3,859 research outputs found

    Testing quantised inertia on galactic scales

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    Galaxies and galaxy clusters have rotational velocities apparently too fast to allow them to be gravitationally bound by their visible matter. This has been attributed to the presence of invisible (dark) matter, but so far this has not been directly detected. Here, it is shown that a new model that modifies inertial mass by assuming it is caused by Unruh radiation, which is subject to a Hubble-scale (Theta) Casimir effect predicts the rotational velocity (v) to be: v^4=2GMc^2/Theta (the Tully-Fisher relation) where G is the gravitational constant, M is the baryonic mass and c is the speed of light. The model predicts the outer rotational velocity of dwarf and disk galaxies, and galaxy clusters, within error bars, without dark matter or adjustable parameters, and makes a prediction that local accelerations should remain above 2c^2/Theta at a galaxy's edge.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science on 27/7/201

    Strongly interacting bosons on a three-leg ladder in the presence of a homogeneous flux

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    We perform a density-matrix renormalization-group study of strongly interacting bosons on a three-leg ladder in the presence of a homogeneous flux. Focusing on one-third filling, we explore the phase diagram in dependence of the magnetic flux and the inter-leg tunneling strength. We find several phases including a Meissner phase, vortex liquids, a vortex lattice, as well as a staggered-current phase. Moreover, there are regions where the chiral current reverses its direction, both in the Meissner and in the staggered-current phase. While the reversal in the latter case can be ascribed to spontaneous breaking of translational invariance, in the first it stems from an effective flux increase in the rung direction. Interactions are a necessary ingredient to realize either type of chiral-current reversal

    A Strictly Single-Site DMRG Algorithm with Subspace Expansion

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    We introduce a strictly single-site DMRG algorithm based on the subspace expansion of the Alternating Minimal Energy (AMEn) method. The proposed new MPS basis enrichment method is sufficient to avoid local minima during the optimisation, similarly to the density matrix perturbation method, but computationally cheaper. Each application of H^\hat H to Ψ|\Psi\rangle in the central eigensolver is reduced in cost for a speed-up of (d+1)/2\approx (d + 1)/2, with dd the physical site dimension. Further speed-ups result from cheaper auxiliary calculations and an often greatly improved convergence behaviour. Runtime to convergence improves by up to a factor of 2.5 on the Fermi-Hubbard model compared to the previous single-site method and by up to a factor of 3.9 compared to two-site DMRG. The method is compatible with real-space parallelisation and non-abelian symmetries.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; added comparison with two-site DMR

    Systematic errors in Gaussian Quantum Monte Carlo and a systematic study of the symmetry projection method

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    Gaussian Quantum Monte Carlo (GQMC) is a stochastic phase space method for fermions with positive weights. In the example of the Hubbard model close to half filling it fails to reproduce all the symmetries of the ground state leading to systematic errors at low temperatures. In a previous work [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 72}, 224518 (2005)] we proposed to restore the broken symmetries by projecting the density matrix obtained from the simulation onto the ground state symmetry sector. For ground state properties, the accuracy of this method depends on a {\it large overlap} between the GQMC and exact density matrices. Thus, the method is not rigorously exact. We present the limits of the approach by a systematic study of the method for 2 and 3 leg Hubbard ladders for different fillings and on-site repulsion strengths. We show several indications that the systematic errors stem from non-vanishing boundary terms in the partial integration step in the derivation of the Fokker-Planck equation. Checking for spiking trajectories and slow decaying probability distributions provides an important test of the reliability of the results. Possible solutions to avoid boundary terms are discussed. Furthermore we compare results obtained from two different sampling methods: Reconfiguration of walkers and the Metropolis algorithm.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, revised version, new titl

    Systematic errors in Gaussian Quantum Monte Carlo and a systematic study of the symmetry projection method

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    Gaussian Quantum Monte Carlo (GQMC) is a stochastic phase space method for fermions with positive weights. In the example of the Hubbard model close to half filling it fails to reproduce all the symmetries of the ground state leading to systematic errors at low temperatures. In a previous work [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 72}, 224518 (2005)] we proposed to restore the broken symmetries by projecting the density matrix obtained from the simulation onto the ground state symmetry sector. For ground state properties, the accuracy of this method depends on a {\it large overlap} between the GQMC and exact density matrices. Thus, the method is not rigorously exact. We present the limits of the approach by a systematic study of the method for 2 and 3 leg Hubbard ladders for different fillings and on-site repulsion strengths. We show several indications that the systematic errors stem from non-vanishing boundary terms in the partial integration step in the derivation of the Fokker-Planck equation. Checking for spiking trajectories and slow decaying probability distributions provides an important test of the reliability of the results. Possible solutions to avoid boundary terms are discussed. Furthermore we compare results obtained from two different sampling methods: Reconfiguration of walkers and the Metropolis algorithm.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, revised version, new titl

    Phase diagram of an anisotropic frustrated ferromagnetic spin-1/2 chain in a magnetic field: a density matrix renormalization group study

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    We study the phase diagram of a frustrated spin-1/2 ferromagnetic chain with anisotropic exchange interactions in an external magnetic field, using the density matrix renormalization group method. We show that an easy-axis anisotropy enhances the tendency towards multimagnon bound states, while an easy-plane anisotropy favors chirally ordered phases. In particular, a moderate easy-plane anisotropy gives rise to a quantum phase transition at intermediate magnetization. We argue that this transition is related to the finite-field phase transition experimentally observed in the spin-1/2 compound LiCuVO_4.Comment: The final published versio

    Spectral functions and time evolution from the Chebyshev recursion

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    We link linear prediction of Chebyshev and Fourier expansions to analytic continuation. We push the resolution in the Chebyshev-based computation of T=0T=0 many-body spectral functions to a much higher precision by deriving a modified Chebyshev series expansion that allows to reduce the expansion order by a factor 16\sim\frac{1}{6}. We show that in a certain limit the Chebyshev technique becomes equivalent to computing spectral functions via time evolution and subsequent Fourier transform. This introduces a novel recursive time evolution algorithm that instead of the group operator eiHte^{-iHt} only involves the action of the generator HH. For quantum impurity problems, we introduce an adapted discretization scheme for the bath spectral function. We discuss the relevance of these results for matrix product state (MPS) based DMRG-type algorithms, and their use within dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). We present strong evidence that the Chebyshev recursion extracts less spectral information from HH than time evolution algorithms when fixing a given amount of created entanglement.Comment: 12 pages + 6 pages appendix, 11 figure

    Topological nature of spinons and holons: Elementary excitations from matrix product states with conserved symmetries

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    We develop variational matrix product state (MPS) methods with symmetries to determine dispersion relations of one dimensional quantum lattices as a function of momentum and preset quantum number. We test our methods on the XXZ spin chain, the Hubbard model and a non-integrable extended Hubbard model, and determine the excitation spectra with a precision similar to the one of the ground state. The formulation in terms of quantum numbers makes the topological nature of spinons and holons very explicit. In addition, the method also enables an easy and efficient direct calculation of the necessary magnetic field or chemical potential required for a certain ground state magnetization or particle density.Comment: 13 pages, 4 pages appendix, 8 figure

    Imaginary-time matrix product state impurity solver for dynamical mean-field theory

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    We present a new impurity solver for dynamical mean-field theory based on imaginary-time evolution of matrix product states. This converges the self-consistency loop on the imaginary-frequency axis and obtains real-frequency information in a final real-time evolution. Relative to computations on the real-frequency axis, required bath sizes are much smaller and less entanglement is generated, so much larger systems can be studied. The power of the method is demonstrated by solutions of a three band model in the single and two-site dynamical mean-field approximation. Technical issues are discussed, including details of the method, efficiency as compared to other matrix product state based impurity solvers, bath construction and its relation to real-frequency computations and the analytic continuation problem of quantum Monte Carlo, the choice of basis in dynamical cluster approximation, and perspectives for off-diagonal hybridization functions.Comment: 8 pages + 4 pages appendix, 9 figure