11,153 research outputs found

    Application for the 4W Model of Drowning for Prevention, Rescue and Treatment, Research and Education

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    Previous research has been published about the 4W model of drowning and its four constituent variables (Avramidis, Butterly & Llewellyn, 2007; 2009a; 2009b; 2009c; 2009d; Avramidis, McKenna, Long, Butterly, & Llewellyn, 2010). We presently summarize and suggest applications of the model for the general public, aquatic safety professionals, injury epidemiologists and policy makers

    Photochemical trajectory modelling studies of the 1987 Antarctic spring vortex

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    Simulations of Antarctic ozone photochemistry performed using a photochemical model integrated along air parcel trajectories are described. This type of model has a major advantage at high latitudes of being able to simulate correctly the complex interaction between photolysis and temperature fields, which, because of the polar night cannot be represented accurately in a zonally averaged framework. Isentropic air parcel trajectories were computed using Meteorological Office global model analyses and forecast fields from positions along the ER-2 flight paths during the Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment in Austral Spring 1987. A photochemical model is integrated along these trajectories using the aircraft observations to initialize constituent concentrations. The model includes additional reactions of the ClO dimer and also bromine reactions, which are thought to play a significant role in Antarctica. The model also includes heterogeneous reactions which are invoked when the air parcel passes through a polar stratospheric cloud (PSC). The existence of a PSC is determined throughout the course of the model integration from the parcel temperature and the saturated vapour pressure of water over an assumed H2O/HNO3 mixture. The air parcel temperature is used to determine the saturated vapor pressure of HNO3 over the same mixture. Mixing ratios which exceed saturation result in condensation of the excess in the model and hence lead to a reduction of the amount of gas phase NO2 available for chemical reaction

    Diagnostic studies of the 1987 Antarctic spring vortex

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    Dynamical fields form the UK Meteorological office global forecast model were used throughout the 1987 Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment (AAOE) for flight planning and diagnostic studies. Here, several studies based on the Meteorological Office global analysis (resolution 1.5 degrees lattitude x 1.875 degrees longitude, Lyne et al.) are described. The wind and temperature data derived from the model analysis are compared with observations made from both the DCB and ER-2, and an assessment of the model performance given. Derived quantities such as potential vorticity and model data and discrepancies due to the model data are discussed

    Homogeneous and heterogeneous chemistry along air parcel trajectories

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    The study of coupled heterogeneous and homogeneous chemistry due to polar stratospheric clouds (PSC's) using Lagrangian parcel trajectories for interpretation of the Airborne Arctic Stratosphere Experiment (AASE) is discussed. This approach represents an attempt to quantitatively model the physical and chemical perturbation to stratospheric composition due to formation of PSC's using the fullest possible representation of the relevant processes. Further, the meteorological fields from the United Kingdom Meteorological office global model were used to deduce potential vorticity and inferred regions of PSC's as an input to flight planning during AASE

    Profiling of Glycan Receptors for Minute Virus of Mice in Permissive Cell Lines Towards Understanding the Mechanism of Cell Recognition

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    The recognition of sialic acids by two strains of minute virus of mice (MVM), MVMp (prototype) and MVMi (immunosuppressive), is an essential requirement for successful infection. To understand the potential for recognition of different modifications of sialic acid by MVM, three types of capsids, virus-like particles, wild type empty (no DNA) capsids, and DNA packaged virions, were screened on a sialylated glycan microarray (SGM). Both viruses demonstrated a preference for binding to 9-O-methylated sialic acid derivatives, while MVMp showed additional binding to 9-O-acetylated and 9-O-lactoylated sialic acid derivatives, indicating recognition differences. The glycans recognized contained a type-2 Galβ1-4GlcNAc motif (Neu5Acα2-3Galβ1-4GlcNAc or 3′SIA-LN) and were biantennary complex-type N-glycans with the exception of one. To correlate the recognition of the 3′SIA-LN glycan motif as well as the biantennary structures to their natural expression in cell lines permissive for MVMp, MVMi, or both strains, the N- and O-glycans, and polar glycolipids present in three cell lines used for in vitro studies, A9 fibroblasts, EL4 T lymphocytes, and the SV40 transformed NB324K cells, were analyzed by MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry. The cells showed an abundance of the sialylated glycan motifs recognized by the viruses in the SGM and previous glycan microarrays supporting their role in cellular recognition by MVM. Significantly, the NB324K showed fucosylation at the non-reducing end of their biantennary glycans, suggesting that recognition of these cells is possibly mediated by the Lewis X motif as in 3′SIA-LeX identified in a previous glycan microarray screen

    Structural analysis of the spiroplasma virus, SpV4: implications for evolutionary variation to obtain host diversity among the Microviridae

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    AbstractBackground: Spiroplasma virus, SpV4, is a small, non-enveloped virus that infects the helical mollicute Spiroplasma melliferum. SpV4 exhibits several similarities to the Chlamydia phage, Chp1, and the Coliphages α3, φK, G4 and φX174. All of these viruses are members of the Microviridae. These viruses have isometric capsids with T = 1 icosahedral symmetry, cause lytic infections and are the only icosahedral phages that contain single-stranded circular DNA genomes. The aim of this comparative study on these phages was to understand the role of their capsid proteins during host receptor recognition.Results: The three-dimensional structure of SpV4 was determined to 27 å resolution from images of frozen-hydrated particles. Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) revealed 20, ∼54 å long, ‘mushroom-like’ protrusions on the surface of the capsid. Each protrusion comprises a trimeric structure that extends radially along the threefold icosahedral axes of the capsid. A 71 amino acid portion of VP1 (the SpV4 capsid protein) was shown, by structural alignment with the atomic structure of the F capsid protein of φX174, to represent an insertion sequence between the E and F strands of the eight-stranded antiparallel β-barrel. Secondary structure prediction of this insertion sequence provided the basis for a probable structural motif, consisting of a six-stranded antiparallel β sheet connected by small turns. Three such motifs form the rigid stable trimeric structures (mushroom-like protrusions) at the threefold axes, with hydrophobic depressions at their distal surface.Conclusions: Sequence alignment and structural analysis indicate that distinct genera of the Microviridae might have evolved from a common primordial ancestor, with capsid surface variations, such as the SpV4 protrusions, resulting from gene fusion events that have enabled diverse host ranges. The hydrophobic nature of the cavity at the distal surface of the SpV4 protrusions suggests that this region may function as the receptor-recognition site during host infection

    Quantum Chessboards in the Deuterium Molecular Ion

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    We present a new algorithm for vibrational control in deuterium molecules that is feasible with current experimental technology. A pump mechanism is used to create a coherent superposition of the D2+ vibrations. A short, intense infrared control pulse is applied after a chosen delay time to create selective interferences. A `chessboard' pattern of states can be realized in which a set of even- or odd-numbered vibrational states can be selectively annihilated or enhanced. A technique is proposed for experimental realization and observation of this effect using 5 fs pulses of 790 nm radiation, with intermediate intensity (5e13 W/cm2)Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Climate change impacts on trends and extremes in future heating and cooling demands over Europe

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    Acknowledgements The work was supported by the REEEM project (grant agreement no. 691739) funded by the Horizon 2020 (LCE) EU research programme.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The implications of landscape visual impact on future highly renewable power systems: a case study for Great Britain

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    Recent long term planning studies have demonstrated the important role of variable renewables (VRE) in decarbonising our energy system. However, cost-optimising models do not capture the visual impact of VREs on the landscape which can act to undermine their public acceptability. Here, we use crowd-sourced scenicness data to derive spatially explicit wind energy capacity potentials for three scenarios of public sensitivity to this visual impact. We then use these scenarios in a cost-optimising model of the GB power system to assess their impact on the cost and design of the electricity system in 2050. Our results show that total system costs can increase by up to 14.2% when public sensitivity to visual impact is high compared to low. It is thus essential for policy makers to consider these cost implications and to find mechanisms to ameliorate the visual impact of onshore wind in local communities