528 research outputs found

    Suspension by regular and groupy waves over bedforms in a large wave flume (SISTEX99)

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    Suspended sand concentrations and bedforms under waves were measured in the controlled environment of a large wave flume. Three suspension conditions are discussed here; those occurring with regular (monochromatic) waves of height 0.55m over anorbital ripples, regular waves 1.0m high over orbital bedforms, and repeating wave groups (with a significant wave height of 0.6m) also over orbital-scale features. In all cases the wave-to-wave variability in suspended load was high (∼30%). Patterns of suspension were dependent on the bedform type and on instrument location relative to the bedform. Regular waves suspended an order of magnitude more sediment than groupy waves with a similar significant wave height illustrating,the importance of sequences of high waves in pumping-up sediment concentration into the water column

    The distribution and status of alien plants in a small South African town

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    1. The invasion of alien plants into natural ecosystems in South Africa is a substantial conservation concern. The primary reason for the introduction of alien plants has been ornamental horticulture, and urban centres are the main sources of invasions. Small towns have high edge: area ratios which favour the launching of invasions into surrounding areas. There is, however, a shortage of information at the global and local scale on the occurrence, distribution, and status of alien plants in an urban context. 2. We surveyed all alien plants in the small town of Riebeek Kasteel in the Western Cape, South Africa, to gain insights on where to find alien plant species, and to assist with future studies and the management of alien floras in small towns. 3. We surveyed publically accessible land, recording the abundance of all alien plant species every 10m of road. A species accumulation curve was compiled to show the rate at which new species were encountered. This approach was used to test the efficacy of different sampling strategies. 4. Two hundred and ninety eight alien plant taxa were recorded in five land-use types. Half of the alien plant species recorded were naturalised within the town, while a third were invasive in the region (the Berg River catchment). 95% of the taxa, including many invasive species, occurred in gardens or adjoining road-sides, highlighting the invasion risk posed by ornamental horticulture. The most efficient way of collecting data on alien plant distribution for this town would have been to survey roads in the town centre first, rather than urban-edge roads and industrial areas. 5. Synthesis and applications: The gardens of small towns in South Africa harbour a high diversity of alien plants, many of which are already invasive or are potentially invasive. As the alien flora differs markedly between gardens, it is difficult to extrapolate generalised rules of thumb on where to survey. This means that compiling accurate inventories of alien plants in urban areas requires substantial search effort and taxonomic expertise

    Yukawa couplings in intersecting D-brane models

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    We compute the Yukawa couplings among chiral fields in toroidal Type II compactifications with wrapping D6-branes intersecting at angles. Those models can yield realistic standard model spectrum living at the intersections. The Yukawa couplings depend both on the Kahler and open string moduli but not on the complex structure. They arise from worldsheet instanton corrections and are found to be given by products of complex Jacobi theta functions with characteristics. The Yukawa couplings for a particular intersecting brane configuration yielding the chiral spectrum of the MSSM are computed as an example. We also show how our methods can be extended to compute Yukawa couplings on certain classes of elliptically fibered CY manifolds which are mirror to complex cones over del Pezzo surfaces. We find that the Yukawa couplings in intersecting D6-brane models have a mathematical interpretation in the context of homological mirror symmetry. In particular, the computation of such Yukawa couplings is related to the construction of Fukaya's category in a generic symplectic manifold.Comment: 47 pages, using JHEP3.cls, 11 figures. Typos and other minor corrections. References adde

    Study of the B^0 Semileptonic Decay Spectrum at the Upsilon(4S) Resonance

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    We have made a first measurement of the lepton momentum spectrum in a sample of events enriched in neutral B's through a partial reconstruction of B0 --> D*- l+ nu. This spectrum, measured with 2.38 fb**-1 of data collected at the Upsilon(4S) resonance by the CLEO II detector, is compared directly to the inclusive lepton spectrum from all Upsilon(4S) events in the same data set. These two spectra are consistent with having the same shape above 1.5 GeV/c. From the two spectra and two other CLEO measurements, we obtain the B0 and B+ semileptonic branching fractions, b0 and b+, their ratio, and the production ratio f+-/f00 of B+ and B0 pairs at the Upsilon(4S). We report b+/b0=0.950 (+0.117-0.080) +- 0.091, b0 = (10.78 +- 0.60 +- 0.69)%, and b+ = (10.25 +- 0.57 +- 0.65)%. b+/b0 is equivalent to the ratio of charged to neutral B lifetimes, tau+/tau0.Comment: 14 page, postscript file also available at http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLN

    Observation of the Ξc+\Xi_c^+ Charmed Baryon Decays to Σ+Kπ+\Sigma^+ K^-\pi^+, Σ+Kˉ0\Sigma^+ \bar{K}^{*0}, and ΛKπ+π+\Lambda K^-\pi^+\pi^+

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    We have observed two new decay modes of the charmed baryon Ξc+\Xi_c^+ into Σ+Kπ+\Sigma^+ K^-\pi^+ and Σ+Kˉ0\Sigma^+ \bar{K}^{*0} using data collected with the CLEO II detector. We also present the first measurement of the branching fraction for the previously observed decay mode Ξc+ΛKπ+π+\Xi_c^+\to\Lambda K^-\pi^+\pi^+. The branching fractions for these three modes relative to Ξc+Ξπ+π+\Xi_c^+\to\Xi^-\pi^+\pi^+ are measured to be 1.18±0.26±0.171.18 \pm 0.26 \pm 0.17, 0.92±0.27±0.140.92 \pm 0.27 \pm 0.14, and 0.58±0.16±0.070.58 \pm 0.16 \pm 0.07, respectively.Comment: 12 page uuencoded postscript file, postscript file also available through http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLN

    A Measurement of the Decay Asymmetry Parameters in \Xi_{c}^{0}\to \X^{-}\pi^{+}

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    Using the CLEO II detector at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring we have measured the Ξc0\Xi_c^{0} decay asymmetry parameter in the decay Ξc0Ξπ+\Xi_c^{0} \to \Xi^{-} \pi^+. We find αΞc0αΞ=0.26±0.18(stat)0.04+0.05(syst)\alpha_{\Xi_c^{0}} \alpha_{\Xi} = 0.26 \pm 0.18{(stat)}^{+0.05}_{-0.04}{(syst)}, using the world average value of αΞ=0.456±0.014\alpha_{\Xi} = -0.456 \pm 0.014 we obtain αΞc0=0.56±0.39(stat)0.09+0.10(syst)\alpha_{\Xi_c^{0}} = -0.56 \pm 0.39{(stat)}^{+0.10}_{-0.09}{(syst)}. The physically allowed range of a decay asymmetry parameter is 1<α<+1-1<\alpha<+1. Our result prefers a negative value: αΞc0\alpha_{\Xi_c^{0}} is <0.1<0.1 at the 90% CL. The central value occupies the middle of the theoretically expected range but is not yet precise enough to choose between models.Comment: 10 pages postscript, also available through http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLN

    Radiative Decay Modes of the D0D^{0} Meson

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    Using data recorded by the CLEO-II detector at CESR we have searched for four radiative decay modes of the D0D^0 meson: D0ϕγD^0\to\phi\gamma, D0ωγD^0\to\omega\gamma, D0KˉγD^0\to\bar{K}^{*}\gamma, and D0ρ0γD^0\to\rho^0\gamma. We obtain 90% CL upper limits on the branching ratios of these modes of 1.9×1041.9\times 10^{-4}, 2.4×1042.4\times 10^{-4}, 7.6×1047.6\times 10^{-4} and 2.4×1042.4\times 10^{-4} respectively.Comment: 15 page postscript file, postscript file also available through http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLN

    Measurement of the Mass Splittings between the bbˉχb,J(1P)b\bar{b}\chi_{b,J}(1P) States

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    We present new measurements of photon energies and branching fractions for the radiative transitions: Upsilon(2S)->gamma+chi_b(J=0,1,2). The masses of the chi_b states are determined from the measured radiative photon energies. The ratio of mass splittings between the chi_b substates, r==(M[J=2]-M[J=1])/(M[J=1]-M[J=0]) with M the chi_b mass, provides information on the nature of the bbbar confining potential. We find r(1P)=0.54+/-0.02+/-0.02. This value is in conflict with the previous world average, but more consistent with the theoretical expectation that r(1P)<r(2P); i.e., that this mass splittings ratio is smaller for the chi_b(1P) triplet than for the chi_b(2P) triplet.Comment: 11 page postscript file, postscript file also available through http://w4.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLN