5,865 research outputs found

    Disability in young people and adults one year after head injury: prospective cohort study

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of disability in young people and adults admitted to hospital with a head injury and to estimate the annual incidence in the community. DESIGN: Prospective, hospital based cohort study, with one year follow up of sample stratified by coma score. SETTING: Five acute hospitals in Glasgow. SUBJECTS: 2962 patients (aged 14 years or more) with head injury; 549 (71%) of the 769 patients selected for follow up participated. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Glasgow outcome scale and problem orientated questionnaire. RESULTS: Survival with moderate or severe disability was common after mild head injury (47%, 95% confidence interval 42% to 52%) and similar to that after moderate (45%, 35% to 56%) or severe injury (48%, 36% to 60%). By extrapolation from the population identified (90% of whom had mild injuries), it was estimated that annually in Glasgow (population 909 498) 1400 young people and adults are still disabled one year after head injury. CONCLUSION: The incidence of disability in young people and adults admitted with a head injury is higher than expected. This reflects the high rate of sequelae previously unrecognised in the large number of patients admitted to hospital with an apparently mild head injury

    Aeroacoustic and aerodynamic performances of an aerofoil subjected to sinusoidal leading edges

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    This paper presents the preliminary results on the aeroacoustic and aerodynamic performances of a NACA65-(12)10 aerofoil subjected to 12 sinusoidal leading edges. The serration patterns of these leading edges are formed by cutting into the main body of the aerofoil, instead of extending the leading edges. Any of the leading edges, when attached to the main body of the aerofoil, will always result in the same overall chord length. The experiment was mainly performed in an aeroacoustic wind tunnel facility, although a separate aerodynamic type wind tunnel was also used for the force measurements. These sinusoidal leading edges were investigated for their effectiveness in suppressing the laminar instability tonal noise (trailing edge self-noise) and turbulence–leading edge interaction noise. The largest reduction in aerofoil noise tends to associate with the sinusoidal leading edge of the largest amplitude, and smallest wavelength. However, noticeable noise increase at high frequency is also observed for this combination of serration. In terms of the aerodynamic performance, increasing the serration wavelength tends to improve the stall angles, but the lift coefficient at the pre-stall regime is generally lower than that produced by the baseline leading edge. For a sinusoidal leading edge with large serration amplitude, the effect of the reduction in “lift-generating” surface is manifested in the significant reduction of the lift coefficients and lift curve slope. The sinusoidal leading edge that produces the best performance in the post-stall regime belongs to the largest wavelength and smallest amplitude, where the lift coefficients are shown to be better than the baseline leading edge. In conclusion, large amplitude and small wavelength is beneficial for noise reduction, whilst to maintain the aerodynamic lift a small amplitude and large wavelength is preferred

    Preparing the genetic counseling workforce for the future in Australasia.

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    Current genetic counseling students will graduate into a workforce involving more opportunities, diversity, and uncertainty than any previous generation. Preparing the future genetic counseling workforce is a dynamic challenge, both for the profession and for educators. The dominance of the medical model in the state funded Australian healthcare system creates a power imbalance between doctors and other health professionals. As a result, professional regulation to protect the public from harm in line with the United States, the UK, and Canada only became mandatory in 2019. Professional regulation has the additional benefit of enhancing professional standing and autonomy, enabling genetic counselors to help shape the future of genetic health care in Australia and New Zealand. Within this rapidly evolving environment, we are establishing a new Masters' program and building a discipline of genetic counseling, working alongside other allied health professionals. Our program involves synchronous and asynchronous learning, greater accessibility, flexibility and, as we have learned in 2020, reduction in disruption during a global pandemic. In this program, we foreground the inherent knowledge, skills, and values of genetic counseling, shifting the focus from provision of genetic and genomic tests, to educating competent, person-centered, research enabled and culturally safe genetic counselors. As educators, we have a responsibility to prepare students to embrace the uncertainties, challenges, and potential of the genomic era, to seize the many possibilities that lie ahead, and to expand their thinking and vision. We ask our students to be courageous, to step into a deep exploration of their own identity, beliefs, understanding, and experiences of oppression, power, and privilege. We are pushing boundaries, and challenging ourselves and our students to remain always open to possibilities. Equipping students with open eyes and listening ears may be the single most important thing we can do to prepare the genetic counseling workforce of the future to provide the best possible care

    Strength in diversity: enhancing learning in vocationally-orientated, master's level courses

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    Postgraduate education in geography, especially at the Master’s level, is undergoing significant changes in the developed world. There is an expansion of vocationally-oriented degree programmes, increasing recruitment of international students, integration of work place skills, and the engagement of non-traditional postgraduate students as departments respond to policies for a more ‘inclusive’ higher education. This paper sets the context by outlining some programmatic changes in selected countries (Australia, the UK, and the USA). We briefly reflect on how postgraduate ‘bars’ or ‘levels’ are defined and explore in detail what ‘diversity’ or ‘heterogeneity’ means in these new postgraduate settings. The paper then explores some examples of practice drawn from our own experiences, whilst recognising that relevance will vary in other contexts. Finally we consider how diversity can be harnessed as a strength that has potential to enhance taught elements of contemporary postgraduate education in and beyond the discipline