23 research outputs found

    Skills and Student Affairs: A Discourse Analysis

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    Media, industry, and other public actors have claimed that a ‘skills gap’ exists in students exiting post-secondary education and entering the workforce. The Ontario provincial government has developed policy, the Highly Skilled Workforce Strategy, to provide directives to universities in the province to provide skills development to students to aid in closing the gap and providing a workplace relevant education. In this study, I explore the experiences of student affairs and services (SAS) staff responsible for enacting provincial policy related to skills development at the university level by investigating the discourses that shape policy and practices of these staff in their daily work. Data collected from documents related to the issue of skills, and from interviews with SAS staff, provided insight into how the problem of skills is represented in policy and in practice. Discourses shaping the practice of SAS staff related to skills development at times conflicted the discourses shaping the issue of skills in policy, but a neoliberal economic rationality is embedded within the broader representation of the issue of skills, with discursive implications for SAS staff and for students

    Policy Problems: Preparing Students for the “Real World”

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    Employability of students has risen as a key indicator of success of institutions, alongside an increased focus on policy for skills development in Canada. In Ontario, a hub for Canada’s economy, the issue of the “skills gap” has sustained interest as a significant but contested policy issue in public post-secondary education (Viczko, Lorusso, & McKechnie, 2019). Directed by policy and by public demand, significant resources at universities are invested into efforts to increase students’ skills capacities, career prospects, and overall employability. For student affairs staff (SAS), developing student career readiness and employability is central to many portfolios of our work (CACUSS, 2011). In my master’s thesis research, I conducted a qualitative study with SAS, with the intention of understanding how skills development policy discourses extend into the everyday reality of SAS who are ultimately responsible for its realization in post-secondary institutions. In this article, I present findings related to one of four themes that emerged from analysis of policy documents and interviews with SAS: preparing students for the “real world.

    Student Employability in COVID-19 Project Summary

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    The impacts of the COVID-19 global pandemic on higher education could be seen in education in early 2020. Significant labour market disruptions places students among the group experiencing the heaviest burden from layoffs and work insecurity during this time. Higher education institutions also face financial uncertainty, bracing for shifts in enrolment and tuition revenue, particularly related to international student cohorts. The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on student employability are on the radar of policymakers, university faculty and administrators, employers, and students alike

    Employability in COVID-19

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    The impacts of the COVID-19 global pandemic on higher education could be seen in education in early 2020. Significant labour market disruptions places students among the group experiencing the heaviest burden from layoffs and work insecurity during this time. Higher education institutions also face financial uncertainty, bracing for shifts in enrolment and tuition revenue, particularly related to international student cohorts. The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on student employability are on the radar of policymakers, university faculty and administrators, employers, and students alike

    Research Summary: The Skills Gap Agenda in Canadian Higher Education

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    The issue of the ‘skills gap’ is an important discussion in higher education policy both in Canada and internationally. The idea of the skills gap is that there is an inconsistency between the skills of graduates and the needs of the labour market. The problem here is that there is no agreement about the nature of the skills gap, or that a skills gap even exists. Given that there is no agreement surrounding the issue of skills, we ask: What should we make of the different representations of the skills gap, and how are post-secondary students positioned in this issue

    The Skills Gap Agenda in Canadian Higher Education Research Summary

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    Solving the skills gap is a difficult task due to the differing opinions on the subject. Even though these opinions may be different, they are all driven by the same assumptions that students are primarily motivated by economic reasoning in what they choose to study. We think that’s a problem, because there are many reasons that motive students and not all students have equal access to economic resources

    Mapping International Refugee Access to Higher Education

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    There are approximately 25 million refugees around the world, and over half of this 25 million are under the age of 25. While many refugees hold strong aspirations to attend higher education, about 3% of refugees have access due to political, social and economic challenges. The challenge is how to understand, support, and develop successful greater access to higher education for refugees

    Project Summary: Mapping International Refugee Access to Higher Education

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    There are approximately 25 million refugees around the world, and over half of this 25 million are under the age of 25. While many refugees hold strong aspirations to attend higher education, about 3% of refugees have access due to political, social and economic challenges. The challenge is how to understand, support, and develop successful greater access to higher education for refugees

    Mind the Gap: Mapping Skills in Higher Education Project Summary

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    The call for reform in higher education has been a focus of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for over a decade. This call for reform is driven by a stated “skills gap” between the skills of graduates and the needs of the labour market. Student groups have also voiced their concern about the skills gap and its impact on future employment