3,545 research outputs found

    Proceedings of a Workshop on Polar Stratospheric Clouds: Their Role in Atmospheric Processes

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    The potential role of polar stratospheric clouds in atmospheric processes was assessed. The observations of polar stratospheric clouds with the Nimbus 7 SAM II satellite experiment were reviewed and a preliminary analysis of their formation, impact on other remote sensing experiments, and potential impact on climate were presented. The potential effect of polar stratospheric clouds on climate, radiation balance, atmospheric dynamics, stratospheric chemistry and water vapor budget, and cloud microphysics was assessed. Conclusions and recommendations, a synopsis of materials and complementary material to support those conclusions and recommendations are presented

    SAGE 3: A visible wavelength limb sounder

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    A brief description is presented for the SAGE 3 (Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment 3) instrument that has been selected to fly onboard the National Polar Platform 1 (NPOP 1) for the Earth Observational System (Eos) in 1996. The SAGE 3 instrument will perform earth limb sounding with the solar occultation technique measuring the ultraviolet (UV), the visible, and the near infrared (IR) wavelength solar radiation. The instrument will produce atmospheric data for the vertical distribution of aerosol, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, water vapor, and oxygen. The details of the instrument design, data flow, and processing requirements are discussed

    SAM 2 data user's guide

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    This document is intended to serve as a guide to the use of the data products from the Stratospheric Aerosol Measurement (SAM) 2 experiment for scientific investigations of polar stratospheric aerosols. Included is a detailed description of the Beta and Aerosol Number Density Archive Tape (BANAT), which is the SAM 2 data product containing the aerosol extinction data available for these investigations. Also included are brief descriptions of the instrument operation, data collection, processing and validation, and some of the scientific analyses conducted to date

    Observations of atmospheric water vapor with the SAGE 2 instrument

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    The Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment 2 (SAGE 2) is discussed. The SAGE 2 instrument was a multichannel spectrometer that inferred the vertical distribution of water vapor, aerosols, nitrogen dioxide, and ozone by measuring the extinction of solar radiation at spacecraft sunrise/sunset. At altitudes above 20 km, the SAGE 2 and LIMS (Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere) data are in close agreement. The discrepancies below this altitude may be attributed to differences in the instruments' field of view and time of data acquisition

    SAM-2 ground-truth plan: Correlative measurements for the Stratospheric Aerosol Measurement-2 (SAM 2) sensor on the Nimbus G satellite

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    The SAM-2 will fly aboard the Nimbus-G satellite for launch in the fall of 1978 and measure stratospheric vertical profiles of aerosol extinction in high latitude bands. The plan gives details of the location and times for the simultaneous satellite/correlative measurements for the nominal launch time, the rationale and choice of the correlative sensors, their characteristics and expected accuracies, and the conversion of their data to extinction profiles. The SAM-2 expected instrument performance and data inversion results are presented. Various atmospheric models representative of polar stratospheric aerosols are used in the SAM-2 and correlative sensor analyses

    Spacecraft instrument calibration and stability

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    The following topics are covered: instrument degradation; the Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV) Experiment; the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS); the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment 1 (SAGE-1) and SAGE-2 instruments; the Solar Mesosphere Explorer (SME) UV ozone and near infrared airglow instruments; and the Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere (LIMS)

    The Hubble Space Telescope Treasury Program on the Orion Nebula Cluster

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    The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Treasury Program on the Orion Nebula Cluster has used 104 orbits of HST time to image the Great Orion Nebula region with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS), the Wide-Field/Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) and the Near Infrared Camera and Multi Object Spectrograph (NICMOS) instruments in 11 filters ranging from the U-band to the H-band equivalent of HST. The program has been intended to perform the definitive study of the stellar component of the ONC at visible wavelengths, addressing key questions like the cluster IMF, age spread, mass accretion, binarity and cirumstellar disk evolution. The scanning pattern allowed to cover a contiguous field of approximately 600 square arcminutes with both ACS and WFPC2, with a typical exposure time of approximately 11 minutes per ACS filter, corresponding to a point source depth AB(F435W) = 25.8 and AB(F775W)=25.2 with 0.2 magnitudes of photometric error. We describe the observations, data reduction and data products, including images, source catalogs and tools for quick look preview. In particular, we provide ACS photometry for 3399 stars, most of them detected at multiple epochs, WFPC2 photometry for 1643 stars, 1021 of them detected in the U-band, and NICMOS JH photometry for 2116 stars. We summarize the early science results that have been presented in a number of papers. The final set of images and the photometric catalogs are publicly available through the archive as High Level Science Products at the STScI Multimission Archive hosted by the Space Telescope Science Institute.Comment: Accepted for publication on the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, March 27, 201

    Group 11 m-Terphenyl Complexes Featuring Metallophilic Interactions

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    A series of group 11 m-terphenyl complexes have been synthesized via a metathesis reaction from the iron(II) complexes (2,6-Mes2C6H3)2Fe and (2,6-Xyl2C6H3)2Fe (Mes = 2,4,6-Me3C6H2; Xyl = 2,6-Me2C6H3). [2,6-Mes2C6H3M]2 (1, M = Cu; 2, M = Ag; 6, M = Au) and [2,6-Xyl2C6H3M]2 (3, M = Cu; 4, M = Ag) are dimeric in the solid state, although different geometries are observed depending on the ligand. These complexes feature short metal–metal distances in the expected range for metallophilic interactions. While 1–4 are readily isolated using this metathetical route, the gold complex 6 is unstable in solution at ambient temperatures and has only been obtained in low yield from the decomposition of (2,6-Mes2C6H3)Au·SMe2 (5). NMR spectroscopic measurements, including diffusion-ordered spectroscopy, suggest that 1–4 remain dimeric in a benzene-d6 solution. The metal–metal interactions have been examined computationally using the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules and by an energy decomposition analysis employing natural orbitals for chemical valence

    Population Frequencies Determined by Next-generation Sequencing Provide Strategies for Prospective HLA Epitope Matching for Transplantation

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    Compatibility for human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes between transplant donors and recipients improves graft survival but prospective matching is rarely performed due to the vast heterogeneity of this gene complex. To reduce complexity, we have combined next-generation sequencing and in silico mapping to determine population frequencies and matching probabilities of 150 antibody-binding eplets across all 11 classical HLA genes in 2000 ethnically heterogeneous renal patients and donors. We show that eplets are more common and more uniformly distributed between donors and recipients than the respective HLA isoforms. Simulation of targeted eplet matching shows that a high degree of overall compatibility, and perfect identity at the clinically important HLA class II loci, can be obtained within a patient waiting list of approximately 250 subjects. Internal epitope-based allocation is thus feasible for most major renal transplant programs, while regional or national sharing may be required for other solid organs

    Probing the use of long lived intra-ligand π-π * excited states for photocatalytic systems: a study of the photophysics and photochemistry of [ReCl(CO)3(dppz-(CH3)2)]

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    We report the excited state photophysics and photochemistry of [ReCl(CO)3(dppz-(CH3)2)] (dppz-(CH3)2 = 11,12-dimethyl-dipyrido[3,2-a:2’,3’-c]phenazine) in CH3CN using timeresolved infrared (TRIR) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Excitation of the 1MLCT (metal-to-ligand charge transfer) band of [ReCl(CO)3(dppz-(CH3)2)] populates a 3MLCT excited state which rapidly interconverts on a timescale < 1 ns to a long lived IL (intra-ligand) π-π* excited state with a lifetime of 190 (± 5) ns. In the presence of an electron donor (NEt3), the IL excited state of [ReCl(CO)3(dppz-(CH3)2)] can be reductively quenched to [ReCl(CO)3(dppz-(CH3)2)]− with the radical in the latter localised on the distal phenazine (phz) portion of the dppz ligand. The phz based electron in [ReCl(CO)3(dppz-(CH3)2)]− has minimal interaction with the rhenium metal centre which increases the stability of the photosensitiser in its reduced form. In non-dried, non-degassed CH3CN (1 M NEt3), [ReCl(CO)3(dppz-(CH3)2)]− shows no significant change in the carbonyl region of the IR spectrum for at least 2 hours during continuous photolysis. In addition, we investigate the use of [ReCl(CO)3(dppz-(CH3)2)]− to reduce the previously studied catalyst [NiFe2], with facile electron transfer from [ReCl(CO)3(dppz-(CH3)2)]− to form [NiFe2]–
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