118 research outputs found

    Catechisms and cataclysms : communication in the Reformation

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    Thesis (S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences [SHASS], History Section, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 87-88).How does belief shape lived experience? This is a central question of existence that all people confront, be they philosophers or farmers. It is not simply a matter of religious belief but a problem that stems from the very core of what it means to be human. Who could decide how to spend their lives without defining priorities? Yet such profound choices are necessarily based on implicit beliefs, valuations of worth and existence. The Reformation period in early modem Europe shines a particularly bright light upon these fundamental questions. Once Martin Luther nailed his Thesis to the church door in Wittenberg in 1517, and in the religious turmoil of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries that followed, no one could avoid considering basic questions about their faith, even if only to defend what had been the status quo. Furthermore, the personal beliefs of Martin Luther and his German princes became a subject that could change the political course of nations. It was in Martin Luther's crucible of religious turmoil that personal belief and government began to shape each other in drastic and visible ways, an interaction which not only emphasizes the importance of belief, but also highlights the problem of popular beliefs, which are difficult to discern in times of religious quietude. But why examine belief? Are there not other more visible expressions of historical change? Ultimately, history is about individuals. One can examine the great political and economic trends of nations, but they only have meaning as they relate to individual existence. What is a modern nation state, if not a collection of its citizens and of how they live, work, interact, and think? Examining the religious beliefs of a society allows one to look at thought and actions in those who were far removed from "high" intellectual culture; for the thoughts of those who composed the massive majority of European society cannot be ignored simply because they were not always expressed in easily retrieved written discourses. Luckily, since theologians, politicians, and activists tried to influence popular belief, their records can be examined. The methods used to influence belief and practice, suggest not only what was in fact believed, but also what topics were of central concern to society's dialogue on religious change. Belief can have power over forces and institutions far larger than any single believing individual. Indeed, the very idea that religion is an issue of concern to individuals and not defined at the level of a city or nation was a novel one in the early modem era. Not surprisingly, and such a fundamental change in the concept of the individual had widespread consequences. This work examines the transmission of reformation ideas from scholars and theologians to lay parishioners in both the Protestant and Catholic traditions. It considers how large scale revolutions in religious thought affected the lives, piety, and religious practice of ordinary individuals. Yet the examination of this theme of transmission and communication is ultimately just a small part of one of the questions that historians have debated: Can the Reformation period be seen as offering up a true division into two different religions, or should it be seen as a moment during which both Catholic and Protestant traditions modernized in parallel to each other? Of course, both views contain some elements of truth; both churches managed to modernize, but nevertheless had fundamental differences in both theology and practice. However, an equally vital question is, perhaps, whether the churches' interactions with society were characterized by the differences between them or by the similar, modern forms both churches shared. This work ultimately suggests that the differences that had developed between Catholic and Protestant traditions by the mid seventeenth century are dwarfed by the changes in both that converted medieval practice to a more modem system. These modem religious traditions would come to co-exist with modern nation states, evolving economic practice, re-defined communities, and the secularization of Europe. Similarities in Protestant and Catholic communication of new theology and reformed practice can be identified and traced, lending support to the theory of parallel reform with similar outcomes, particularly in terms of community and state, even if their respective theologies contained real differences. Communication provides a useful lens for examining this question of difference and modernization since it involves many elements of the two reformed traditions. The choice of what information was to be transmitted, suggests which new theologies the churches thought significant and which were important to the contentious dialogues of the period. The forms of communication speak to the regular functioning of the church as an organization, and suggest how authority figures interacted with their laity. The composition of the audience suggests the new community definitions of each church. This essay will examine three mediums for communicating the agenda of reform in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries: architecture and visual art, education, and discipline and charity, insofar as they defined community ...by Christine A. McEvilly.S.B

    Ewing Sarcoma Protein Ewsr1 Maintains Mitotic Integrity and Proneural Cell Survival in the Zebrafish Embryo

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    BACKGROUND:The Ewing sarcoma breakpoint region 1 gene (EWSR1), also known as EWS, is fused to a number of different partner genes as a result of chromosomal translocation in diverse sarcomas. Despite the involvement of EWSR1 in these diverse sarcomas, the in vivo function of wild type EWSR1 remains unclear. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:We identified two zebrafish EWSR1 orthologues, ewsr1a and ewsr1b, and demonstrate that both genes are expressed maternally, and are expressed ubiquitously throughout zebrafish embryonic development. Morpholino induced knockdown of both zebrafish ewsr1 genes led to mitotic defects with multipolar or otherwise abnormal mitotic spindles starting from the bud stage (10 hour post-fertilization (hpf)). The abnormalities in mitotic spindles were followed by p53-mediated apoptosis in the developing central nervous system (CNS) leading to a reduction in the number of proneural cells, disorganization of neuronal networks, and embryonic lethality by 5 days post-fertilization. siRNA silencing of EWSR1 in Hela cells resulted in mitotic defects accompanied by apoptotic cell death, indicating that the role of EWSR1 is conserved between zebrafish and human. CONCLUSIONS:Ewsr1 maintains mitotic integrity and proneural cell survival in early zebrafish development

    Moving primary physical education forward:start at the beginning

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal Title on publication date, available online: doi 10.1080/03004279.2016.1155072This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education on 07/03/2016, available online: DOI: 10.1080/03004279.2016.1155072This paper presents selected findings from a questionnaire completed by 509 primary school teachers in Scotland. Drawing on policy enactment theory, the paper focusses on teachers’ personal experiences of physical education and perceptions of the importance of physical education in their schools. More than half (56%) reported that physical education was either ‘very important’ or ‘important’, while almost 40% perceived it to be of ‘limited’ or ‘very limited importance’. ‘Staff’, ‘time’ and ‘subject status’ were the main themes they drew on to explain their responses. Our findings highlight the diverse nature of the physical education professional cultures in Scottish primary schools. From this, we propose that future initiatives to support change in primary physical education should, as a starting point, acknowledge these diverse professional cultures and move beyond the simplistic one-size-fits-all change projects that have been shown to have limited impact on practice.This research was conducted as part of the Scottish Primary Physical Education Project, funded by the Scottish Government

    A Mammalian Conserved Element Derived from SINE Displays Enhancer Properties Recapitulating Satb2 Expression in Early-Born Callosal Projection Neurons

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    Short interspersed repetitive elements (SINEs) are highly repeated sequences that account for a significant proportion of many eukaryotic genomes and are usually considered “junk DNA”. However, we previously discovered that many AmnSINE1 loci are evolutionarily conserved across mammalian genomes, suggesting that they may have acquired significant functions involved in controlling mammalian-specific traits. Notably, we identified the AS021 SINE locus, located 390 kbp upstream of Satb2. Using transgenic mice, we showed that this SINE displays specific enhancer activity in the developing cerebral cortex. The transcription factor Satb2 is expressed by cortical neurons extending axons through the corpus callosum and is a determinant of callosal versus subcortical projection. Mouse mutants reveal a crucial function for Sabt2 in corpus callosum formation. In this study, we compared the enhancer activity of the AS021 locus with Satb2 expression during telencephalic development in the mouse. First, we showed that the AS021 enhancer is specifically activated in early-born Satb2+ neurons. Second, we demonstrated that the activity of the AS021 enhancer recapitulates the expression of Satb2 at later embryonic and postnatal stages in deep-layer but not superficial-layer neurons, suggesting the possibility that the expression of Satb2 in these two subpopulations of cortical neurons is under genetically distinct transcriptional control. Third, we showed that the AS021 enhancer is activated in neurons projecting through the corpus callosum, as described for Satb2+ neurons. Notably, AS021 drives specific expression in axons crossing through the ventral (TAG1−/NPY+) portion of the corpus callosum, confirming that it is active in a subpopulation of callosal neurons. These data suggest that exaptation of the AS021 SINE locus might be involved in enhancement of Satb2 expression, leading to the establishment of interhemispheric communication via the corpus callosum, a eutherian-specific brain structure

    SOX2 Co-Occupies Distal Enhancer Elements with Distinct POU Factors in ESCs and NPCs to Specify Cell State

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    SOX2 is a master regulator of both pluripotent embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and multipotent neural progenitor cells (NPCs); however, we currently lack a detailed understanding of how SOX2 controls these distinct stem cell populations. Here we show by genome-wide analysis that, while SOX2 bound to a distinct set of gene promoters in ESCs and NPCs, the majority of regions coincided with unique distal enhancer elements, important cis-acting regulators of tissue-specific gene expression programs. Notably, SOX2 bound the same consensus DNA motif in both cell types, suggesting that additional factors contribute to target specificity. We found that, similar to its association with OCT4 (Pou5f1) in ESCs, the related POU family member BRN2 (Pou3f2) co-occupied a large set of putative distal enhancers with SOX2 in NPCs. Forced expression of BRN2 in ESCs led to functional recruitment of SOX2 to a subset of NPC-specific targets and to precocious differentiation toward a neural-like state. Further analysis of the bound sequences revealed differences in the distances of SOX and POU peaks in the two cell types and identified motifs for additional transcription factors. Together, these data suggest that SOX2 controls a larger network of genes than previously anticipated through binding of distal enhancers and that transitions in POU partner factors may control tissue-specific transcriptional programs. Our findings have important implications for understanding lineage specification and somatic cell reprogramming, where SOX2, OCT4, and BRN2 have been shown to be key factors

    Selected abstracts from the Breastfeeding and Feminism International Conference 2016

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    Table of contents A1. Infant feeding and poverty: a public health perspective in a global context Lisa H. Amir A2. Mothers’ experiences with galactagogues for lactation: an exploratory cross sectional study Alessandra Bazzano, Shelley Thibeau, Katherine P. Theall A3. The motherhood journey and breastfeeding: from self-efficacy to resilience and social stigma Anna Blair, Karin Cadwell A4. Breastfeeding as an evolutionary adaptive behavior Emily A. Bronson A5. Conflict-of-interest in public health policy: as real as that logo on your website Elizabeth C. Brooks A6. Co-opting sisterhood and motherhood: behind the scenes of Similac’s aggressive social media campaigns Jodine Chase A7. The exclusion of women from the definition of exclusive breastfeeding Ellen Chetwynd, Rebecca Costello, Kathryn Wouk A8. Healthy maternity policies in the workplace: a state health department’s experience with the “Bring Your Infant to Work” program Lindsey Dermid-Gray A9. Implications for a paradigm shift: factors related to breastfeeding among African American women Stephanie Devane-Johnson, Cheryl Woods Giscombe, Miriam Labbok A10. Social experiences of breastfeeding: building bridges between research and policy: an ESRC-funded seminar series in the UK Sally Dowling A11. Manager’s perspectives of lactation breaks Melanie Fraser A12. The challenging second night: a dialogue from two perspectives Jane Grassley, Deborah McCarter-Spaulding, Becky Spencer A13. The role of lactation consultants in two council breastfeeding services in Melbourne, Australia – some preliminary impressions Jennifer Hocking, Pranee Liamputtong A14. Integrating social marketing and community engagement concepts in community breastfeeding programs Sheree H. Keitt, Harumi Reis-Reilly A15. What happens before and after the maternity stay? Creating a community-wide Ten Steps approach Miriam Labbok A16. #RVABREASTFEEDS: cultivating a breastfeeding-friendly community Leslie Lytle A17. Public health vs. free trade: a longitudinal analysis of a global policy to protect breastfeeding Mary Ann Merz A18. Legislative advocacy and grassroots organizing for improved breastfeeding laws in Virginia Kate Noon A19. Breastfeeding and the rights of incarcerated women Krista M Olson A20. Barriers and support for Puerto Rican breastfeeding working mothers Ana M. Parrilla-Rodríguez, José J. Gorrín-Peralta Melissa Pellicier, Zeleida M. Vázquez-Rivera A21. Pumping at work: a daily struggle for Puerto Rican breastfeeding mothers in spite of the law Melissa Pellicier A22. “I saw a wrong and I wanted to stand up for what I thought was right:” a narrative study on becoming a breastfeeding activist Jennifer L. Pemberton A23. Peer breastfeeding support: advocacy and action Catherine McEvilly Pestl A24. Good intentions: a study of breastfeeding intention and postpartum realities among first-time Central Brooklyn mothers Jennifer Pierre, Philip Noyes, Khushbu Srivastava, Sharon Marshall-Taylor A25. Women describing the infant feeding choice: the impact of the WIC breastfeeding classes on infant feeding practices in Ionia, Michigan Jennifer Proto, Sarah Hyland Laurie Brinks A26. Local and state programs and national partnership to reduce disparities through community breastfeeding support Harumi Reis-Reilly, Martelle Esposito, Megan Phillippi A27. Beyond black breastfeeding week: instagram image content analysis for #blackwomendobreastfeed/#bwdbf Cynthia L. Sears, Delores James, Cedric Harville, Kristina Carswell A28. Stakeholder views of breastfeeding education in the K-12 environment: a review of the literature Nicola Singletary, L. Suzanne Goodell, April Fogleman A29. “The Breastfeeding Transition”: a framework for explaining changes in global breastfeeding rates as related to large-scale forces shaping the status of women Paige Hall Smith A30. Breastfeeding, contraception, and ethics, oh my! Advocacy and informed decision-making in the post-partum period Alison M. Stuebe, Amy G. Bryant, Anne Drapkin Lyerly A31. A hard day’s night: juggling nighttime breastfeeding, sleep, and work Cecilia Tomori A32. Empowering change in Indian country through breastfeeding education Amanda L. Watkins, Joan E. Dodgson A33. Servants and “Little Mothers” take charge: work, class, and breastfeeding rates in the early 20th-century U.S. Jacqueline H. Wol

    A review of a quarter century of International Workshops on Seismic Anisotropy in the crust (0IWSA–12IWSA)

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    Twenty years of a multidisciplinary paediatric diabetes home care unit

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    As only a minority of patients with type 1 diabetes are unwell at diagnosis, these patients could be managed at home if appropriate facilities were available. A multidisciplinary diabetes home care service was established over 20 years ago at Birmingham Children's Hospital, to support children with diabetes mellitus within the home environment from diagnosis, reducing emotional upset and separation. Despite increase in the size and distribution of the unit over this time (from 230 to 400 patients (now spread over two hospitals)), the proportion of newly diagnosed children managed wholly at home (median 43%; range 31–67%), and the reduction in number and duration of admissions has been sustained (readmission rate with diabetic ketoacidosis 4.1 bed-days per 100 patients/year; range 2.9–7.1), with no deterioration in overall blood glucose control. In this way the savings achieved by reductions in expensive hospital bed occupancy have more than offset the costs of maintaining the unit