10,184 research outputs found

    Distinguishing coherent atomic processes using wave mixing

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    We are able to clearly distinguish the processes responsible for enhanced low-intensity atomic Kerr nonlinearity, namely coherent population trapping and coherent population oscillations in experiments performed on the Rb D1 line, where one or the other process dominates under appropriate conditions. The potential of this new approach based on wave mixing for probing coherent atomic media is discussed. It allows the new spectral components to be detected with sub-kHz resolution, which is well below the laser linewidth limit. Spatial selectivity and enhanced sensitivity make this method useful for testing dilute cold atomic samples.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    The K-band spectrum of the Cataclysmic Variable RXJ 0502.8+1624 (Tau 4)

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    We present the K-band spectrum of the cataclysmic variable RXJ 0502.8+1624 (Tau 4). The spectrum shows a broad, smooth hump, with no absorption lines from the secondary star visible. This result indicates that the infrared light of this system is dominated by cyclotron emission, and, in combination with the optical spectrum and X-ray properties, suggests that Tau 4 is a polar-type cataclysmic variable (CV). The system was chosen for study because the broadband JHK colours of Tau 4 are consistent with an L-type dwarf, suggesting that this system might harbour an elusive sub-stellar secondary star. The result presented here, along with the recent discovery of cyclotron emission in the cataclysmic variable EF Eri, suggests that care must be taken when using the broadband JHK colours of CVs when targeting searches for sub-stellar secondary starsComment: 4 pages, to appear as research note in A&

    Discovery of a Very Young Field L Dwarf, 2MASS J01415823-4633574

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    While following up L dwarf candidates selected photometrically from the Two Micron All Sky Survey, we uncovered an unusual object designated 2MASS J01415823-4633574. Its optical spectrum exhibits very strong bands of vanadium oxide but abnormally weak absorptions by titanium oxide, potassium, and sodium. Morphologically such spectroscopic characteristics fall intermediate between old, field early-L dwarfs (log(g)~5) and very late M giants (log(g)~0), leading us to favor low gravity as the explanation for the unique spectral signatures of this L dwarf. Such a low gravity can be explained only if this L dwarf is much lower in mass than a typical old field L dwarf of similar temperature and is still contracting to its final radius. These conditions imply a very young age. Further evidence of youth is found in the near-infrared spectrum, including a triangular-shaped H-band continuum reminiscent of young brown dwarf candidates discovered in the Orion Nebula Cluster. Using the above information along with comparisons to brown dwarf atmospheric and interior models, our current best estimate is that this L dwarf has an age of 1-50 Myr and a mass of 6-25 M_Jupiter. The location of 2MASS 0141-4633 on the sky coupled with a distance estimate of ~35 pc and the above age estimate suggests that this object may be a brown dwarf member of either the 30-Myr-old Tucana/Horologium Association or the ~12-Myr-old beta Pic Moving Group.Comment: Accepted for publication in the 10 March 2006 issue (volume 639) of the Astrophysical Journa

    An extragalactic supernebula confined by gravity

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    Little is known about the origins of the giant star clusters known as globular clusters. How can hundreds of thousands of stars form simultaneously in a volume only a few light years across the distance of the sun to its nearest neighbor? Radiation pressure and winds from luminous young stars should disperse the star-forming gas and disrupt the formation of the cluster. Globular clusters in our Galaxy cannot provide answers; they are billions of years old. Here we report the measurement of infrared hydrogen recombination lines from a young, forming super star cluster in the dwarf galaxy, NGC 5253. The lines arise in gas heated by a cluster of an estimated million stars, so young that it is still enshrouded in gas and dust, hidden from optical view. We verify that the cluster contains 4000-6000 massive, hot "O" stars. Our discovery that the gases within the cluster are bound by gravity may explain why these windy and luminous O stars have not yet blown away the gases to allow the cluster to emerge from its birth cocoon. Young clusters in "starbursting" galaxies in the local and distant universe may be similarly gravitationally confined and cloaked from view.Comment: Letter to Natur

    Lattice Distortions Around a Tl+ Impurity in NaI:Tl+ and CsI:Tl+ Scintillators. An Ab Initio Study Involving Large Active Clusters

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    Ab initio Perturbed Ion cluster-in-the-lattice calculations of the impurity centers NaI:Tl+ and CsI:Tl+ are pressented. We study several active clusters of increasing complexity and show that the lattice relaxation around the Tl+ impurity implies the concerted movement of several shells of neighbors. The results also reveal the importance of considering a set of ions that can respond to the geometrical displacements of the inner shells by adapting selfconsistently their wave functions. Comparison with other calculations involving comparatively small active clusters serves to assert the significance of our conclusions. Contact with experiment is made by calculating absorption energies. These are in excellent agreement with the experimental data for the most realistic active clusters considered.Comment: 7 pages plus 6 postscript figures, LaTeX. Submmited to Phys, Rev.

    Magnetic Order and Dynamics in an Orbitally Degenerate Ferromagnetic Insulator

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    Neutron scattering was used to determine the spin structure and the magnon spectrum of the Mott--Hubbard insulator YTiO3_3. The magnetic structure is complex, comprising substantial G-type and A-type antiferromagnetic components in addition to the predominant ferromagnetic component. The magnon spectrum, on the other hand, is gapless and nearly isotropic. We show that these findings are inconsistent with the orbitally ordered states thus far proposed for YTiO3_3 and discuss general implications for a theoretical description of exchange interactions in orbitally degenerate systems.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Enhanced absorption Hanle effect on the Fg=F->Fe=F+1 closed transitions

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    We analyse the Hanle effect on a closed Fg→Fe=Fg+1F_g\to F_e=F_g+1 transition. Two configurations are examined, for linear- and circular-polarized laser radiation, with the applied magnetic field collinear to the laser light wavevector. We describe the peculiarities of the Hanle signal for linearly-polarized laser excitation, characterized by narrow bright resonances at low laser intensities. The mechanism behind this effect is identified, and numerical solutions for the optical Bloch equations are presented for different transitions.Comment: to be published in J. Opt. B, special issue on Quantum Coherence and Entanglement (February 2001
