41 research outputs found

    Applied Studies of Raptor Sensory Ecology are Rare

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    Light and noise often act as pollutants, but can also be used as tools for managing wildlife (e.g., sensory deterrents). Given that raptors are among the most threatened groups of birds, we expected there to be a moderate amount of applied research on their sensory ecology. We searched Web of Science and Google Scholar to quantify and classify the research that has been conducted on the applied sensory ecology of raptors. Of 32 studies assessing the effects of sensory pollution on raptors, we found that 10 studies examined effects of light pollution and 24 studies examined effects of noise pollution. Most of the studies regarding sensory pollution were of owls (21 studies). The United States was the site of the most noise pollution studies (seven studies) whereas Spain and Poland (two studies each) were sites of the most studies of light pollution. We found only seven studies that directly collected data regarding sensory deterrents. With so few studies examining applied aspects of the sensory ecology of raptors, we argue that effects of sensory pollution are poorly understood and the efficacy of sensory deterrents is largely unknown. Light and noise pollution are spreading across much of the globe. Applied research on the sensory ecology of raptors must be made a priority if wildlife managers are to conserve this imperiled group of birds

    Assessing Patterns of Barn Owl \u3cem\u3eTyto alba\u3c/em\u3e Occupancy from Call Broadcast Surveys

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    Owing to habitat loss, changes in farming practices, urbanization, and high mortality through vehicle collisions, barn owls Tyto alba are a species of conservation concern in portions of their range. This species can be secretive and difficult to survey, particularly away from breeding sites, so factors related to barn owl occurrence often remain unknown. We conducted nighttime broadcast surveys for barn owls during the early- and post-breeding seasons and used an occupancy modeling framework to understand how factors related to landcover, landscape features, and human development related to occupancy in southern Idaho, USA. We also assessed the effectiveness of using broadcasts of conspecific vocalizations to improve owl detection. Barn owls were detected during 52 of 666 point counts and at 37 of 222 locations in the early-breeding season and 50 of 198 point counts and 31 of 66 locations in the post-breeding season. The probability of detecting barn owls was 0.32 ± 0.06 (SE) and 0.45 ± 0.07 (SE) during the early- and post-breeding seasons, respectively. Based on analysis within 1-km buffers surrounding point-count locations, occupancy in the early-breeding season increased with percentage of crop coverage and presence of trees and decreased with background noise. Post-breeding season occupancy increased with stream length and decreased with area of development and distance from the Snake River, a major geologic feature that likely provided roost sites in its canyon walls and riparian woodlands and a dispersal corridor for juveniles. Broadcast of barn owl vocalizations increased detection probability as much as nine times. Thus, incorporating call broadcast into future barn owl surveys should help investigators reduce false conclusions of absence. Ultimately, understanding factors influencing occupancy of barn owls will facilitate effective conservation, especially in light of population pressures related to factors such as roadway mortality and loss of nesting sites with increased urbanization

    Simulations Reveal the Power and Peril of Artificial Breeding Sites for Monitoring and Managing Animals

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    Despite common use, the efficacy of artificial breeding sites (e.g., nest boxes, bat houses, artificial burrows) as tools for monitoring and managing animals depends on the demography of target populations and availability of natural sites. Yet, the conditions enabling artificial breeding sites to be useful or informative have yet to be articulated. We use a stochastic simulation model to determine situations where artificial breeding sites are either useful or disadvantageous for monitoring and managing animals. Artificial breeding sites are a convenient tool for monitoring animals and therefore occupancy of artificial breeding sites is often used as an index of population levels. However, systematic changes in availability of sites that are not monitored might induce trends in occupancy of monitored sites, a situation rarely considered by monitoring programs. We therefore examine how systematic changes in unmonitored sites could bias inference from trends in the occupancy of monitored sites. Our model also allows us to examine effects on population levels if artificial breeding sites either increase or decrease population vital rates (survival and fecundity). We demonstrate that trends in occupancy of monitored sites are misleading if the number of unmonitored sites changes over time. Further, breeding site fidelity can cause an initial lag in occupancy of newly installed sites that could be misinterpreted as an increasing population, even when the population has been continuously declining. Importantly, provisioning of artificial breeding sites only benefits populations if breeding sites are limiting or if artificial sites increase vital rates. There are many situations where installation of artificial breeding sites, and their use in monitoring, can have unintended consequences. Managers should therefore not assume that provision of artificial breeding sites will necessarily benefit populations. Further, trends in occupancy of artificial breeding sites should be interpreted in light of potential changes in the availability of unmonitored sites and the potential of lags in occupancy owing to site fidelity

    Earlier Nesting by Generalist Predatory Bird is Associated with Human Responses to Climate Change

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    Warming temperatures cause temporal changes in growing seasons and prey abundance that drive earlier breeding by birds, especially dietary specialists within homogeneous habitat. Less is known about how generalists respond to climate-associated shifts in growing seasons or prey phenology, which may occur at different rates across land cover types. We studied whether breeding phenology of a generalist predator, the American kestrel (Falco sparverius), was associated with shifts in growing seasons and, presumably, prey abundance, in a mosaic of non-irrigated shrub/grasslands and irrigated crops/pastures. We examined the relationship between remotely-sensed normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and abundance of small mammals that, with insects, constitute approximately 93% of kestrel diet biomass. We used NDVI to estimate the start of the growing season (SoGS) in irrigated and non-irrigated lands from 1992 to 2015 and tested whether either estimate of annual SoGS predicted the timing of kestrel nesting. Finally, we examined relationships among irrigated SoGS, weather and crop planting. NDVI was a useful proxy for kestrel prey because it predicted small mammal abundance and past studies showed that NDVI predicts insect abundance. NDVI-estimated SoGS advanced significantly in irrigated lands (β = −1·09 ± 0·30 SE) but not in non-irrigated lands (β = −0·57 ± 0·53). Average date of kestrel nesting advanced 15 days in the past 24 years and was positively associated with the SoGS in irrigated lands, but not the SoGS in non-irrigated lands. Advanced SoGS in irrigated lands was related to earlier planting of crops after relatively warm winters, which were more common in recent years. Despite different patterns of SoGS change between land cover types, kestrel nesting phenology shifted with earlier prey availability in irrigated lands. Kestrels may preferentially track prey in irrigated lands over non-irrigated lands because of higher quality prey on irrigated lands, or earlier prey abundance may release former constraints on other selective pressures to breed early, such as seasonal declines in fecundity or competition for high-quality mates. This is one of the first examples of an association between human adaptation to climate change and shifts in breeding phenology of wildlife

    A Phantom Road Experiment Reveals Traffic Noise is an Invisible Source of Habitat Degradation

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    Decades of research demonstrate that roads impact wildlife and suggest traffic noise as a primary cause of population declines near roads. We created a “phantom road” using an array of speakers to apply traffic noise to a roadless landscape, directly testing the effect of noise alone on an entire songbird community during autumn migration. Thirty-one percent of the bird community avoided the phantom road. For individuals that stayed despite the noise, overall body condition decreased by a full SD and some species showed a change in ability to gain body condition when exposed to traffic noise during migratory stopover. We conducted complementary laboratory experiments that implicate foraging-vigilance behavior as one mechanism driving this pattern. Our results suggest that noise degrades habitat that is otherwise suitable, and that the presence of a species does not indicate the absence of an impact

    Can Increased Training and Awareness Take Forest Research to New Heights?

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    Forest canopies contribute significantly to global forest biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, yet are declining and understudied. One reason for a knowledge gap is that accessing forest canopies can be difficult and dangerous. Thus, lack of relevant canopy access skills may compromise knowledge gain and personal safety. We assessed skill levels in canopy access methods and self-perception of skills amongst ecologists worldwide via a web-based survey, available in four languages. We obtained responses from expert arborists as a control group. From 191 respondents who said canopy access is relevant to their research (of 1,070 total responses), we found that ecologists are not attaining the full potential provided by existing methods of canopy access. Specifically, most respondents are unable to access much of the forest canopy, especially areas away from the trunk and between trees. The survey further revealed the common use of unsafe and inefficient practices among ecologists and that few are adequately equipped with aerial rescue skills. Importantly, ecologists with the lowest skill levels overestimate their expertise the most. Proper field techniques are key components of good science: they can improve study design, increase potential for data collection, and ultimately reveal greater knowledge on canopy organisms and processes. By safely allowing greater access to the forest canopy, proper techniques can reduce bias in our scientific understanding of forest ecology. To facilitate safe and effective canopy access for ecological research, we recommend increasing instruction and collaboration, implementing certification programs, and conducting audits of canopy research programs. With increased access to such opportunities, ecologists will acquire improved skills in accessing forest canopies, develop a greater appreciation for the full breadth of possibilities among methods of canopy access, and more safely and effectively gather the data needed to better understand forest ecosystems

    Limited rigor in studies of raptor mortality and mitigation at wind power facilities

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    Wind power is an expanding source of renewable energy. However, there are ecological challenges related to wind energy generation, including collisions of wildlife with turbines. Lack of rigor, and variation in study design, together limit efforts to understand the broad-scale effects of wind power infrastructure on wildlife populations. It is not clear, however, whether these types of limitations apply to groups of birds such as raptors that are particularly vulnerable to negative effects of wind energy. We reviewed 672 peer-reviewed publications, unpublished reports, and citations from 321 wind facilities in 12 countries to evaluate methods used to monitor and mitigate for wind facility impacts on raptors. Most reports that included raptor monitoring (86 %, n = 461) only conducted post-construction monitoring for raptor fatalities, while few (12 %; n = 65) estimated preconstruction raptor use. Only 27 % of facilities (n = 62) provided estimates of fatalities or raptor use across multiple construction phases, and the percentage of facilities with data available from multiple construction periods has not changed over time. A formal experimental study design was incorporated into surveys at only 29 % of facilities. Finally, mitigation practices to reduce impacts on raptors were only reported at 23 % of facilities. Our results suggest that rigorous data collection on wind energy impacts to raptors is rare, and that mitigation of detrimental effects is seldom reported. Expanding the use of rigorous research approaches and increasing data availability would improve understanding of the regional and global effects of wind energy on raptor populations

    Nonrandom Territory Occupancy by Nesting Gyrfalcons (\u3ci\u3eFalco rusticolus\u3c/i\u3e)

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    We know little regarding how specific aspects of habitat influence spatial variation in site occupancy by Arctic wildlife, yet this information is fundamental to effective conservation. To address this information gap, we assessed occupancy of 84 Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus Linnaeus, 1758) breeding territories observed annually between 2004 and 2013 in western Alaska. In line with the theory of population regulation by site dependence, we asked whether Gyrfalcons exhibited a nonrandom pattern of site selection and if heterogeneous landscape attributes correlated with observed occupancy patterns. We characterized high- and low-occupancy breeding territories as those occupied more or less often than expected by chance, and we evaluated land cover at 1 and 15 km circles centered around nesting territories to identify habitat variables associated with observed occupancy patterns. We tested 15 competing models to rank hypotheses reflecting prey and habitat variables important to nesting Gyrfalcons. We confirmed a nonrandom pattern of site selection but found only weak evidence that the distribution of prey habitat was responsible for this pattern. We reason that preferential habitat use by nesting Gyrfalcons may be determined by spatial scales other than those we measured or may be driven by landscape-level attributes at time periods other than during the brood rearing period

    Commentary: Research Recommendations for Understanding the Decline of American Kestrels (\u3cem\u3eFalco sparverius\u3c/em\u3e) Across Much of North America

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    Across much of North America, populations of American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) have been in decline for decades (Farmer et al. 2008, Farmer and Smith 2009, Smallwood et al. 2009a, Paprocki et al. 2014, Sauer et al. 2014). Hypothesized causes of kestrel declines include predation by Cooper\u27s Hawks (Accipiter cooperii; Farmer et al. 2008), pathogens (e.g., Nemeth et al. 2006), habitat loss (Sullivan and Wood 2005, Farmer et al. 2008, Bolgiano et al. 2015), pesticides (Smallwood et al. 2009a, Rattner et al. 2015), and climate change (Steenhof and Peterson 2009b), yet no hypothesized factor has been supported empirically (Farmer et al. 2006, Smallwood et al. 2009a). Despite the effort spent evaluating threats, the lack of a “smoking-gun” to explain the decline of this charismatic species has led many professional and citizen scientists to call for action on several unlikely, and unsupported, threats. Here, we evaluate and build on hypothesized causes of declines considered by other authors (e.g., Sullivan and Wood 2005, Farmer et al. 2008, Smallwood et al. 2009a) to synthesize conclusions and articulate research needs

    Raptor research during the COVID-19 pandemic provides invaluable opportunities for conservation biology

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    Authors acknowledge financial support from: the Dean Amadon Grant of the Raptor Research Foundation (to PS); the Raptor Research and Conservation Foundation, Mumbai, and the University of Oxford's Global Challenges Research Fund through the Ind-Ox initiative (KCD00141-AT13.01) (both to NK), and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (GBMF9881) and the National Geographic Society (NGS-82515R-20) (both to CR).Research is underway around the world to examine how a wide range of animal species have responded to reduced levels of human activity during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this perspective article, we argue that raptors are particularly well-suited for investigating potential ‘anthropause’ effects, and that the resulting insights will provide much-needed impetus for global conservation efforts. Lockdowns likely alter many of the extrinsic factors that normally limit raptor populations. These environmental changes are in turn expected to influence – mediated by behavioral and physiological responses – the intrinsic (demographic) factors that ultimately determine raptor population levels and distributions. Using this framework, we identify a range of research opportunities and conservation challenges that have arisen during the pandemic. The COVID-19 anthropause allows raptor researchers to address fundamental and applied research objectives in a large-scale, quasi-experimental, well-replicated manner. Importantly, it will be possible to separate the effects of human disturbance and anthropogenic landscape modifications. We explain how high-quality datasets, accumulated for a diverse range of raptor species before, during, and after COVID-19 lockdowns, can be leveraged for powerful comparative analyses that attempt to identify drivers of particular response types. To facilitate and coordinate global collaboration, we are hereby launching the ‘Global Anthropause Raptor Research Network’ (GARRN). We invite the international raptor research community to join this inclusive and diverse group, to tackle ambitious analyses across geographic regions, ecosystems, species, and gradients of lockdown perturbation. Under the most tragic of circumstances, the COVID-19 anthropause has afforded an invaluable opportunity to significantly boost global raptor conservation.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe