746 research outputs found

    Beyond Academic Capitalism: Innovation and Entrepreneurship as Institutional Ethos at a Public Research University

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    The theory of academic capitalism provides a cogent explanation of the actors, organizations, and networks that initiated a shift in U.S. higher education from a "public good knowledge/learning regime" to an emerging "academic capitalist knowledge/learning regime." In the academic capitalist knowledge/learning regime, the claims of entrepreneurs, administrators, and corporations--amidst amplified market forces--have come to supersede the claims of the public. Research thus far has not analyzed the process by which the multiple levels of higher education institutions adopt values and norms of the academic capitalist knowledge/learning regime. Using case study methodology, this dissertation empirically examines the development and dissemination of an institutional ethos that, consistent with the theory of academic capitalism, has attributed great importance to innovation and entrepreneurship at a public doctoral/research-intensive university in the United States between 1998 and 2013. Specifically, I am interested in explaining why this ethos was initiated and supported by university leaders and how it has been translated into incentives for faculty members and academic opportunities for undergraduate students. Therefore, this dissertation traces academic capitalism as a multi-level process at one higher education institution. The findings demonstrate that meanings ascribed to innovation and entrepreneurship vary across the campus. However, there is a preponderance of language and examples derived from the for-profit sector. The individuals on campus instrumental in crafting the innovation and entrepreneurship ethos were central administrators, particularly presidents and provosts. The main motivations for supporting the ethos were generating revenue in the future, continuing a land-grant tradition of service to the state, and attempting to keep pace with institutional peers and garner prestige. Efforts to translate the ethos into incentives for faculty have been limited in scope and mainly cater to disciplines in sciences, engineering, and technology. However, there is clearly emphasis placed on developing the entrepreneurial mindset in undergraduate students. The implications of these incentives and academic opportunities are analyzed, suggesting possible outcomes of innovation and entrepreneurship as institutional ethos

    The Constitutional Considerations of Multiple Media Ownership Regulation by the Federal Communications Commission

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    Promoting the dissemination of diverse ideas with a minimum of governmental interference is the goal of the first amendment in protecting free press and free media. This goal is implicit in the public interest mandate of the Communications Act of 1934. A precise balance between restraint and diversity in first amendment policy appears impossible, but the process of decision should reflect both, with deference to restraint where possible. The Federal Communication Commission\u27s Order in Docket 18110 failed to strike such a balance; any future action regarding cross-ownership of broadcast stations by newspapers would benefit by an increased recognition of the importance of restraint

    Rational Prediction Of Future Pension Expense: A Simulation Approach

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    Because future pension expense can have a material influence on a firm’s future earnings, financial analysts are faced with the difficult task of forecasting its impact.  The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate a model that can be used with a simulation approach to predict future pension expense and its associated uncertainties.  Because of the importance and complexity of the pension expense component in the estimate of future earnings, a simulation model acts as a powerful analytical tool that can give the analyst greater confidence as to the magnitude and variability of future pension expense

    Immunization with a synthetic consensus hepatitis C virus E2 glycoprotein ectodomain elicits virus-neutralizing antibodies

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    Global eradication of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection will require an efficacious vaccine capable of eliciting protective immunity against genetically diverse HCV strains. Natural spontaneous resolution of HCV infection is associated with production of broadly neutralizing antibodies targeting the HCV glycoproteins E1 and E2. As such, production of cross-neutralizing antibodies is an important endpoint for experimental vaccine trials. Varying success generating cross-neutralizing antibodies has been achieved with immunogens derived from naturally-occurring HCV strains. In this study the challenge of minimising the genetic diversity between the vaccine strain and circulating HCV isolates was addressed. Two novel synthetic E2 glycoprotein immunogens (NotC1 and NotC2) were derived from consensus nucleotide sequences deduced from samples of circulating genotype 1 HCV strains. These two synthetic sequences differed in their relative positions in the overall genotype 1a/1b phylogeny. Expression of these constructs in Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells resulted in high yields of correctly-folded, monomeric E2 protein, which were recognised by broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies. Immunization of guinea pigs with either of these consensus immunogens, or a comparable protein representing a circulating genotype 1a strain resulted in high titres of cross-reactive anti-E2 antibodies. All immunogens generated antibodies capable of neutralizing the H77 strain, but NotC1 elicited antibodies that more potently neutralized virus entry. These vaccine-induced antibodies neutralized some viruses representing genotype 1, but not strains representing genotype 2 or genotype 3. Thus, while this approach to vaccine design resulted in correctly folded, immunogenic protein, cross-neutralizing epitopes were not preferentially targeted by the host immune response generated by this immunogen. Greater immunofocussing by vaccines to common epitopes is necessary to successfully elicit broadly neutralizing antibodies

    Changing the conversation about prostate cancer among African Americans: results of formative research

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    Objectives: To understand obstacles to and opportunities for improving prostate cancer communication to and within African American communities. Design: Researchers conducted interviews with 19 community leaders and five focus groups with healthy men and survivors. The team also conducted process evaluations of two outreach projects in which survivors spoke to African American men about prostate cancer and screening. Results: Three levels of obstacles to prostate cancer screening and treatment were identified. Individual-level obstacles included limited knowledge about the condition, about prevention and treatment, and fear of cancer. Socio-cultural barriers included distrust of the medical system, lack of a provider for routine and preventive care, reluctance to talk about cancer, and aversion to aspects of screening. Institutional deficits included the scarcity of educational efforts targeting prostate cancer. Outreach project evaluations suggested that survivors can be effective in building prostate cancer knowledge, promoting positive attitudes toward screening, and fostering conversations about prostate cancer. Educational efforts included little information about screening risks and decision-making however. Conclusions: The findings suggest that most potent interventions may combine survivor-led education with mass media and institution-based outreach. Such comprehensive programs could shift social norms that inhibit conversation and foster fear, leading in turn to more informed decisions and better treatment outcomes