1,919 research outputs found

    Spaceborne CO2 laser communications systems

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    Projections of the growth of earth-sensing systems for the latter half of the 1980's show a data transmission requirement of 300 Mbps and above. Mission constraints and objectives lead to the conclusion that the most efficient technique to return the data from the sensing satellite to a ground station is through a geosynchronous data relay satellite. Of the two links that are involved (sensing satellite to relay satellite and relay satellite to ground), a laser system is most attractive for the space-to-space link. The development of CO2 laser systems for space-to-space applications is discussed with the completion of a 300 Mpbs data relay receiver and its modification into a transceiver. The technology and state-of-the-art of such systems are described in detail

    How do Australian GPs manage shoulder dysfunction?

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    Copyright © 2004 Royal Australian College of General PractitionersNorman A Broadhurst; Angela Gialamas; Heather J McElroy; Justin J Beilb

    Statin prescribing in Australia: socioeconomic and sex differences - A cross-sectional study

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    The document attached has been archived with permission from the editor of the Medical Journal of Australia. An external link to the publisher’s copy is included.OBJECTIVE: To assess if there are any differences in statin prescribing across Australia by socioeconomic status or sex and to relate prescribing rates to coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality rates. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study using data on statin prescribing by age, sex and patient postcode for the period May to December 2002. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: The Australian population, stratified by sex and quintile of Index of Relative Socio-Economic Disadvantage (IRSD). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Age-standardised rates of statin scripts per 1000 population per month for each sex and IRSD quintile. RESULTS: 9.1 million prescriptions for statins were supplied between May and December 2002, for a total cost of $570 million. The age-standardised rates for statin prescribing in women varied from 56.9 (95% CI, 56.6–57.2) scripts per 1000 population per month in the most disadvantaged socioeconomic quintile through 53.4 (95% CI, 53.0–53.7), 50.3 (95% CI, 50.0–50.6), 48.4 (95% CI, 48.1–48.7) to 46.3 (95% CI, 46.0–46.6) in the least disadvantaged quintile. For men the figures were 52.6 (95% CI, 52.3–52.9), 50.9 (95% CI, 50.6–51.2), 48.8 (95% CI, 48.6–49.1), 47.7 (95% CI, 47.4–47.9), and 51.9 (95% CI, 51.6–52.2). There was a significant linear association between statin prescribing and CHD mortality by quintile of socioeconomic disadvantage in women (weighted least squares slope, 0.380; 95% CI, 0.366 to 0.395; P < 0.0001), but not in men (slope, −0.002; 95% CI, −0.010 to 0.006; P = 0.65). Conclusions: Our results suggest that in men there is either overprescribing of statins in the highest socioeconomic quintile or underprescribing in the lowest. Furthermore, contrary to expectation, women — relative to men — are prescribed statins at higher rates at lower levels of risk (using CHD deaths as a proxy MJA 2004; 180: 229–231 measure of risk).Nigel P Stocks, Philip Ryan, Heather McElroy and James Alla

    Local edge modes in doped cuprates with checkerboard polaronic heterogeneity

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    We study a periodic polaronic system, which exhibits a nanoscale superlattice structure, as a model for hole-doped cuprates with checkerboard-like heterogeneity, as has been observed recently by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Within this model, the electronic and phononic excitations are investigated by applying an unrestricted Hartree-Fock and a random phase approximation (RPA) to a multiband Peierls-Hubbard Hamiltonian in two dimensions

    STM/STS Study on 4a X 4a Electronic Charge Order of Superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d

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    We performed low-bias STM measurements on underdoped Bi2212 crystals, and confirmed that a two-dimensional (2D) superstructure with a periodicity of four lattice constants (4a) is formed within the Cu-O plane at T<Tc. This 4a X 4a superstructure, oriented along the Cu-O bonding direction, is nondispersive and more intense in lightly doped samples with a zero temperature pseudogap (ZTPG) than in samples with a d-wave gap. The nondispersive 4a X 4a superstructure was clearly observed within the ZTPG or d-wave gap, while it tended to fade out outside the gaps. The present results provide a useful test for various models proposed for an electronic order hidden in the underdoped region of high-Tc cuprates.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    The Effects of Phase Separation in the Cuprate Superconductors

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    Phase separation has been observed by several different experiments and it is believed to be closely related with the physics of cuprates but its exactly role is not yet well known. We propose that the onset of pseudogap phenomenon or the upper pseudogap temperature T∗T^* has its origin in a spontaneous phase separation transition at the temperature Tps=T∗T_{ps}=T^*. In order to perform quantitative calculations, we use a Cahn-Hilliard (CH) differential equation originally proposed to the studies of alloys and on a spinodal decomposition mechanism. Solving numerically the CH equation it is possible to follow the time evolution of a coarse-grained order parameter which satisfies a Ginzburg-Landau free-energy functional commonly used to model superconductors. In this approach, we follow the process of charge segregation into two main equilibrium hole density branches and the energy gap normally attributed to the upper pseudogap arises as the free-energy potential barrier between these two equilibrium densities below TpsT_{ps}. This simulation provides quantitative results %on the hole doping and temperature %dependence of the degree of the charge inhomogeneity in agreement with %some experiments and the simulations reproduce the observed stripe and granular pattern of segregation. Furthermore, with a Bogoliubov-deGennes (BdG) local superconducting critical temperature calculation for the lower pseudogap or the onset of local superconductivity, it yields novel interpretation of several non-conventional measurements on cuprates.Comment: Published versio

    The SAMI Galaxy Survey: The Low-Redshift Stellar Mass Tully-Fisher Relation

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    We investigate the Tully-Fisher Relation (TFR) for a morphologically and kine- matically diverse sample of galaxies from the SAMI Galaxy Survey using 2 dimensional spatially resolved Halpha velocity maps and find a well defined relation across the stellar mass range of 8.0 < log(M*) < 11.5. We use an adaptation of kinemetry to parametrise the kinematic Halpha asymmetry of all galaxies in the sample, and find a correlation between scatter (i.e. residuals off the TFR) and asymmetry. This effect is pronounced at low stellar mass, corresponding to the inverse relationship between stellar mass and kinematic asymmetry found in previous work. For galaxies with log(M*) < 9.5, 25 +/- 3% are scattered below the root mean square (RMS) of the TFR, whereas for galaxies with log(M*) > 9.5 the fraction is 10 +/- 1% We use 'simulated slits' to directly compare our results with those from long slit spectroscopy and find that aligning slits with the photometric, rather than the kinematic, position angle, increases global scatter below the TFR. Further, kinematic asymmetry is correlated with misalignment between the photometric and kinematic position angles. This work demonstrates the value of 2D spatially resolved kinematics for accurate TFR studies; integral field spectroscopy reduces the underestimation of rotation velocity that can occur from slit positioning off the kinematic axis

    The NStED Exoplanet Transit Survey Service

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    The NASA Star and Exoplanet Database (NStED) is a general purpose stellar archive with the aim of providing support for NASA's planet finding and characterization goals, stellar astrophysics, and the planning of NASA and other space missions. There are two principal components of NStED: a database of (currently) 140,000 nearby stars and exoplanet-hosting stars, and an archive dedicated to high-precision photometric surveys for transiting exoplanets. We present a summary of the latter component: the NStED Exoplanet Transit Survey Service (NStED-ETSS), along with its content, functionality, tools, and user interface. NStED-ETSS currently serves data from the TrES Survey of the Kepler Field as well as dedicated photometric surveys of four stellar clusters. NStED-ETSS aims to serve both the surveys and the broader astronomical community by archiving these data and making them available in a homogeneous format. Examples of usability of ETSS include investigation of any time-variable phenomena in data sets not studied by the original survey team, application of different techniques or algorithms for planet transit detections, combination of data from different surveys for given objects, statistical studies, etc. NStED-ETSS can be accessed at \tt{http://nsted.ipac.caltech.edu}Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 253rd IAU Symposium: "Transiting Planets", May 2008, Cambridge, MA. 4 pages, 2 figure

    Visible light nitrogen dioxide spectrophotometer intercomparison: Mount Kobau, British Columbia, July 28 to August 10, 1991

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    Under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization, Environment Canada hosted an international comparison of visible light spectrophotometers at Mt. Kobau, British Columbia in August of 1991. Instruments from four countries were involved. The intercomparison results have indicated that some significant differences exist in the responses of the various instruments, and have provided a basis for the comparison of the historical data sets which currently exist as a result of the independent researches carried out in the past in the former Soviet Union, New Zealand, and Canada
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