14,340 research outputs found

    Using Narrow Band Photometry to Detect Young Brown Dwarfs in IC348

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    We report the discovery of a population of young brown dwarf candidates in the open star cluster IC348 and the development of a new spectroscopic classification technique using narrow band photometry. Observations were made using FLITECAM, the First Light Camera for SOFIA, at the 3-m Shane Telescope at Lick Observatory. FLITECAM is a new 1-5 micron camera with an 8 arcmin field of view. Custom narrow band filters were developed to detect absorption features of water vapor (at 1.495 microns) and methane (at 1.66 microns) characteristic of brown dwarfs. These filters enable spectral classification of stars and brown dwarfs without spectroscopy. FLITECAM's narrow and broadband photometry was verified by examining the color-color and color-magnitude characteristics of stars whose spectral type and reddening was known from previous surveys. Using our narrow band filter photometry method, it was possible to identify an object measured with a signal-to-noise ratio of 20 or better to within +/-3 spectral class subtypes for late-type stars. With this technique, very deep images of the central region of IC348 (H ~ 20.0) have identified 18 sources as possible L or T dwarf candidates. Out of these 18, we expect that between 3 - 6 of these objects are statistically likely to be background stars, with the remainder being true low-mass members of the cluster. If confirmed as cluster members then these are very low-mass objects (~5 Mjupiter). We also describe how two additional narrow band filters can improve the contrast between M, L, and T dwarfs as well as provide a means to determine the reddening of an individual object.Comment: 43 pages, 17 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal 27 June 200

    Multiple interfaces between a serine recombinase and an enhancer control site-specific DNA inversion.

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    Serine recombinases are often tightly controlled by elaborate, topologically-defined, nucleoprotein complexes. Hin is a member of the DNA invertase subclass of serine recombinases that are regulated by a remote recombinational enhancer element containing two binding sites for the protein Fis. Two Hin dimers bound to specific recombination sites associate with the Fis-bound enhancer by DNA looping where they are remodeled into a synaptic tetramer competent for DNA chemistry and exchange. Here we show that the flexible beta-hairpin arms of the Fis dimers contact the DNA binding domain of one subunit of each Hin dimer. These contacts sandwich the Hin dimers to promote remodeling into the tetramer. A basic region on the Hin catalytic domain then contacts enhancer DNA to complete assembly of the active Hin tetramer. Our results reveal how the enhancer generates the recombination complex that specifies DNA inversion and regulates DNA exchange by the subunit rotation mechanism. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.01211.001

    Osprey Population Studies

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    1-1.4 Micron Spectral Atlas of Stars

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    We present a catalog of J-band (1.08 um to 1.35 um) stellar spectra at low resolution (R ~ 400). The targets consist of 105 stars ranging in spectral type from O9.5 to M7 and luminosity classes I through V. The relatively featureless spectra of hot stars, earlier than A4, can be used to remove the atmospheric features which dominate ground-based J-band spectroscopy. We measure equivalent widths for three absorption lines and nine blended features which we identify in the spectra. Using detailed comparison with higher resolution spectra, we demonstrate that low resolution data can be used for stellar classification, since several features depend on the effective temperature and gravity. For example The CN index (1.096 - 1.104 um) decreases with temperature, but the strength of a blended feature at 1.28 um (consisting of primarily P beta) increases. The slope of a star's spectrum can also be used to estimate its effective temperature. The luminosity class of a star correlates with the ratio of the Mg I (1.1831 um) line to a blend of several species at 1.16 um. Using these indicators, a star can be classified to within several subclasses. Fifteen stars with particularly high and low metal abundances are included in the catalog and some spectral dependence on metal abundance is also found.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures (3a-e are in gif format. For complete high resolution figures, go to http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~malkan/newjspec/) ; Accepted for published in ApJS; For associated spectra files, see http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~malkan/newjspec

    Spectropolarimetry of the H-alpha line in Herbig Ae/Be stars

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    Using the HiVIS spectropolarimeter built for the Haleakala 3.7m AEOS telescope, we have obtained a large number of high precision spectropolarimetrc observations (284) of Herbig AeBe stars collected over 53 nights totaling more than 300 hours of observing. Our sample of five HAeBe stars: AB Aurigae, MWC480, MWC120, MWC158 and HD58647, all show systematic variations in the linear polarization amplitude and direction as a function of time and wavelength near the H-alpha line. In all our stars, the H-alpha line profiles show evidence of an intervening disk or outflowing wind, evidenced by strong emission with an absorptive component. The linear polarization varies by 0.2% to 1.5% with the change typically centered in the absorptive part of the line profile. These observations are inconsistent with a simple disk-scattering model or a depolarization model which produce polarization changes centered on the emmissive core. We speculate that polarized absorption via optical pumping of the intervening gas may be the cause.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    The utility of B-type natriuretic peptide in predicting postoperative cardiac events and mortality in patients undergoing major emergency non-cardiac surgery

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    B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels predict cardiovascular risk in several settings. We hypothesized that they would identify individuals at increased risk of complications and mortality following major emergency non-cardiac surgery.Forty patients were studied with a primary end-point of a new post-operative cardiac event, and/or development of significant ECG changes, and/or cardiac death. The main secondary outcome was all cause mortality at 6 months. Preoperative BNP levels were higher in 11 patients who suffered a new postoperative cardiac event (p=0.001) and predicted this outcome with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.85 (CI=0.72-0.98,p=0.001). A pre-operative BNP value >170pg.ml-1 has a sensitivity of 82% and a specificity of 79% for the primary end-point. In this small study, pre-operative BNP levels identify patients undergoing major emergency non-cardiac surgery who are at increased risk of early post-operative cardiac events. Larger studies are required to confirm these data.Peer reviewedPreprin

    K-Band Spectroscopy of an Obscured Massive Stellar Cluster in the Antennae Galaxies (NGC 4038/4039) with NIRSPEC

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    We present infrared spectroscopy of the Antennae Galaxies (NGC 4038/4039) with NIRSPEC at the W. M. Keck Observatory. We imaged the star clusters in the vicinity of the southern nucleus (NGC 4039) in 0.39" seeing in K-band using NIRSPEC's slit-viewing camera. The brightest star cluster revealed in the near-IR (M_K(0) = -17.9) is insignificant optically, but coincident with the highest surface brightness peak in the mid-IR (12-18 um) ISO image presented by Mirabel et al (1998). We obtained high signal-to-noise 2.03-2.45 um spectra of the nucleus and the obscured star cluster at R = 1900. The cluster is very young (age ~ 4 Myr), massive (M ~ 16E6 M_sun), and compact (density ~ 115 M_sun pc^(-3) within a 32 pc half-light radius), assuming a Salpeter IMF (0.1-100 M_sun). Its hot stars have a radiation field characterized by T_eff ~ 39,000 K, and they ionize a compact HII region with n_e ~ 10^4 cm^(-3). The stars are deeply embedded in gas and dust (A_V = 9-10 mag), and their strong FUV field powers a clumpy photodissociation region with densities n_H > 10^5 cm^(-3) on scales of ~ 200 pc, radiating L{H_2 1-0 S(1)}= 9600 L_sun.Comment: 4 pages, 4 embedded figures, uses emulateapj.sty. To appear in ApJL. Also available at http://astro.berkeley.edu/~agilber

    Strong Nebular Line Ratios in the Spectra of z~2-3 Star-forming Galaxies: First Results from KBSS-MOSFIRE

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    We present initial results of a deep near-IR spectroscopic survey covering the 15 fields of the Keck Baryonic Structure Survey (KBSS) using MOSFIRE on the Keck 1 telescope, focusing on a sample of 251 galaxies with redshifts 2.0< z < 2.6, star-formation rates 2 < SFR < 200 M_sun/yr, and stellar masses 8.6 < log(M*/M_sun) < 11.4, with high-quality spectra in both H- and K-band atmospheric windows. We show unambiguously that the locus of z~2.3 galaxies in the "BPT" nebular diagnostic diagram exhibits a disjoint, yet similarly tight, relationship between the ratios [NII]6585/Halpha and [OIII]/Hbeta as compared to local galaxies. Using photoionization models, we argue that the offset of the z~2.3 locus relative to z~ 0 is explained by a combination of harder ionizing radiation field, higher ionization parameter, and higher N/O at a given O/H than applies to most local galaxies, and that the position of a galaxy along the z~2.3 star-forming BPT locus is surprisingly insensitive to gas-phase oxygen abundance. The observed nebular emission line ratios are most easily reproduced by models in which the net ionizing radiation field resembles a blackbody with effective temperature T_eff = 50000-60000 K and N/O close to the solar value at all O/H. We critically assess the applicability of commonly-used strong line indices for estimating gas-phase metallicities, and consider the implications of the small intrinsic scatter in the empirical relationship between excitation-sensitive line indices and stellar mass (i.e., the "mass-metallicity" relation), at z~2.3.Comment: 41 pages, 25 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Version with full-resolution figures available at http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~ccs/mos_bpt_submit.pd
