8,345 research outputs found

    The importance of GRM gravity observations in continental regions

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    Altimetric satellites showed the existence of gravity anomalies with wavelengths between 1500 km and 3000 km which correlated with residual depth anomalies. It was suggested that there is also an even smaller scale convective circulation with a wavelength of less than 500 km. Numerical experiments and SEASAT profiles demonstrate that similar small scale circulation must also exist near fracture zones. The mantle therefore must contain at least three scales of circulation: (1) comparable to the plate dimensions, the large scale circulation, which returns material from the Island arcs to the ridges; (2) an intermediate scale comparable to the depth of the upper mantle; and (3) a small scale comparable to the thickness of the asthenosphere. This picture was established by observations of gravity and bathymetry in oceanic regions

    Who is coming from Vanuatu to New Zealand under the new Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) program?

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    New Zealand’s new Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) program allows workers from the Pacific Islands to come to New Zealand for up to seven months to work in the horticulture and viticulture industries. One of the explicit objectives of the program is to encourage economic development in the Pacific. In this paper we report on the results of a baseline survey taken in Vanuatu, which allows us to examine who wants to participate in the program, and who is selected amongst those interested. We find the main participants are males in their late 20s to early 40s, most of whom are married and have children. Most workers are subsistence farmers in Vanuatu and have not completed more than 10 years of schooling. Such workers would be unlikely to be accepted under existing migration channels. Nevertheless, we find RSE workers from Vanuatu to come from wealthier households, and have better English literacy and health than individuals not applying for the program. Lack of knowledge about the policy and the costs of applying appear to be the main barriers preventing poorer individuals applying

    Antiferromagnetism and Superconductivity in layered organic conductors: Variational cluster approach

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    The κ\kappa-(ET)2_2X layered conductors (where ET stands for BEDT-TTF) are studied within the dimer model as a function of the diagonal hopping tt^\prime and Hubbard repulsion UU. Antiferromagnetism and d-wave superconductivity are investigated at zero temperature using variational cluster perturbation theory (V-CPT). For large UU, N\'eel antiferromagnetism exists for t<tc2t' < t'_{c2}, with tc20.9t'_{c2}\sim 0.9. For fixed tt', as UU is decreased (or pressure increased), a dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} superconducting phase appears. When UU is decreased further, the a dxyd_{xy} order takes over. There is a critical value of tc10.8t'_{c1}\sim 0.8 of tt' beyond which the AF and dSC phases are separated by Mott disordered phase.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Investigation of the d_xy phase added + discussion of gap symmetr

    Studies of auroral X-ray imaging from high altitude spacecraft

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    Results of a study of techniques for imaging the aurora from a high altitude satellite at X-ray wavelengths are summarized. The X-ray observations allow the straightforward derivation of the primary auroral X-ray spectrum and can be made at all local times, day and night. Five candidate imaging systems are identified: X-ray telescope, multiple pinhole camera, coded aperture, rastered collimator, and imaging collimator. Examples of each are specified, subject to common weight and size limits which allow them to be intercompared. The imaging ability of each system is tested using a wide variety of sample spectra which are based on previous satellite observations. The study shows that the pinhole camera and coded aperture are both good auroral imaging systems. The two collimated detectors are significantly less sensitive. The X-ray telescope provides better image quality than the other systems in almost all cases, but a limitation to energies below about 4 keV prevents this system from providing the spectra data essential to deriving electron spectra, energy input to the atmosphere, and atmospheric densities and conductivities. The orbit selection requires a tradeoff between spatial resolution and duty cycle

    Harmonic entanglement with second-order non-linearity

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    We investigate the second-order non-linear interaction as a means to generate entanglement between fields of differing wavelengths. And show that perfect entanglement can, in principle, be produced between the fundamental and second harmonic fields in these processes. Neither pure second harmonic generation, nor parametric oscillation optimally produce entanglement, such optimal entanglement is rather produced by an intermediate process. An experimental demonstration of these predictions should be imminently feasible.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spin Bose-Metal phase in a spin-1/2 model with ring exchange on a two-leg triangular strip

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    Recent experiments on triangular lattice organic Mott insulators have found evidence for a 2D spin liquid in proximity to the metal-insulator transition. A Gutzwiller wavefunction study of the triangular lattice Heisenberg model with appropriate four-spin ring exchanges has found that the projected spinon Fermi sea state has a low variational energy. This wavefunction, together with a slave particle gauge theory, suggests that such spin liquid possesses spin correlations that are singular along surfaces in momentum space ("Bose surfaces"). Signatures of this state, which we refer to as a "Spin Bose-Metal" (SBM), are expected to be manifest in quasi-1D ladder systems: The discrete transverse momenta cut through the 2D Bose surface leading to a distinct pattern of 1D gapless modes. Here we search for a quasi-1D descendant of the triangular lattice SBM state by exploring the Heisenberg plus ring model on a two-leg strip (zigzag chain). Using DMRG, variational wavefunctions, and a Bosonization analysis, we map out the full phase diagram. Without ring exchange the model is equivalent to the J_1 - J_2 Heisenberg chain, and we find the expected Bethe-chain and dimerized phases. Remarkably, moderate ring exchange reveals a new gapless phase over a large swath of the phase diagram. Spin and dimer correlations possess particular singular wavevectors and allow us to identify this phase as the hoped for quasi-1D descendant SBM state. We derive a low energy theory and find three gapless modes and one Luttinger parameter controlling all power laws. Potential instabilities out of the zigzag SBM give rise to other interesting phases such as a period-3 VBS or a period-4 Chirality order, which we discover in the DMRG; we also find an interesting SBM state with partial ferromagnetism.Comment: 30 pages, 23 figure

    Discrete Lie Advection of Differential Forms

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    In this paper, we present a numerical technique for performing Lie advection of arbitrary differential forms. Leveraging advances in high-resolution finite volume methods for scalar hyperbolic conservation laws, we first discretize the interior product (also called contraction) through integrals over Eulerian approximations of extrusions. This, along with Cartan's homotopy formula and a discrete exterior derivative, can then be used to derive a discrete Lie derivative. The usefulness of this operator is demonstrated through the numerical advection of scalar fields and 1-forms on regular grids.Comment: Accepted version; to be published in J. FoC

    Quantum entanglement between a nonlinear nanomechanical resonator and a microwave field

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    We consider a theoretical model for a nonlinear nanomechanical resonator coupled to a superconducting microwave resonator. The nanomechanical resonator is driven parametrically at twice its resonance frequency, while the superconducting microwave resonator is driven with two tones that differ in frequency by an amount equal to the parametric driving frequency. We show that the semi-classical approximation of this system has an interesting fixed point bifurcation structure. In the semi-classical dynamics a transition from stable fixed points to limit cycles is observed as one moves from positive to negative detuning. We show that signatures of this bifurcation structure are also present in the full dissipative quantum system and further show that it leads to mixed state entanglement between the nanomechanical resonator and the microwave cavity in the dissipative quantum system that is a maximum close to the semi-classical bifurcation. Quantum signatures of the semi-classical limit-cycles are presented.Comment: 36 pages, 18 figure