98 research outputs found

    Field-Induced Magnetic and Structural Domain Alignment in PrO2

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    We present a neutron diffraction study of the magnetic structure of single crystal PrO2 under applied fields of 0-6 T. As the field is increased, changes are observed in the magnetic Bragg intensities. These changes are found to be irreversible when the field is reduced, but the original intensities can be recovered by heating to T > 122 K, then re-cooling in zero field. The antiferromagnetic ordering temperature TN = 13.5 K and the magnetic periodicity are unaffected by the applied field. We also report measurements of the magnetic susceptibility of single crystal PrO2 under applied fields of 0-7 T. These show strong anisotropy, as well as an anomaly at T = 122 +/- 2 K which coincides with the temperature TD = 120 +/- 2 K at which a structural distortion occurs. For fields applied along the [100] direction the susceptibility increases irreversibly with field in the temperature range TN < T < TD. However, for fields along [110] the susceptibility is independent of field in this range. We propose structural domain alignment, which strongly influences the formation of magnetic domains below TN, as the mechanism behind these changes.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables. Minor typographical changes in v

    Cooperative Jahn-Teller Distortion in PrO2

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    We report neutron diffraction data on single crystal PrO2 which reveal a cooperative Jahn-Teller distortion at TD = 120 +/- 2 K. Below this temperature an internal distortion of the oxygen sublattice causes the unit cell of the crystallographic structure to become doubled along one crystal axis. We discuss several possible models for this structure. The antiferromagnetic structure below TN = 13.5 K is found to consist of two components, one of which shares the same doubled unit cell as the distorted crystallographic structure. We also present measurements of the magnetic susceptibility, the specific heat capacity and the electrical conductivity of PrO2. The susceptibility data show an anomaly at a temperature close to TD. From the specific heat capacity data we deduce that the ground state is doubly degenerate, consistent with a distortion of the cubic local symmetry. We discuss possible mechanisms for this. The conductivity shows an activated behaviour with an activation energy Ea = 0.262 +/- 0.003 eV.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables. Additional suggested structure in v

    Influence of static Jahn-Teller distortion on the magnetic excitation spectrum of PrO2: A synchrotron x-ray and neutron inelastic scattering study

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    A synchrotron x-ray diffraction study of the crystallographic structure of PrO2 in the Jahn-Teller distorted phase is reported. The distortion of the oxygen sublattice, which was previously ambiguous, is shown to be a chiral structure in which neighbouring oxygen chains have opposite chiralities. A temperature dependent study of the magnetic excitation spectrum, probed by neutron inelastic scattering, is also reported. Changes in the energies and relative intensities of the crystal field transitions provide an insight into the interplay between the static and dynamic Jahn-Teller effects.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Videotaping Experiments in an Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Course at Pace University

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    Instructional videos for laboratory experiments performed in an analytical chemistry course were developed to show undergraduate students enrolled in the course how to conduct experiments. Students watched the videos before coming to the laboratory class. The effectiveness of using these videos was evaluated via a postlaboratory survey. The overall response to these videos was positive, with students reporting that the videos helped them to prepare beforehand and to understand the concepts covered in the experiment. The shortened discussion time at the beginning of class resulted in more laboratory time for the students to focus on performing the experiment and for the instructors to supervise, answer questions, make corrections to laboratory techniques, and ensure that the experiment is conducted in a safe manner

    Using the Conservation Planning Tool to Effectively Recover Northern Bobwhites: An Example for States to Effectively Step-Down the NBCI Plan

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    The National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative (NBCI) 2.0 provides a sound foundation for recovering northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) range-wide, regionally and, to some extent, even locally. However, the NBCI does not provide detailed guidance to states on how to step-down the plan for efficacious delivery of on-the-ground management actions prescribed via biologists within the plan itself. States often must incorporate multiple planning efforts (e.g., state wildlife action plans) and geospatial layers not directly included in the NBCI plan (see NBCI Appendix in these Proceedings) to make tenable decisions which best guide allocation of resources and benefit multiple species of greatest conservation concern. The Conservation Planning Tool (CPT), developed as part of NBCI 2.0, provides the infrastructure for states and conservation organizations to capture biologist information coalesced in the plan while incorporating other data (e.g., species emphasis areas, current CRP implementation, etc.) germane to conservation planning. We use 3 states (Kansas, Florida, and Virginia) to demonstrate the utility of the CPT and to develop a step-down implementation plan, via creation of a habitat prioritization model, for recovery of bobwhites in each state. We explore the implications associated with creation of focal areas with respect to high versus medium ranked areas and underscore the importance of inclusion of major land-use opportunities and constraints prescribed within the plan to garner successful bobwhite recovery. We propose a framework for the integration of monitoring efforts into the step-down model to assess bird response and evaluate NBCI success through estimating bobwhite population density

    Effect of scavenger receptor BI antagonist ITX5061 in patients with hepatitis C virus infection undergoing liver transplantation

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) entry inhibitors have been hypothesized to prevent infection of the liver after transplantation. ITX5061 is a Scavenger Receptor B-I (SR-BI) antagonist that blocks HCV entry and infection in vitro. We assessed the safety and efficacy of ITX5061 to limit HCV infection of the graft. The study included 23 HCV infected patients undergoing liver transplantation. The first 13 "control" patients did not receive drug. The subsequent 10 patients received ITX5061 150 mg immediately pre- and post-transplant, and daily for 1 week thereafter. ITX5061 pharmacokinetics and plasma HCV RNA were quantified. Viral genetic diversity was measured by ultradeep pyrosequencing. ITX5061 was well tolerated with measurable plasma concentrations during therapy. Whilst the median HCV RNA reduction was greater in ITX treated patients at all time points in the first week after transplantation there was no difference in the overall change in the area over the HCV RNA curve in the 7-day treatment period. However, in genotype 1 infected patients treatment was associated with a sustained reduction in HCV RNA levels compared to the control group (area over the HCV RNA curve analysis, p=0.004). Ultradeep pyrosequencing revealed a complex and evolving pattern of HCV variants infecting the graft during the first week. ITX5061 significantly limited viral evolution where the median divergence between day 0 and day 7 was 3.5% in the control group compared to 0.1% in the treated group.CONCLUSIONS: ITX5061 reduces plasma HCV RNA post transplant notably in genotype 1 infected patients and slows viral evolution. Following liver transplantation the likely contribution of extrahepatic reservoirs of HCV necessitates combining entry inhibitors such as ITX5061 with inhibitors of replication in future studies. Clinicaltrials.gov NCT01292824. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.</p

    Diffraction techniques and vibrational spectroscopy opportunities to characterise bones

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    From a histological point of view, bones that allow body mobility and protection of internal organs consist not only of different organic and inorganic tissues but include vascular and nervous elements as well. Moreover, due to its ability to host different ions and cations, its mineral part represents an important reservoir, playing a key role in the metabolic activity of the organism. From a structural point of view, bones can be considered as a composite material displaying a hierarchical structure at different scales. At the nanometre scale, an organic part, i.e. collagen fibrils and an inorganic part, i.e. calcium phosphate nanocrystals are intimately mixed to assure particular mechanical properties
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