66 research outputs found

    Effect of Concomitant 3-Hydroxy-3-Methyl-Glutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitor Therapy on Creatine Phosphokinase Levels and Mortality Among Patients Receiving Daptomycin: Retrospective Cohort Study.

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    IntroductionThe prescribing information for daptomycin recommends discontinuing statin therapy during receipt of daptomycin. The literature supporting this recommendation is sparse. The objectives of this study were to examine the impact of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors (statins) on creatine phosphokinase (CPK) elevations and mortality among patients receiving daptomycin therapy.MethodsA retrospective cohort study was performed among daptomycin recipients in the Upstate New York Veterans' Healthcare Administration from September 15, 2003 to July 1, 2013. Inclusion criteria were: (1) daptomycin for ≥48 h, (2) availability of baseline CPK value and (3) >1 CPK level measurement taken while on therapy. The following were extracted from medical records: demographics, comorbidities, laboratory data, medication history (daptomycin, statins and concomitant drugs known to increase CPK), Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE)-II score and vital status at 30 days. The exposure of interest was use of statins. The primary outcome was CPK elevation defined as a CPK value ≥3 times the upper limit of normal (ULN) if baseline CPK was normal, and ≥5 times ULN if baseline CPK was elevated. The secondary outcome was death within 30 days of commencing daptomycin.ResultsA total of 233 patients were included in this analysis. Among these patients, 53 received concomitant statin therapy. Most baseline clinical characteristics were similar between statin recipients and non-recipients. Five (2.1%) patients experienced a CPK elevation; 3/53 (5.7%) were statin recipients and 2/180 (1.1%) received daptomycin alone (p = 0.08). All patients with CPK elevations had normal baseline CPK values. No effect modification was observed by use of other concomitant medications known to increase CPK values. Death was observed more frequently among statin non-recipients (17.2%) than recipients (9.4%).ConclusionsAmong patients receiving daptomycin, no significant difference was observed in frequency of CPK elevation between statin recipients and non-recipients

    A novel small molecule inhibitor of MRCK prevents radiation-driven invasion in glioblastoma

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is an aggressive and incurable primary brain tumor that causes severe neurological, cognitive, and psychological symptoms. Symptoms are caused and exacerbated by the infiltrative properties of GBM cells, which enable them to pervade the healthy brain and disrupt normal function. Recent research has indicated that, while radiotherapy (RT) remains the most effective component of multimodality therapy for GBM patients, it can provoke a more infiltrative phenotype in GBM cells that survive treatment. Here we demonstrate an essential role of the actin-myosin regulatory kinase myotonic dystrophy kinase-related CDC42- binding kinase (MRCK) in mediating the pro-invasive effects of radiation. MRCK-mediated invasion occurred via downstream signaling to effector molecules MYPT1 and MLC2. MRCK was activated by clinically relevant doses per fraction of radiation, and this activation was concomitant with an increase in GBM cell motility and invasion. Furthermore, ablation of MRCK activity either by RNAi or by inhibition with the novel small molecule inhibitor BDP-9066 prevented radiation-driven increases in motility both in vitro and in a clinically relevant orthotopic xenograft model of GBM. Crucially, treatment with BDP-9066 in combination with RT significantly increased survival in this model and markedly reduced infiltration of the contralateral cerebral hemisphere

    Bi-allelic Loss-of-Function CACNA1B Mutations in Progressive Epilepsy-Dyskinesia.

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    The occurrence of non-epileptic hyperkinetic movements in the context of developmental epileptic encephalopathies is an increasingly recognized phenomenon. Identification of causative mutations provides an important insight into common pathogenic mechanisms that cause both seizures and abnormal motor control. We report bi-allelic loss-of-function CACNA1B variants in six children from three unrelated families whose affected members present with a complex and progressive neurological syndrome. All affected individuals presented with epileptic encephalopathy, severe neurodevelopmental delay (often with regression), and a hyperkinetic movement disorder. Additional neurological features included postnatal microcephaly and hypotonia. Five children died in childhood or adolescence (mean age of death: 9 years), mainly as a result of secondary respiratory complications. CACNA1B encodes the pore-forming subunit of the pre-synaptic neuronal voltage-gated calcium channel Cav2.2/N-type, crucial for SNARE-mediated neurotransmission, particularly in the early postnatal period. Bi-allelic loss-of-function variants in CACNA1B are predicted to cause disruption of Ca2+ influx, leading to impaired synaptic neurotransmission. The resultant effect on neuronal function is likely to be important in the development of involuntary movements and epilepsy. Overall, our findings provide further evidence for the key role of Cav2.2 in normal human neurodevelopment.MAK is funded by an NIHR Research Professorship and receives funding from the Wellcome Trust, Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital Charity, and Rosetrees Trust. E.M. received funding from the Rosetrees Trust (CD-A53) and Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity. K.G. received funding from Temple Street Foundation. A.M. is funded by Great Ormond Street Hospital, the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), and Biomedical Research Centre. F.L.R. and D.G. are funded by Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre. K.C. and A.S.J. are funded by NIHR Bioresource for Rare Diseases. The DDD Study presents independent research commissioned by the Health Innovation Challenge Fund (grant number HICF-1009-003), a parallel funding partnership between the Wellcome Trust and the Department of Health, and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (grant number WT098051). We acknowledge support from the UK Department of Health via the NIHR comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre award to Guy's and St. Thomas' National Health Service (NHS) Foundation Trust in partnership with King's College London. This research was also supported by the NIHR Great Ormond Street Hospital Biomedical Research Centre. J.H.C. is in receipt of an NIHR Senior Investigator Award. The research team acknowledges the support of the NIHR through the Comprehensive Clinical Research Network. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR, Department of Health, or Wellcome Trust. E.R.M. acknowledges support from NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre, an NIHR Senior Investigator Award, and the University of Cambridge has received salary support in respect of E.R.M. from the NHS in the East of England through the Clinical Academic Reserve. I.E.S. is supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (Program Grant and Practitioner Fellowship)

    Social Networks and Cognitive Function: An Evaluation of Social Bridging and Bonding Mechanisms

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    Background and objectives: Social connectedness has been linked prospectively to cognitive aging, but there is little agreement about the social mechanisms driving this relationship. This study evaluated 9 measures of social connectedness, focusing on 2 forms of social enrichment-access to an expansive and diverse set of loosely connected individuals (i.e., social bridging) and integration in a supportive network of close ties (i.e., social bonding). Research design and methods: This study used egocentric network and cognitive data from 311 older adults in the Social Networks in Alzheimer Disease study. Linear regressions were used to estimate the association between social connectedness and global cognitive function, episodic memory, and executive function. Results: Measures indicative of social bridging (larger network size, lower density, presence of weak ties, and proportion of non-kin) were consistently associated with better cognitive outcomes, while measures of social bonding (close ties, multiplex support, higher frequency of contact, better relationship quality, and being married) largely produced null effects. Discussion and implications: These findings suggest that the protective benefits of social connectedness for cognitive function and memory may operate primarily through a cognitive reserve mechanism that is driven by irregular contact with a larger and more diverse group of peripheral others

    Impact of COVID-19 on social work field education : Perspectives of Canadian social work students

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    Summary: Social work field education has experienced major disruptions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, while also embracing new opportunities to grow. The Transforming the Field Education Landscape research partnership developed a cross-sectional web-based survey with closed- and open-ended questions to understand student perceptions of COVID-19’s impacts on social work field education. The survey opened during the first wave of the pandemic from July 8 to 29, 2020 and was completed by 367 Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) and Master of Social Work (MSW) students across Canada. Quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. Findings: Respondents experienced reduced practicum hours and placements terminating early or moving online. Students were concerned about gaining adequate experience for future job prospects. They were generally positive about academic institutional responses to COVID-19 but described financial challenges with tuition costs and a lack of paid practica. Respondents were mostly satisfied with practicum supervision. They experienced negative impacts of COVID-19 on mental health with isolation and remote learning and described a lack of institutional mental health support. Students were concerned with missing direct practice skills, while some students reported more flexible hours, access to online events beyond their region, and increased research experience. They expressed a need for practicum flexibility and accommodation. Applications: Recommendations include an increase in flexibility and accommodations for practicum students, exchanges of promising and wise field education practices, and accessible postsecondary mental health supports. Professional development opportunities should support graduates who missed learning opportunities in their practicum.Arts, Faculty ofNon UBCSocial Work, School ofReviewedFacultyResearcherPostdoctora