1,562 research outputs found

    A procedure to analyze nonlinear density waves in Saturn's rings using several occultation profiles

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    Cassini radio science experiments have provided multiple occultation optical depth profiles of Saturn's rings that can be used in combination to analyze density waves. This paper establishes an accurate procedure of inversion of the wave profiles to reconstruct the wave kinematic parameters as a function of semi-major axis, in the nonlinear regime. This procedure is achieved from simulated data in the presence of realistic noise perturbations, to control the reconstruction error. By way of illustration we have applied our procedure to the Mimas 5:3 density wave. We were able to recover precisely the kinematic parameters from the radio experiment occultation data in most of the propagation region; a preliminary analysis of the pressure-corrected dispersion allowed us to determine new but still uncertain values for the opacity (K≃0.02K\simeq 0.02 cm2^2/g) and velocity dispersion of (co≃0.6c_o\simeq 0.6 cm/s) in the wave region. Our procedure constitutes the first step in our planned analysis of the density waves of Saturn's rings. It is very accurate and efficient in the far-wave region. However, improvements are required within the first wavelength. The ways in which this method can be used to establish diagnostics of ring physics are outlined.Comment: 50 pages,13 figures, 2 tables. Published in Icarus

    Fuel conservative guidance concept for shipboard landing of powered-life aircraft

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    A simulation study was undertaken to investigate the application of energy conservative guidance (ECG) software, developed at NASA Ames Research Center, to improve the time and fuel efficiency of powered lift airplanes operating from aircraft carriers at sea. When a flightpath is indicated by a set of initial conditions for the aircraft and a set of positional waypoints with associated airspeeds, the ECG software synthesizes the necessary guidance commands to optimize fuel and time along the specified path. A major feature of the ECG system is the ability to synthesize a trajectory that will allow the aircraft to capture the specified path at any waypoint with the desired heading and airspeed from an arbitrary set of initial conditions. Five paths were identified and studied. These paths demonstrate the ECG system's ability to save flight time and fuel by more efficiently managing the aircraft's capabilities. Results of this simulation study show that when restrictions on the approach flightpath imposed for manual operation are removed completely, fuel consumption during the approach was reduced by as much as 49% (610 lb fuel) and the time required to fly the flightpath was reduced by as much as 41% (5 min). Savings due to ECG were produced by: (1) shortening the total flight time; (2) keeping the airspeed high as long as possible to minimize time spent flying in a regime in which more engine thrust is required for lift to aid the aerodynamic lift; (3) minimizing time spent flying at constant altitude at slow airspeeds; and (4) synthesizing a path from any location for a direct approach to landing without entering a holding pattern or other fixed approach path

    ‘Ethnic group’, the state and the politics of representation

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    The assertion, even if only by implication, that ‘ethnic group’ categories represent ‘real’ tangible entities, indeed identities, is commonplace not only in the realms of political and policy discourse but also amongst contemporary social scientists. This paper, following Brubaker (2002), questions this position in a number of key respects: of these three issues will dominate the discussion that follows. First, there is an interrogation of the proposition that those to whom the categories/labels refer constitute sociologically meaningful ‘groups’ as distinct from (mere) human collectivities. Secondly, there is the question of how these categories emerge, i.e. exactly what series of events, negotiations and contestations lie behind their construction and social acceptance. Thirdly, and as a corollary to the latter point, we explore the process of reification that leads to these categories being seen to represent ‘real things in the world’ (ibid.)

    Spatio-Temporal Pattern of Saturn's Equatorial Oscillation

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    Recent ground-based and Cassini CIRS thermal-infrared data have characterized the spatial and temporal characteristics of an equatorial oscillation in the middle atmosphere of Saturn above the 100-mbar level. The CIRS data [I] indicated a pattern of warm and cold anomalies near the equator, stacked vertically in alternating fashion. The ground-based observations s2, although not having the altitude range or vertical resolution of the CIRS observations, covered several years and indicated an oscillation cycle of approx.15 years, roughly half of Saturn's year. In Earth's middle atmosphere, both the quasi-biennial (approx.26 months) and semi-annual equatorial oscillations have been extensively observed and studied (see e.g., [3]), These exhibit a pattern of alternating warmer and cooler zonal-mean temperatures with altitude, relative to those at subtropical latitudes. Consistent with the thermal wind equation, this is also associated with an alternating pattern of westerly and easterly zonal winds. Moreover, the pattern of winds and temperatures descends with time. Momentum deposition by damped vertically propagating waves is thought to play a key role m forcing both types of oscillation, and it can plausibly account for the descent. Here we report the direct observation of this descent in Saturn's equatorial atmosphere from Cassini radio occultation soundings in 2005 and 2009. The retrieved temperatures are consistent with a descent of 0.7 x the pressure scale height. The descent rate is related to the magnitude of the wave forcing, radiative damping, and induced meridional circulations. We discuss possible implications

    Quantum affine Toda solitons

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    We review some of the progress in affine Toda field theories in recent years, explain why known dualities cannot easily be extended, and make some suggestions for what should be sought instead.Comment: 16pp, LaTeX. Minor revision

    Commentary – ordering lab tests for suspected rheumatic disease

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    One of the least-appreciated advances in pediatric rheumatology over the past 25 years has been the delineation of the many ways in which children with rheumatic disease differ from adults with the same illnesses. Furthermore, we are now learning that paradigms that are useful in evaluating adults with musculoskeletal complaints have limited utility in children. Nowhere is that more true than in the use of commonly used laboratory tests, particularly antinuclear antibody (ANA) and rheumatoid factor (RF) assays. This short review will provide the practitioner with the evidence base that supports a more limited use of ANA and RF testing in children

    Saturn's Equatorial Oscillation: Evidence of Descending Thermal Structure from Cassini Radio Occultations

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    Ground-based and Cassini CIRS thermal-infrared data have characterized the spatial and temporal characteristics of an equatorial oscillation in Saturn's middle atmosphere above the 100-mbar level. The CIRS data indicate a vertical pattern of alternating warm and cold anomalies at the equator. From the thermal wind equation this implies a concomitant reversal of zonal winds with attitude, relative to the cloud-top winds, with peak-to-peak amplitude approximately 200 meters per second. The ground-based observations do not having the altitude range or vertical resolution of the CIRS observations, but they cover several years and indicate an oscillation cycle of 1 years, roughly half of Saturn's year. Equatorial oscillations in Earth's middle atmosphere have primarily exhibited either quasi-biennial or semi-annual "periodicities," and both types have been extensively observed and modeled. They exhibit a vertical pattern of alternating warmer and cooler zonal-mean temperatures and zonal winds analogous to that described above for Saturn. Moreover, the pattern of winds and temperatures descends with time. Momentum deposition by damped vertically propagating easterly and westerly waves is thought to play a key role in forcing both types of oscillation, and it can plausibly account for the descent. Here we report the direct observation of this descent in Saturn's equatorial atmosphere from Cassini radio occultation soundings in 2005 and 2009. The retrieved temperatures are consistent with a descent of 0.6 x the pressure scale height over this time period. The descent rate is related to the magnitude of the wave forcing, radiative damping, and induced meridional circulations. A simple calculation implies that vertical wave fluxes of zonal momentum approximately 0.05 square meters per square second could account for the observed vertical descent on Saturn, which is comparable to the magnitude of the wave fluxes associated with the terrestrial quasi-biennial oscillation

    Random, blocky and alternating ordering in supramolecular polymers of chemically bidisperse monomers

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    As a first step to understanding the role of molecular or chemical polydispersity in self-assembly, we put forward a coarse-grained model that describes the spontaneous formation of quasi-linear polymers in solutions containing two self-assembling species. Our theoretical framework is based on a two-component self-assembled Ising model in which the bidispersity is parameterized in terms of the strengths of the binding free energies that depend on the monomer species involved in the pairing interaction. Depending upon the relative values of the binding free energies involved, different morphologies of assemblies that include both components are formed, exhibiting paramagnetic-, ferromagnetic- or anti ferromagnetic-like order,i.e., random, blocky or alternating ordering of the two components in the assemblies. Analyzing the model for the case of ferromagnetic ordering, which is of most practical interest, we find that the transition from conditions of minimal assembly to those characterized by strong polymerization can be described by a critical concentration that depends on the concentration ratio of the two species. Interestingly, the distribution of monomers in the assemblies is different from that in the original distribution, i.e., the ratio of the concentrations of the two components put into the system. The monomers with a smaller binding free energy are more abundant in short assemblies and monomers with a larger binding affinity are more abundant in longer assemblies. Under certain conditions the two components congregate into separate supramolecular polymeric species and in that sense phase separate. We find strong deviations from the expected growth law for supramolecular polymers even for modest amounts of a second component, provided it is chemically sufficiently distinct from the main one.Comment: Submitted to Macromolecules, 6 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1111.176
