disability was a consistent clinical feature. The average duration of symptoms was 1.4 years. Radiographs obtained at various intervals before surgery (average 14 months) in 18 patients documented rapid hip destruction, involvement being unilateral in 13 cases. All patients underwent total hip arthroplasty, and osteoarthritis was confirmed at pathologic examination.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The authors postulate that these cases represent an uncommon subset of osteoarthritis and regular review, both clinically and radiologically, are required to assess speed of progression and prevent rapid loss of bone stock without the surgeon being aware. These cases are unsuitable for being placed on long waiting list due to technical difficulties in delayed surgery and compromised outcome following surgery.</p

    The longitude problem from the 1700s to today: An international and general education physics course

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    For instructors wishing to use physics as part of an international or general education course, the framework for a course based on the “longitude problem” from the 1700s is described. The longitude problem is teeming with basic principles of physics and astronomy, which makes it ideal for a non-science-major-based college-level course. This paper summarizes the longitude problem in the context of conceptual physics and astronomy and outlines an appropriate curriculum. Specifics on teaching such a course in London, as part of an international studies program, are discussed