837 research outputs found

    Low Surface Brightness Galaxies around the HDF-S: II. Distances and volume densities

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    With this study we aim at the spectroscopic verification of a photometrically selected sample of Low Surface Brightness (LSB) galaxy candidates in a field around the Hubble Deep Field-South (HDF-S). The sample helps to extend the parameter space for LSB galaxies to lower central surface brightnesses and to provide better estimates on the volume densities of these objects. To derive redshifts for the LSB candidates, long-slit spectra were obtained covering a spectral range from 3400{\AA} to 7500{\AA}. The observations have been obtained using the ESO 3.6m telescope, equipped with the EFOSC2 spectrograph. From the measured radial velocities, distances could be estimated. With this distance information, it is possible to differentiate between true LSB galaxies and higher redshift High Surface Brightness (HSB) galaxies which may contaminate the sample. A correction for the surface brightnesses can then be applied, accounting for the cosmological dimming effect (``Tolman Dimming''). We show that ~70% of the LSB candidates, selected based on their location in the color-color space, are real LSB galaxies. Their position in the color-color diagrams, therefore, indicate that the LSB galaxies have a different stellar population mix resulting from a different star formation history compared to HSBs. Our LSB galaxy sample consists only of large disk galaxies with scale-length between 2.5kpc and 7.3kpc. We confirm the flat central surface brightness distribution of previous surveys and extend this distribution down to central surface brightnesses of 27 B mag arcsec^-2.Comment: 12 pages, 20 figures, accepted by A&

    The Baryon Content of Extremely Low Mass Dwarf Galaxies

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    We investigate the gas content and baryonic Tully-Fisher relationship for extremely low luminosity dwarf galaxies in the absolute magnitude range -13.5 > Mr > -16. The sample is selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and consists of 101 galaxies for which we have obtained follow-up HI observations using the Arecibo Observatory and Green Bank Telescope. This represents the largest homogeneous sample of dwarfs at low luminosities with well-measured HI and optical properties. The sample spans a range of environments, from dense groups to truly isolated galaxies. The average neutral gas fraction is f_gas=0.6, significantly exceeding that of typical gas-rich galaxies at higher luminosities. Dwarf galaxies are therefore less efficient at turning gas into stars over their lifetimes. The strong environmental dependence of the gas fraction distribution demonstrates that while internal processes can reduce the gas fractions to roughly f_gas=0.4, external processes are required to fully remove gas from a dwarf galaxy. The average rotational velocity of our sample is vrot=50 km/s. Including more massive galaxies from the literature, we fit a baryonic Tully-Fisher slope of M_baryon \propto vrot^(3.70+/- 0.15). This slope compares well with CDM models that assume an equal baryon to dark matter ratio at all masses. While gas stripping or other processes may modify the baryon to dark matter ratio for dwarfs in the densest environments, the majority of dwarf galaxies in our sample have not preferentially lost significant baryonic mass relative to more massive galaxies.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figures. Accepted to ApJ. Data available at http://www.ociw.edu/~mgeha/researc

    Milky Way Mass Models and MOND

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    Using the Tuorla-Heidelberg model for the mass distribution of the Milky Way, I determine the rotation curve predicted by MOND. The result is in good agreement with the observed terminal velocities interior to the solar radius and with estimates of the Galaxy's rotation curve exterior thereto. There are no fit parameters: given the mass distribution, MOND provides a good match to the rotation curve. The Tuorla-Heidelberg model does allow for a variety of exponential scale lengths; MOND prefers short scale lengths in the range 2.0 to 2.5 kpc. The favored value of scale length depends somewhat on the choice of interpolation function. There is some preference for the `simple' interpolation function as found by Famaey & Binney. I introduce an interpolation function that shares the advantages of the simple function on galaxy scales while having a much smaller impact in the solar system. I also solve the inverse problem, inferring the surface mass density distribution of the Milky Way from the terminal velocities. The result is a Galaxy with `bumps and wiggles' in both its luminosity profile and rotation curve that are reminiscent of those frequently observed in external galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 31 pages including 8 figures and 3 table

    A lower limit on the dark particle mass from dSphs

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    We use dwarf spheroidal galaxies as a tool to attempt to put precise lower limits on the mass of the dark matter particle, assuming it is a sterile neutrino. We begin by making cored dark halo fits to the line of sight velocity dispersions as a function of projected radius (taken from Walker et al. 2007) for six of the Milky Way's dwarf spheroidal galaxies. We test Osipkov-Merritt velocity anisotropy profiles, but find that no benefit is gained over constant velocity anisotropy. In contrast to previous attempts, we do not assume any relation between the stellar velocity dispersions and the dark matter ones, but instead we solve directly for the sterile neutrino velocity dispersion at all radii by using the equation of state for a partially degenerate neutrino gas (which ensures hydrostatic equilibrium of the sterile neutrino halo). This yields a 1:1 relation between the sterile neutrino density and velocity dispersion, and therefore gives us an accurate estimate of the Tremaine-Gunn limit at all radii. By varying the sterile neutrino particle mass, we locate the minimum mass for all six dwarf spheroidals such that the Tremaine-Gunn limit is not exceeded at any radius (in particular at the centre). We find sizeable differences between the ranges of feasible sterile neutrino particle mass for each dwarf, but interestingly there exists a small range 270-280eV which is consistent with all dSphs at the 1-σ\sigma level.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Chemical abundances in spiral and irregular galaxies. O and N abundances derived from global emission--line spectra

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    The validity of oxygen and nitrogen abundances derived from the global emission-line spectra of galaxies via the P-method has been investigated using a collection of published spectra of individual HII regions in irregular and spiral galaxies. The conclusions of Kobulnicky, Kennicutt & Pizagno (1999) that global emission-line spectra can reliably indicate the chemical properties of galaxies has been confirmed. It has been shown that the comparison of the global spectrum of a galaxy with a collection of spectra of individual HII regions can be used to distinguish high and low metallicity objects and to estimate accurate chemical abundances in a galaxy. The oxygen and nitrogen abundances in samples of UV-selected and normal nearby galaxies have been determined. It has been found that the UV-selected galaxies occupy the same area in the N/O -- O/H diagram as individual HII regions in nearby galaxies. Finally, we show that intermediate-redshift galaxies systematically deviate from the metallicity -- luminosity trend of local galaxies.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    New HI-detected Galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance

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    We present the first results of a blind HI survey for galaxies in the southern Zone of Avoidance with a multibeam receiver on the Parkes telescope. This survey is eventually expected to catalog several thousand galaxies within Galactic latitude |b|<5 degrees, mostly unrecognised before due to Galactic extinction and confusion. We present here results of the first three detections to have been imaged with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). The galaxies all lie near Galactic longitude 325 degrees and were selected because of their large angular sizes, up to 1.3 degrees. Linear sizes range from 53 to 108 kpc. The first galaxy is a massive 5.7x10^11 solar mass disk galaxy with a faint optical counterpart, SGC 1511.1--5249. The second is probably an interacting group of galaxies straddling the Galactic equator. No optical identification is possible. The third object appears to be an interacting pair of low column density galaxies, possibly belonging to an extended Circinus or Centaurus A galaxy group. No optical counterpart has been seen despite the predicted extinction (A(B) = 2.7 - 4.4 mag) not being excessive. We discuss the implications of the results, in particular the low HI column densities (~10^19 atoms/sq.cm) found for two of the three galaxies.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures (Fig.1 in three parts, Fig.5 in two parts). To appear in Astronomical Journal (Dec 1998). See http://www.atnf.csiro.au/research/multibea

    Reconciling MOND and dark matter?

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    Observations of galaxies suggest a one-to-one analytic relation between the inferred gravity of dark matter at any radius and the enclosed baryonic mass, a relation summarized by Milgrom's law of modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). However, present-day covariant versions of MOND usually require some additional fields contributing to the geometry, as well as an additional hot dark matter component to explain cluster dynamics and cosmology. Here, we envisage a slightly more mundane explanation, suggesting that dark matter does exist but is the source of MOND-like phenomenology in galaxies. We assume a canonical action for dark matter, but also add an interaction term between baryonic matter, gravity, and dark matter, such that standard matter effectively obeys the MOND field equation in galaxies. We show that even the simplest realization of the framework leads to a model which reproduces some phenomenological predictions of cold dark matter (CDM) and MOND at those scales where these are most successful. We also devise a more general form of the interaction term, introducing the medium density as a new order parameter. This allows for new physical effects which should be amenable to observational tests in the near future. Hence, this very general framework, which can be furthermore related to a generalized scalar-tensor theory, opens the way to a possible unification of the successes of CDM and MOND at different scales.Comment: 9 page

    A large sample of low surface brightness disc galaxies from the SDSS- II. Metallicities in surface brightness bins

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    We study the spectroscopic properties of a large sample of Low Surface Brightness galaxies (LSBGs) (with B-band central surface brightness mu0(B)>22 mag arcsec^(-2)) selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4 (SDSS-DR4) main galaxy sample. A large sample of disk-dominated High Surface Brightness galaxies (HSBGs, with mu0(B)<22 mag arcsec^(-2)) are also selected for comparison simultaneously. To study them in more details, these sample galaxies are further divided into four subgroups according to mu0(B) (in units of mag arcsec^(-2)): vLSBGs (24.5-22.75),iLSBGs (22.75-22.0), iHSBGs (22.0-21.25), and vHSBGs (<21.25). The diagnostic diagram from spectral emission-line ratios shows that the AGN fractions of all the four subgroups are small (<9%). The 21,032 star-forming galaxies with good quality spectroscopic observations are further selected for studying their dust extinction, strong-line ratios, metallicities and stellar mass-metallicities relations. The vLSBGs have lower extinction values and have less metal-rich and massive galaxies than the other subgroups. The oxygen abundances of our LSBGs are not as low as those of the HII regions in LSBGs studied in literature, which could be because our samples are more luminous, and because of the different metallicity calibrations used. We find a correlation between 12+log(O/H) and mu0(B) for vLSBGs, iLSBGs and iHSBGs but show that this could be a result of correlation between mu0(B) and stellar mass and the well-known mass-metallicity relation. This large sample shows that LSBGs span a wide range in metallicity and stellar mass, and they lie nearly on the stellar mass vs. metallicity and N/O vs. O/H relations of normal galaxies. This suggests that LSBGs and HSBGs have not had dramatically different star formation and chemical enrichment histories.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The spacetime structure of MOND with Tully-Fisher relation and Lorentz invariance violation

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    It is believed that the modification of Newtonian dynamics (MOND) is possible alternate for dark matter hypothesis. Although Bekenstein's TeVeS supplies a relativistic version of MOND, one may still wish a more concise covariant formulism of MOND. In this paper, within covariant geometrical framwork, we present another version of MOND. We show the spacetime structure of MOND with properties of Tully-Fisher relation and Lorentz invariance violation.Comment: 6 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1111.1383 and arXiv:1108.344

    The dark matter halo of NGC 1399 - CDM or MOND?

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    Central galaxies in galaxy clusters may be key discriminants in the competition between the cold dark matter (CDM) paradigm and modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). We investigate the dark halo of NGC 1399, the central galaxy of the Fornax cluster, out to a galactocentric distance of 80 kpc. The data base consists of 656 radial velocities of globular clusters obtained with MXU/VLT and GMOS/Gemini, which is the largest sample so far for any galaxy. We performed a Jeans analysis for a non-rotating isotropic model. An NFW halo with the parameters r_s = 50 kpc and rho_s = 0.0065 M_sun/pc^3 provides a good description of our data, fitting well to the X-ray mass. More massive halos are also permitted that agree with the mass of the Fornax cluster as derived from galaxy velocities. We compare this halo with the expected MOND models under isotropy and find that additional dark matter on the order of the stellar mass is needed to get agreement. A fully radial infinite globular cluster system would be needed to change this conclusion. Regarding CDM, we cannot draw firm conclusions. To really constrain a cluster wide halo, more data covering a larger radius are necessary. The MOND result appears as a small-scale variant of the finding that MOND in galaxy clusters still needs dark matter.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication as a Letter in A&