562 research outputs found

    Tuning biexciton binding and anti-binding in core/shell quantum dots

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    We use a path integral quantum Monte Carlo method to simulate excitons and biexcitons in core shell nanocrystals with Type-I, II and quasi-Type II band alignments. Quantum Monte Carlo techniques allow for all quantum correlations to be included when determining the thermal ground state, thus producing accurate predictions of biexciton binding. These subtle quantum correlations are found to cause the biexciton to be binding with Type-I carrier localization and strongly anti-binding with Type-II carrier localization, in agreement with experiment for both core shell nanocrystals and dot in rod nanocrystal structures. Simple treatments based on perturbative approaches are shown to miss this important transition in the biexciton binding. Understanding these correlations offers prospects to engineer strong biexciton anti-binding which is crucial to the design of nanocrystals for single exciton lasing applications.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Bulk Fermi surface coexistence with Dirac surface state in Bi2_2Se3_3: a comparison of photoemission and Shubnikov-de Haas measurements

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    Shubnikov de Haas (SdH) oscillations and Angle Resolved PhotoEmission Spectroscopy (ARPES) are used to probe the Fermi surface of single crystals of Bi2Se3. We find that SdH and ARPES probes quantitatively agree on measurements of the effective mass and bulk band dispersion. In high carrier density samples, the two probes also agree in the exact position of the Fermi level EF, but for lower carrier density samples discrepancies emerge in the position of EF. In particular, SdH reveals a bulk three-dimensional Fermi surface for samples with carrier densities as low as 10^17cm-3. We suggest a simple mechanism to explain these differences and discuss consequences for existing and future transport studies of topological insulators.Comment: 5 mages, 5 figure

    The surface-state of the topological insulator Bi2_2Se3_3 revealed by cyclotron resonance

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    To date transport measurements of topological insulators have been dominated by the conductivity of the bulk, leading to substantial difficulties in resolving the properties of the surface. To this end, we use high magnetic field, rf- and microwave-spectroscopy to selectively couple to the surface conductivity of Bi2_2Se3_3 at high frequency. In the frequency range of a few GHz we observe a crossover from quantum oscillations indicative of a small 3D Fermi surface, to cyclotron resonance indicative of a 2D surface state

    Quantification of mitral regurgitation by integrated Doppler backscatter power

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    AbstractObjectives. We attempted to determine whether continuous wave Doppler backscatter power could be used to quantify mitral regurgitation.Background. The power of a Doppler backscatter signal is proportional to the number of scatterers insonated and, hence, to the moving volume of blood. The relative power of the continuous wave Doppler signals from mitral inflow and aortic outflow is therefore proportional to the relative volumes of blood in motion.Methods. Computer postprocessing was used to derive the relative power of the Doppler backscatter signal from the intensity of the pixels within the spectral display of anterograde aortic and mitral flow. The power ratio was used to calculate the regurgitant fraction in 20 patients (mean age 61.4 years) with mitral regurgitation. This Doppler regurgitant fraction was compared with that derived from angiographic left ventricular volume and thermodilution cardiac output. In addition, 12 normal control subjects were studied by the Doppler method.Results. Mean (± SD) catheterization regurgitant fraction was 0.50 ± 0.26, and mean Doppler regurgitant fraction was 0.47 ± 0.25 (r = 0.89). The limits of agreement between the two methods by Bland-Altman analysis were −0.21 to +0.27. In normal control subjects with an expected regurgitant fraction of close to zero, mean Doppler regurgitant fraction was 0.03 ± 0.05.Conclusions. Doppler backscatter power from mitral and aortic inflow provides a new and accurate method for quantifying mitral regurgitation


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    Shubnikov-de Haas quantum oscillations reveal a reconstructed Fermi surface near optimal doping in a thin film of the cuprate superconductor Pr1.86Ce0.14CuO4±δ

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    We study magnetotransport properties of the electron-doped superconductor Pr2-xCexCuO4±δ with x=0.14 in magnetic fields up to 92 T, and observe Shubnikov-de Haas magnetic quantum oscillations. The oscillations display a single frequency F=255±10 T, indicating a small Fermi pocket that is ∼1% of the two-dimensional Brillouin zone and consistent with a Fermi surface reconstructed from the large holelike cylinder predicted for these layered materials. Despite the low nominal doping, all electronic properties including the effective mass and Hall effect are consistent with overdoped compounds. Our study demonstrates that the exceptional chemical control afforded by high quality thin films will enable Fermi surface studies deep into the overdoped cuprate phase diagram
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